快好知 kuaihz

31. These four ways are equally likely to happen so the expected ratio of black-eyed and pearl-eyed beetles is 3 to 1. 32. They may simply go ahead and expand credit, and accept a lower liquidity ratio. 33. Any bank which loses deposits loses balances in equal measure and so its ratio deteriorates. 34. It is not always easy to identify the ratio decidendi of a given case. 35. Therefore the platelet-aggregate ratio would be low in the presence of circulating platelet aggregates. 36. As for prices, one of the best guides to the relative cheapness of housing is the ratio of house prices to incomes. 37. The labelling index was calculated as the ratio of Ki-67 positive to negative cells per crypt. 38. Thus differences in 18 O/ 16 O ratio may be expected between water and calcite precipitating from it. 39. Higher ratio power steering gives tighter turns, but the tendency to slight wanderings on the straight is still there. 40. This had no effect on the rate ratio estimates but the width of the confidence intervals was increased by about 50%. 41. This changed the ratio of qualified to unqualified staff from 61:23 to 58:28. 42. This measures the ratio of the fair price of the share to the book price taken from the balance sheet. 43. These men also had the highest standardised mortality ratio for all causes of death. 44. The overall death rate from cardiovascular disease was close to the national average, the standardised mortality ratio being 94. 45. Let R be the ratio of price to marginal revenue for good i as perceived by firms in some country. 46. This is obviously a gross distortion of the 50 percent ratio that we expect. 47. The ratio between the integrated peak areas for each subunit was determined and corrected for the molecular mass of each subunit. 48. The important result is that in an uncertain world companies like to maintain a stable payout ratio over the long run. 49. The management have confidence in future earnings growth and the maintenance of the target payout ratio. 2. 50. A formula of an ion shows the ratio of atoms of each element present in the ion. 51. So beta merely uses the correlation coefficient to weight the ratio of the risks of the security and the market. 52. Observations with apparatuses of relatively small aspect ratio have led to interesting comparisons with theories to be discussed in Chapter 24. 53. The success of such strategies is therefore usually expressed in terms of the ratio between public and private investment. 54. The significant difference is that our interpretation of the capital-output ratio includes variable capital, not merely fixed capital stock. 55. This is being done for a number of key mathematical topics such as decimals, ratio, negative numbers and elementary algebra. 56. The purpose and persistency of the aberree was hindered in ratio to the amount of emotional charge within his engram bank. 57. These summary measures are earnings per share, the price-earnings ratio and the dividend yield. 58. The ratio of fast twitch to slow twitch fibres varies between individuals and is determined by heredity. 59. Table 8-8 shows the ratio of personal debt to disposable personal income. 60. The sales to total assets ratio in particular is often used to compare the structure and capital requirements of different industries.