快好知 kuaihz

181. Preferred stock is often convertible into common stock at a specified exchange rate, or conversion ratio, of common for preferred. 182. I shall discuss the implications of the dependency ratio for the construction of family obligations in more detail in chapter 3. 183. This is an extraordinary ratio, and there has never been a satisfactory explanation for it. 184. He missed the high staff: patient ratio that he had enjoyed in the ICU. 185. There were plenty more to fill your tank to the one inch to two gallons stocking ratio recommended. 186. Does this impose a burden in terms of the capital-labour ratio being lower? 187. We found no difference in the values of odds ratio or association. 188. Since the amount of information to be conveyed remains much the same this means that the signal-to-noise ratio will be worse. 189. Combining smoking and non-smoking men taking atenolol gave a risk ratio of 1.01. 190. They have none of them anything to do with attempts to specify a ratio for monetary base type control purposes. 191. Such a tree is called a binary tree, and of course its branching ratio is 2. 192. It is possible to detect individual pulses from this millisecond pulsar with high signal-to-noise ratio in unbroken trains. 193. In other words, the banks operate a 10 percent liquidity ratio. 194. The ratio of an institution's liquid assets to illiquid assets is known as its liquidity ratio. 195. Comparisons between ions are then expressed as a radius ratio, the ratio of the cation radius to the anion radius. 196. In contrast, this ratio does not seem to have played much of a direct role in explaining rising aggregate labour supply. 197. It is extremely light and has a sensible gear ratio of 4:1. 198. The problem is even more severe with the natural world, where the ratio of observable high drama is much lower. 199. This means that the ratio of atoms or ions in the compound is a simple whole number ratio. 200. The crucial difference with the likelihood ratio test is that the models that provide the's and's can be highly non-linear. 201. That is, high productivity can lead to a misleadingly high ratio. 202. Waist-hip ratio, age and body mass index were separately related to probability of conception per cycle. 203. A total labelling index was calculated as the ratio of labelled cell to total cell numbers for each column. 204. Heritability is defined as the proportion due to genes; it is the ratio of genetic variation to the total variation. 205. This accords with our finding that median arterial-alveolar oxygen tension ratio predicts respiratory outcome better than the minimum ratio. 206. That is why the surface to weight and volume ratio, so often neglected in discussions of animal biology, is important. 207. Change Aspect Ratio when taking photos. 208. This impact crusher produces a high ratio of reduction. 209. They have an aspect ratio of approximately 1:1. 094. 210. Texts will be placed correctly in every aspect ratio.