快好知 kuaihz

91 I filed the letters away in a drawer. 92 She shoved the letter in a drawer. 93 She took the gun from the drawer. 94 A lock was screwed on the drawer. 95 Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater. 96 The thieves abstracted the jewellery from my drawer. 97 He bundled everything into a drawer. 98 I tucked the box away in the linen drawer. 99 If it's not on the table then it will be in the drawer. 100 He picked each lock deftly, and rifled the papers within each drawer. 101 I think I put the keys back in the drawer, but I couldn't swear to it . 102 I found some old photos at the back of the drawer. 103 Kate's grandmother has given her a quilt for her bottom drawer. 104 There's an extra duvet in the bottom drawer of the cupboard. 105 She reached into the drawer and found the key to the safe. 106 Ben tipped the contents of the drawer onto the table. 107 This drawer is jammed. 108 He worked a knife blade into the drawer and it sprang open. 109 She pulled the drawer out and examined the underneath carefully. 110 Have a rummage around in the drawer and see if you can find a pen. 111 I think someone's been having a snoop around my office - I didn't leave that drawer open. 112 He raked about in the drawer looking for his passport. 113 She burrowed through the clothes in the drawer looking for a clean pair of socks. 114 His little son hid his dirty socks in the drawer. 115 She bundled her clothes into the drawer without folding them. 116 She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks. 117 She opened the drawer and ferreted around for her keys. 118 In the drawer was a selection of kitchen utensils - spoons, spatulas, knives and whisks. 119 He finally rummaged out her reply in the middle drawer of his desk. 120 Annie whipped off her apron and put it into the drawer.