dose造句91. In the end she settled on a stiff dose of Courvoisier brandy poured straight into Lucy's mug.
92. He had one dose of diphtheria vaccine during military service in 1970.
93. A dose response to oestrogens has been shown with increasing doses having greater effects on bone density.
94. In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
95. One tablet or ten tablets taken as one dose still only gives one dose of the potency, does it not?
96. The standard dose of alcohol is thus roughly 142 times larger than the standard dose of caffeine.
97. The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given.
98. This leads on to a dramatic low and a severe craving for another dose of the stuff.
99. The thought of another dose of clap flashed across his mind.
100. This time I had to take a double dose to return to my old shape.
101. Many brands of aspirin and aspirin substitutes include a significant dose of caffeine.
102. Solving the infective dose paradox might lead to new strategies for elimination of this preventable pneumonia.
103. Transit times were determined using a multiple dose marker technique.
104. Metered dose inhalers have a well established role in the management of bronchial asthma.
105. The drug was given at the recommended dose via a correctly positioned endotracheal tube.
106. The authors claim that single dose treatment has not yet been proved adequate in this context.
107. He was given Lach. 0/1 with marked improvement after four doses, one dose daily.
108. The Cosbys are getting a dose of what families of homicide and fatal accident victims get routinely.
109. The other indication for insulin is of course when glycaemic control is poor on a maximal dose of a sulphonylurea.
110. Effective analgesia should be administered; the pain is often severe enough to require high dose of morphine or pethidine.
111. I can't help feeling, therefore, that your critical position relies on a heavy dose of bad faith.
112. Madeleine said she didn't mind, but you could see his lordship was going down like a dose of castor oil.
113. In all instances the toxicity was easily reversed by reducing the cyclosporin dose.
114. Significant cyclosporin toxicity during prolonged treatment is minimal and does not appear to be a limiting factor at this dose of cyclosporin.
115. It will make the Black Death look like a mild dose of flu.
116. She was given a dose of Hyper. 30 from her first-aid kit and sent to the neurologist.
117. Our study allowed us to estimate dose equivalence from the dose response findings with salbutamol and salmeterol.
118. The percentage improvement in spinal bone mineral density is similar to that reported in normal women receiving this dose of oestrogen.
119. Cloud One has introduced a new concept in unit dose packaging.
120. Even students who choose to pursue technical specialties, through apprenticeships or other avenues, should receive a solid dose of academics.