1. Divide your capital into 10 equal parts and never risk more than 1/10th of your caital on any one trade.
2. Always use stop loss orders to protect your trade and place it immediately after entering a position.
3. Never overtrade by taking large positions. This would violate your capital rule. Remember "Safety first."
4. Never let a profit run into a loss. When the market moves in your favor and you have a profit that is double the amount of risk you were willing to take, move your stop loss order so that you will have no loss of capital if hit.
5. When in doubt, stay out or get out.
6. Trade in active, liquid markets.
7. Don"t close your trades without a good reason. Follow up the position with stop loss orders to protect your accumulating profits according to the rules.
8. Accumulate a surplus of capital. This rule is very important. After you have made a series of successful trades, put some money into a surplus account to be used only in emergency or in times of panic.
9. Never average losing position. EVER. This is one of the worst mistakes a trader can make.
(译注: Averaging losing position,即中文的“摊低损失”,指的"是在亏损的头寸上加码。)
10. Never get out of the market just because you have lost patience or get into a market because your are anxious from waiting.
11. Avoid taking small profits and large losses.
12. never cancel a stop loss order after you have placed it when entering a trade.
13. Avoid trading too frequently, getting in and out too often.
14. Be just as willing to sell short as you are to buy long.
15. Never change your position without a good reason based on set rules.
16. Avoid increasing your trading activity after a long period of success or a series of profitable trades. Remember to accumulate a surplus and dont be tempted to increase your trading unit too quickly. Success can go to your head and has ruined many other wise good traders.