快好知 kuaihz

121. We fear the unknowns , so we reduce to terms that are most familiar to us, whether that's a folk tale, a disease, or... a conspiracy. 122. The security analysis shows it can prevent plaintext attack, conspiracy attack and forging attack. 123. Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy. 124. Now, from the left, comes a ragtag assortment of college kids, labor unionists, conspiracy theorists and others who've taken to the streets in protests dubbed "Occupy Wall Street. 125. The granddaddy of all space conspiracy theories has to be that the moon landings were faked on a soundstage. 126. The conspiracy was detected and Murena executed (23), though Maecenas had earlier revealed the plot's discovery to Terentia, thus giving his kinsman a chance to escape. 127. Most accidents can be explained by cock-up rather than conspiracy theory. 128. Talk in continental Europe of an “Anglo-Saxon” conspiracy of greedy speculators is also dishonest. 129. Seduction continues to appear to all orthodoxies as malefice and artifice, a black magic for the deviation of all truths, an exaltation of the malicious use of signs, a conspiracy of signs. 130. The name of this object is GTS-825 (Government Telephone Station), but this is a conspiracy title. 131. In The Power of Unreason, a Demos report released last Sunday, we looked at the role of conspiracy theories in extremist groups, violent ideologies and radical doctrine. 132. President Hu Jintao recently asserted that "hostile foreign forces have not abandoned their conspiracy and tactics to Westernize China and to divide the country." 133. Bewildering indeed. Conspiracy theories have emerged faster than mushrooms in a damp Exmoor field. Some claim the shooting was a fiction, dreamed up to discourage trophy-hunters. 134. "So I was definitely part of the conspiracy that is Geronimo," he joked. 135. In the East the council is succeeded by a conspiracy of silence ; the Orientals will not use the word. 136. So far the showdown with the unions has been prompted cock-up than conspiracy. 137. But rather than ascribing it to any sort of malicious intent he said it's likely a "cockup rather than a conspiracy." 138. Sarah Palin represents a strand in Republican thinking that sees the party's mission as perpetual insurgency against an un-American conspiracy run by a cosmopolitan Washington elite. 139. To provide you with a reasonable profit, and the great cause of your conspiracy, Tongchuang brilliant. 140. Accused of leading the conspiracy to murder Nasrudin over the affections of a young golf caddie, the high-flying KPK chairman is facing a very long time in jail. 141. Artist da Vinci has proved an endless talking point for conspiracy theorists looking for hidden meanings in his works. 142. A wink and a one-liner instantly changed the dinner from a red-faced embarrassment to a conspiracy of fun. 143. In Roman Polanski’s The Ghost Writer, the traditional political wife is rewritten as a cold-blooded killer at the heart of an evil conspiracy. 144. Ms. Khan pleaded guilty to securities fraud, conspiracy and obstruction of justice, and is awaiting sentencing. 145. There was a conspiracy between England, France, and Russia to slap down Germany. 146. Author and conspiracy theorist Richard Hoagland went a step further and said that it didn't just look like a face, it was definitely a face. 147. The United States and Britain appear to be in a conspiracy of silence about the atomic bomb tests. 148. Even Horace Mann, the best known of the education reformers in the 1840s, lamented the slow progress of his efforts, labeling his opponents as "an extensive conspiracy" of "political madmen." 149. This emphasis on "teamwork"is bunkum-a conspiracy of the mediocre majority. 150. lj: A conspiracy of U.S government, China is the biggest owner of American national debt, U.S devalue its money, so they could pay back less, a three year old child can see it through.