快好知 kuaihz

121. A higher P / E ratio means that the shareholders would get a smaller portion. 122. In our previous study, the ratio of gastric to duodenal ulcers was 1.69 in Kinki district where Kyoto Prefecture is located. 123. The preliminary findings about staff ratio and staff contact are of interest. 124. World cotton consumption was a record 86m bales, and the ratio of stocks to consumption was at an all-time low. 125. It is when we get into the high performance area that the ratio of cross-section to strength comes into play. 126. Large birds have a more favorable ratio of lean to bone than small ones. 12. 127. Actually, estimates for the ratio of public spending to National Income vary widely, depending on the definitions used for each item. 128. Table 3.1 below shows the ratio of females to males convicted for certain crimes and makes clear the male domination of criminality. 129. This total is then divided by interest expense to obtain the times interest earned ratio. 130. The dependency ratio is expected to top 28 percent next year for the second year in a row, economists said. 131. But even this ratio puts the best possible light on the contribution made by employment to the avoidable death toll. 132. The sum of each subject's cumulative hazard of death was compared with observed deaths to find the standardised mortality ratio. 133. Stevens identified four types of measurement scales: nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio scales. 134. The ratio had been expected to decline only slightly from the preliminary 1. 14 reported for November. 135. The debt ratio fell to 65.9 per cent, down 19.4 percentage points from 85.3 per cent last year. 136. The Wald test is equivalent to the likelihood ratio test in large samples. 137. The crash also pushed down the output-capital ratio, by an average of one tenth, as excess capacity mounted. 138. However, the P/E ratio still retains considerable popularity among investors. 139. Belt-tightening would allow the debt ratio to fall faster or income-tax rates to be cut. 140. But what matters is the ratio between a state's debt service requirements and its ability to increase its cashflow via taxation. 141. The higher the price-earnings ratio, the more expensive the stock. 142. If a financial institution's liquidity ratio is too high, it will make too little profit. 143. If the specific impulse could be increased towards 1000 seconds this would have a dramatic effect on the mass ratio required. 144. In the fiscal year ending in March 1990, the debt-equity ratio for TSE-listed firms was only 1.07. 145. Banks therefore require to hold a lower liquidity ratio, and can create more credit. 146. The ratio was considered a big plus by her staff. 147. Banks' liquidity ratio may vary Banks may choose a different liquidity ratio. 148. Usually expressed as the ratio of fetal deaths; i.e. the number of fetal deaths per 1,000 live births. 149. Each point in the ratio meant 100, 000 tons of capital ships, or the equivalent of about three battleships. 150. All banks need to maintain a cash ratio large enough to meet the cash requirements of their depositors.