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61. Given this measure, dividends per share are determined by where is the target dividend payout ratio. 62. If you halved the ratio of population per physician, you reduced the number of infant deaths by 2. 5 percent. 63. The Diet Center monitors your body composition and works on improving your ratio of lean body mass to fat. 65. The prudent ratio depends very much on how banks see their requirements for liquidity changing in the near future. 66. Sharpe calculated a benchmark ratio using the Dow Jones Industrial Average as a proxy for the market portfolio. 67. Suppose the foreign country has a higher capital / labor ratio. 68. The new company will actually have a lower debt-to-equity ratio than Enron, Barone said. 69. Thus the perinatal mortality ratio is the sum of the late fetal death ratio and the under-7-day mortality rate. 70. The arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio is a useful prognostic indicator. 71. When these are included with the trainees the ratio becomes 1 consultant to 1.08 assistants. 72. It was claimed that this gives an improved warmth to weight ratio of around 25 percent and decreased bulk. 73. The ratio decidendi of Donoghue v. Stevenson is open to two interpretations. 74. The ratio is 8-1 for canoeing in inland waters and 6-1 for canoeing on rivers. 75. The water companies' average prospective price earnings ratio is around five. 76. He determined that the most explosive mixture of the purified methane and air was in the ratio of 1:8. 77. Banks, being prepared to operate with a lower liquidity ratio, were only too pleased to supply the credit being demanded. 78. With a 10 percent liquid assets ratio what will be the new balance sheet figures? 7. 79. The company also plans to improve its debt to capital ratio further, to 0.5. 80. In these conditions serum pepsinogen C provides additional diagnostic information, especially when expressed as pepsinogen A:C ratio. 81. The gradient in the vertical size ratio is referred to as differential vertical perspective. 82. Births exceeded deaths by a ratio of 3 to 1. 83. Ash and biodegradable waste must be added regularly to achieve the right carbon nitrogen ratio. 84. Despite the 12:1 contrast ratio claimed for the screen, my initial impression was that it was poor. 85. The butt part has a higher ratio of lean to bone than the shank part and is often priced higher. 86. Banks choosing to operate with a lower liquidity ratio could be prevented by the authorities imposing statutory reserve requirements on banks. 87. The addition of indomethacin resulted in a significant decrease in the radioactivity ratio between ulcerated and intact mucosa. 88. This is illustrated in Figure 4. 2 which shows the hydrogen-to-carbon atom ratio of various hydrocarbon. 89. When they are combined, these enhancements are expected to increase the SuperSparc-II's floating point to a integer ratio. 90. Another clue is the tendency of chemicals to react together in combinations of exact numerical ratio.