快好知 kuaihz

31 He jumbled up everything in the drawer to find his key. 32 Don't fling your clothes into the drawer, put them in neatly. 33 We searched all morning for the missing papers and finally discovered them in a drawer. 34 He kept a little hoard of chocolates in his top drawer. 35 I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time. 36 Ruth was looking for an envelope in a drawer when she was sidetracked by some old letters. 37 I was just ferreting around in my drawer for my passport. 38 He handed out a cheque for £500 from the drawer and gave it to me. 39 He removed the picture and put it in the drawer. 40 He's got a whole drawer full of odd socks. 41 The paper is in my desk drawer. 42 He pushed the drawer shut with a bang. 43 She came across some old photographs in a drawer. 44 My pen turned up in a drawer. 45 She pulled out the drawer. 46 The drawer had been emptied of its contents. 47 You can put your pyjamas in the bottom drawer. 48 He stowed his passport away safely in a drawer. 49 What are you burrowing around in my drawer for? 50 Fetch me the tape from my drawer. 51 Shine your torch into the drawer. 52 The towels are in the bottom drawer . 53 He opened a drawer in his writing-table. 54 The scissors are in the kitchen drawer . 55 He opened the drawer of the desk. 56 The drawer won't pull out. 57 You'll find some in the drawer. 58 He put the letters in the drawer. 59 You could smash the drawer up with a hammer. 60 She hid the documents away in a drawer.