快好知 kuaihz

151. It paid me a monthly allowance, which was never enough. 152. A burning, thick discharge like cream, especially if it occurs at the time of the monthly period. 153. Nigel Cope Monthly summer holiday bookings compared with bookings for same month last year. 154. Xi is in solitary confinement, allowed only monthly visits with his father. 155. A new monthly magazine Wessex Architect was launched and used to promote a wide range of events. 156. In December 1988 the monthly real interest rate was 0.8%; by the following December it had risen to 4.3%. 157. His monthly department head meetings are being held outside the main administration center. 158. The biggest monthly job gain during the year for Virginia was 29, 000 in April. 159. In both cases the customer is sent quarterly statements plus a monthly bulletin of market analysis and research. 160. First of all, detail all your expenses - on a monthly basis - in the left hand column. 161. He writes a monthly column for Wired and was an original investor. 162. When Quaker tea merchant Joseph Fry went bankrupt in 1828 his monthly meeting disowned him. 163. A loan of £30,000 would add more than 7 percent to a monthly £298.22. 164. The average monthly bill per customer is declining as the industry woos newcomers who want a cellular phone mainly for emergencies. 165. He barely makes enough money to pay his monthly rent. 166. Newsletters from the police will be issued at three monthly intervals. 167. One can actually program a computer to pay certain monthly bills automatically on a specified day. 168. Nor has he been sharing with all board members the monthly reports he receives outlining the major budget problems Pima County faces. 169. The second is a desire to stop giving monthly checks to alcoholics and addicts. 170. From No. v on it was an enormous success, and inaugurated monthly shilling numbers as a method of publishing new fiction. 171. The information system is updated by a monthly pack which is sent to all bureaux. 172. Monthly payments will then be made for maintaining the lands in a way that preserves their wildlife and scenic beauty. 173. There is a monthly fee of £1.50 to cover the administration of your Home Management Account. 174. The list was given wider circulation by the monthly art newspaper Kunstavisen in its January/February 1992 number. 175. Committee members were elected annually and meetings were held monthly. 176. She was, like, putting out this monthly zine called Dorothy or something, in which her life was chronicled. 177. That compares with a 1. 9 percent rise in November, the biggest monthly rise since July. 178. The disc also contains a monthly magazine of field and classroom ideas. 179. Accounts that pay monthly interest may offer lower rates than those where the interest is paid annually. 180. For an average earner, that will be 16 years of collecting a monthly check worth about $ 4, 247.