快好知 kuaihz

181 Sometimes the files are in order in the drawer, sometimes not. 182 There was a silver cigarette lighter in the desk drawer, he remembered, rarely used now that he'd almost given up. 183 I watched her bend to pull a file from her drawer. 184 I think she smiled thinly, said little, and later put the brush in a drawer. 185 When the door closed, Penelope reached for a cigarette in her drawer. 186 The dress was put in a drawer, unfinished but not forgotten about. 187 He kept a gun in his desk drawer at the office and one night I took it out and shot him. 188 Harry propped himself up on one elbow and pulled open the top drawer of the bedside cabinet. 189 Single drainer stainless steel sink unit with drawer and cupboard under. Wall cupboards..com 190 Molly had stood beside him and had pointed out one particularly small drawer close by the door. 191 To waste them cleaning out a drawer of plastic carrier bags instead of scrambling up lofty pinnacles is something you may regret. 192 I folded the paper back into its original creases and put it into the drawer. 193 He slammed the milk bottle down on top of the bedside cabinet, pulling the drawer open. 194 I tell you what, while you're on your feet, get me the cutlery drawer out and the metal polish. 195 Finally, hidden under a guide to hotel services in the desk drawer, we found a loose-leaf binder with instructions. 196 She bustled to the dresser and tucked - I saw it - a small package deep inside the drawer. 197 Swensson tossed them into a drawer, where they sat as the deadline to respond came and went. 198 He opened the desk drawer and took out a page at random. 199 She took a pair of pants from Annie's drawer and hurried downstairs. 200 There is a drawer with a special, expensive, brass drawer pull he has purchased from a hardware store for decoration. 201 I sat in my bedroom and slipped the scrapbook out of the bottom drawer. 202 From the hardware drawer in the kitchen I equipped myself with a hammer, a chisel, and a mean-looking screwdriver. 203 After lunch, Emma went head first into the deep bottom drawer, looking for something. 204 There was a locked drawer in the desk in the den, so it was the one I opened first. 205 I continued my search, working with delicacy, leaving the contents of each drawer undisturbed. 206 He has been known to take dead batteries out of a camera and throw them in a drawer instead of the trash. 207 He had already reached into a drawer and pulled out two index cards. 208 Each door and drawer is individually finished by craftsmen to bring out the full beauty of the grain. 209 Or at a pinch he might be able to squeeze himself into the desk drawer and hide. 210 Single drainer stainless steel sink unit with drawer and cupboard under.