快好知 kuaihz

211 He took a brochure from the drawer at Pumfrey's right hand, and inspected it. 212 Climbing off his mattress Gimmelmann went to the top drawer of his dresser and took out a file. 213 She reinserted the bird in its tube and laid it carefully in the drawer. 214 The top right-hand drawer of the desk contained the traditional little tin box and a pistol. 215 I dumped a drawer or two, knocked over a lamp, and hurried downstairs. 216 He glanced up as she came in and swept everything back into the drawer. 217 The box, itself, is a treasure because it has a hinged lid and a very small drawer. 218 It is somewhere in the kitchen drawer with the 60-watt bulbs. 219 Windeler took the sheet from him and slipped it into a drawer in the desk. 220 Put a copy in your locked desk drawer and another in the secret compartment of your briefcase. 222 He stared into the drawer for a moment, trying to focus his thoughts. 223 He wedged the knife upright in the cutlery drawer while jamming it shut with one knee. 224 A few computer magazines, some cash I pinched from Quigley's drawer and my Abbey National card. 225 The baby slept in the bottom drawer of the dresser: the kitten had a feather cushion. 226 Dann looked at Maxim's glass, then took a bottle of gin from a desk drawer and refilled his own. 227 Spare beds in my office and beer mats in your cash drawer? 228 Taking his magnifying glass from a desk drawer, he fell upon the plans and scrutinized each one intently without speaking. 229 The other women hadn't pulled something out of a bottom drawer to come to the classes. 230 Johnnie found the tacks in the bottom drawer and, whirling on her heels, marched out of the kitchen. 231 In the drawer beneath the gas-ring - a few grey pieces of cutlery, a corkscrew and a lot of corks. 232 I heard Ted in the bedroom, a drawer opening and closing. 233 She had produced a cake from her bottomless bottom drawer, and two gallon jugs of tea with Styrofoam cups.