endorse造句31, Voinovich set the stage by being the first governor to endorse Dole nearly one year ago.
32, The tenor of the above letter seems to endorse rather than diminish that inference - Ed.
33, In his key-note National Day address to parliament in August Suharto appeared to endorse moves towards greater openness and democracy.
34, This says that a member can defend itself, but in no sense does it endorse a prolonged campaign of counter-attack.
35, Will he for the first time publicly endorse those negotiations and wish them well?
36, Huntley refused to endorse any candidate who did not share his views on gun control.
37, George W.. Bush, asking him to endorse the majority leader.
38, Dole is expected to endorse a proposition that is expected to be on the ballot next fall to eliminate affirmative action.
39, I would also endorse heartily our bikes, which provided the icing on the cake.
40, It was agreed at the last meeting of the Parish Council to endorse this request.
41, To endorse this he was writing to a young Quaker girl in Norwich with the intention of marriage.
42, It was the first judicial election in a decade in which political parties could endorse candidates.
43, In conclusion, I fully endorse your desire to avoid confrontational behaviour surrounding international rugby.
44, Legislatures in at least 38 states would have to endorse the proposal before it could take effect.
45, I did not threaten to resign but I did make it clear that I would not endorse changes I could not justify.
46, While he came closer to a compromise Sunday than in the past, he still refused to formally endorse Dole.
47, I fully endorse Kasparov's assessment of the overall quality from New York and Lyons.
48, Travel industry sources endorse the success of Disney's cumulative marketing approach.
49, In the end, the conference voted overwhelmingly to endorse the amendment.
50, The county Planning Commission voted 4-1 last week to endorse it.
51, Lamar Alexander, who dropped out of the presidential race Wednesday, to endorse him in Nashville on Friday.
52, Anyone who has had access to classified work produced by the scientific civil service is likely to endorse this view.
53, Those on the right endorse the first half of the argument but not the second, at least for public consumption.
54, The research findings endorse the view that non-family households in general and women in particular are important agents of gentrification.
55, I invite the hon. Gentleman to consider that and to endorse the Bill.
56, We have a host of very satisfied customers who would gladly endorse this.
57, The convention could endorse the Republican or Democratic presidential nominee or come up with its own.
58, Needless to say I have not been asked to endorse anything.
59, Many observers expect Hutchison to endorse Dole because of her working relationship with the Senate majority leader.
60, Symington is one of two governors to endorse Gramm; the other is Texas Gov.