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61. Certainly there is a variety of ways in which the central idea of conspiracy is expressed. 62. He accused Kremlin hawks of a conspiracy to keep the war going to bolster their own power and thwart his ambitions. 63. Another 40 people are facing charges of riot and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm. 64. Meisel identifies three functional characteristics which-Mosca's elite has to have - group consciousness. coherence and conspiracy. 65. Conspiracy buffs are having a field day speculating about White House motives. 66. Then, there is the conspiracy of silence which is part of the legacy of Northern Ireland. 67. Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm. 68. Swanson knows his conspiracy theories, and his portrait of Dallas, mainly rancid, saves you the trip. 69. The overall effect is precisely the same as if there were an organised conspiracy of silence among churchmen. 70. The two charges of conspiracy and obtaining pecuniary advantage against Turpin had been dropped. 71. Being something of a conspiracy buff, I believe this deal has been in the offing for quite some time. 72. The charges included racketeering, conspiracy, bank fraud, securities fraud, misapplication of funds and interstate transportation of stolen property. 73. Pate pleaded guilty to drug conspiracy charges in September and was sentenced to 18 months in prison. 74. The whole thing sometimes appears such an enigma that there might almost have been a conspiracy of silence. 75. The convictions included murder, conspiracy to murder, racketeering and conspiracy to distribute drugs in prison. 76. The Jericho Conspiracy combines high quality drama with a lower-intermediate language syllabus aimed to help lift students over the intermediate plateau. 77. Conspiracy theorists might guess that Brown has Polaroids of Wilson in a compromising position. 78. The conspiracy against Castro was led by several top military men. 79. But even elsewhere, 1995 was a banner year for conspiracy theories. 80. We hope to bury any speculation that there was a conspiracy. 81. All three were charged with conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to commit forgery, and false accounting. 82. Police have arrested six people for their involvement in a conspiracy to distribute heroin and cocaine. 84. He was entranced by his own thoughts, and dazzled by the elegant simplicity of his conspiracy theories. 85. Like all good conspiracy theories, the polio vaccine theory's originators are its worst enemies. 86. There has been a conspiracy of silence about violations of regulations. 87. There was a conspiracy to defraud the company of millions of dollars. 88. When you're young, you look at television and think, there's a conspiracy. The networks have conspired to dumb us down. But when you get a little older, you realize that's not true. The networks are in business to give people exactly what they want.Steve Jobs 89. There is a conspiracy of silence about what is happening, says Christina Hardyment That's entertainment. 90. The conspiracy of silence about teenage sexuality had many results.