快好知 kuaihz

241 I'll try and give you a quick explanation of how the machine works. 242 "The heater works."—"What heater?". 243 She works for the EU, translating from English into French. 244 He works slowly and precisely whereas I tend to rush things and make mistakes. 245 Train services on Sunday will be restricted, because of engineering works. 246 We went to the chip shop and had the works: fish, chips, gherkins ,[http:///works.html] mushy peas. 247 Though the brakes of his bike had somewhat gone wrong, he still shot the works in a desperate effort to win the race. 248 He works always by rule and line, never by chance or guess. 249 I have only a very hazy idea about how the economy works. 250 She works well with those superior to her in the firm. 251 The safe load for a truck of this size works out at nearly twenty tonnes. 252 Literary texts , like all other works of art, have a historical context. 253 It was one of the first avant-garde works to appeal to a wide audience. 254 I don't care what it looks like - what matters is that it works. 255 Whether the new personal pension works will depend much on how well it meshes with employers' schemes. 256 It's up to you to judge these works of art. 257 It works only in the veins, where the blood flow is slower. 258 Neither the TV nor the video actually work / works. 259 His works were not highly regarded until he died in 1936. 260 Her colourful oils and works on paper have a naive, dreamlike quality. 261 He had finished his great works by the end of 1980. 262 The teacher works too hard trying to grind useless facts into the children. 263 His latest album release is a compilation of his jazz works over the past decade. 264 I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures. 265 The Chancellor could face a rough ride unless the plan works. 266 The works will be displayed in the new wing of the museum. 267 In order to understand how the human body works, you need to have some knowledge of chemistry. 268 The company he works for has recently been taken over.