快好知 kuaihz

181. You will be paid monthly in arrears at the rate of perannum. 4. 182. There seemed to be fluctuations and cycles, from one of about twenty seconds to one corresponding to the monthly lunar cycle. 183. For example, individuals can verify the validity of transactions using their monthly checking account and credit card statements. 184. Monthly contributions include a handling charge of 30p per month. 185. In either case, however, the business has the use of the asset and incurs a monthly payment obligation. 186. We have a monthly cooling tower water treatment with your company, the service consultant is John Norris. 187. For internal management control purposes a annual budget will normally be broken down into discrete quarterly, monthly or even shorter periods. 188. The totals are more than twice as much as the monthly averages. 189. He asks us to give returns on the monthly basis. 190. The optional BillLimit feature enables customers to budget by setting a monthly limit. 191. But he wants to track its ups and downs on a monthly basis. 192. Government officials now compile and release statistics quarterly, not monthly. 193. If you take good care of your nails, a monthly manicure would be sufficient. 194. A monthly bulletin is prepared and circulated to each section. 195. Most plans include a monthly fee and a certain number of free minutes per month. 196. Although this lasted only for three monthly issues, it was an early indication of Knowles's journalistic instincts. 197. Monthly sunshine figures often show a close correlation with rainfall and this held true for January 1993. 198. This is the first time we've had a regular monthly feature in the magazine just for Silver electronics. 199. The monthly charge is $ 40 for current cable subscribers and $ 60 for nonsubscribers. 200. A monthly capitation fee is paid to profit making companies. 201. By comparison, an Equitable Life 10-year endowment policy, with monthly premiums of £30, would have produced about £8,399. 202. She knew the long list of silver almost by heart and counted it monthly that nothing might go astray. 203. Monthly inflation for December was 0.5 percent, giving an annualized rate of 27.3 percent, the highest figure for 10 years. 204. Republicans estimate this change would send monthly bills up by about $ 10 by 2002. 205. It publishes a monthly bulletin featuring all the latest small business opportunities. 206. His monthly US salary is equivalent to a year's pay here in Mexico. 207. The whole family survives on the mother's monthly income of less than £500. 208. The group organises monthly social and sporting activities, including cycle sessions, and has bought nine tandems through sponsorship and fundraising. 209. Several companies are now offering Internet access without charging monthly fees. 210. In exchange for looking after the children, Annie has all her meals paid for and receives a small monthly allowance.