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271. Our rent, in pounds sterling, was to be sent monthly to Mrs Puri's bank account in deepest Ludhiana. 272. These sites currently have over 600,000 unique users driving over 14 million monthly page impressions and generating annualised revenues of £1.6million. 273. Which was the most discussed book of the year according to some magazine, monthly magazine. 274. October alone has seen more than an inch over the monthly average ... and it's not half way through the month yet. 275. The largest contribution to monthly price increases came from motoring costs, including petrol prices. 276. Settlement is made monthly by direct debit from the business current account. 277. The monthly meetings include discussions of Club business, talks by guest speakers and vendor presentations. 278. The latest monthly decline comes despite a new government-sponsored incentive program introduced in October to boost car sales. 279. It also will monitor how well specific companies deal with minorities and publish monthly reports. 280. With an average life expectancy, that same beneficiary will collect a monthly check for five years beyond that. 281. The part-time worker has the right to a monthly salary proportionally equivalent to that of a corresponding full-time employee. 281.try its best to collect and create good sentences. 282. Fidelity is expected to release its monthly mutual fund guide tomorrow. 283. I get paid monthly. 284. However, monthly inflation, which had reached 123 percent in February, was down to 5 percent by May-June. 285. Your monthly repayments will be deducted from the total amount that you owe. 286. The US has carried out at least 25 drone strikes so farthis month in Pakistan's tribal areas - the highest monthly total for the pastsix years, US media reported. 287. Supervise the monthly stock-take of food and beverage inventories and the bi-annual stock-take of operating equipment.