快好知 kuaihz

211. The monthly publication of the unemployment figures provides a depressing barometer of the dole queue. 212. From some angles, it looks to be a pension plan offering monthly retirement benefits commensurate with contributions. 213. It also spent too much on monthly advertising and hired too many workers at high salaries, analysts said. 214. For a time the results were communicated to field staff at their regular monthly meetings. 215. Cuttings that should come to everybody's attention quickly can be pinned to the library noticeboard or contained in a monthly newsletter. 216. Reagan was an avid reader of the conservative monthly Kuman Events, and frequently quoted from it at length. 217. I issue a monthly list, with the main emphasis on Roman coins. 218. Here's what it costs Included in the 12 monthly instalments is a small credit charge. 219. If you are to attend the monthly progress review meeting, think carefully about the end-result you wish to achieve by attending. 220. Because of all the rubber stuff, Malcolm had magazines like Rubber Monthly knocking around. 221. After discharge, patients should attend weekly outpatient appointments, moving to fortnightly or monthly attendances as appropriate. 222. The grant will be distributed over 3 monthly payments to ensure maximum accountability. 223. Alan Travis adds: Official asylum figures for February fell to 5,520, the lowest monthly total for nearly two years. 224. For more bullish clients he might suggest a maximum of 25 p.c. of the monthly saving could go into a Pep. 225. Not everyone can afford a computer system at home plus the monthly fees. 226. Choice of monthly premiums from your Bank current account or some types of Building Society account. 227. In 1993, a monthly average of 5 million families received Aid to Families with Dependent Children. 228. Other trends noted by the report: The average California county collects only $ 78 monthly for each child support order. 229. If you think that monthly interest would be a useful supplement to your income, follow our guide. 230. Club activities centre on monthly meetings, an information service and the production of application demonstrators. 231. Once your overdraft is arranged, the monthly usage fee will be £3 if you overdraw by more than £50. 232. Cannon had been a regular contributor to the monthly Ohio Magazine. 233. The court's monthly stop-offs are a reminder that judicial decisions must be obeyed. 234. And they gave monthly and quarterly awards to the best drivers. 235. To make these figures seem less alarming, banks prefer to quote rates on a monthly basis. 236. In its monthly reports, for instance, it has dropped its insistence that the threat of deflation has receded. 237. Now, cast your eyes leftward along the monthly bond index to note that the bond market bottomed in November 1994. 238. U.S. corporations sold nearly $6.2 billion in new stock in May -- the highest monthly volume in history. 239. It nearly doubled his monthly wage, from $ 3. 75 to $ 6. 50. 240. The changes would have raised basic monthly charges 21 percent and the cost of local calls by an average 19 percent.