快好知 kuaihz


每年到这个时候,我们都可以看到很多机构发布一些关于2014年营销趋势的报告或者文章,这些资料对于营销从业者在做来年计划的时候会有一些帮助,为了方便大家能快速浏览到这些资料,我们结合国外一些博客资料整理了此文,希望对大家在思维开拓上有一些作用。 当然,中西方有着一些差异,在制定2014年市场营销计划的时候还是要结合自身的情况,尤其是在2013年的经验基础上做出决定。不管趋势如何,不管又出现了什么新工具,新技术,也不管是大数据还是小数据,甚至是下方提到的无数据,企业品牌都要围绕客户需求,快速积极的帮助用户解决真正问题,提供优质产品和服务才是本质,我很认同Sensei Marketing的Sam Fiorella在此文The New Marketing Trend You Must Pay Attention To中表达的观点:快速响应用户的反馈,积极帮他们解决问题。 对于2014年的展望,你有哪些想法呢?欢迎留言告诉我们。

1、JWT-10 Trends that will shape our world in 2014 and beyond


Immersive Experiences – Absorbing entertainment, narratives and brand experiences

Do you speak visual? – Imagery supplants text

Age of Impatience – Instant gratification rules okay

Mobile as Gateway to Opportunity – Mobile becomes a value delivery channel

Telepathic technology – Rise of brain computer interfaces

End of Anonymity – Privacy really is a 20 Century phenomenon

Raging against the Machine – Resenting impersonal technology

Remixing transition – Mashups are back

Proudly imperfect – Authenticity and quirkiness.

Mindful living – Helping consumers live in the moment


这份报告有中文简版,很多都比较贴近中国的市场环境,建议重点阅读。以下是摘要: 1. GUILT-FREE STATUS-无愧疚感带来的社交地位, 2. CROWD SHAPED-集体创造,通过网络连接在一起的群体在2014年走向成熟。 3.MADE GREENER BY/FOR CHINA-更加环保的中国制造,为什么在2014年,中国将成为环保创新的乐土。 4.MYCHIATRY-心理健康的自我治疗,为什么在2014年,继身体健康之后将有更多围绕心理健康的创新。 5.NO DATA-无数据,不依赖于过多的数据收集就能提供优质的服务将帮助你赢得消费者的信任,那么盈利也就不在话下了。 6.THE INTERNET OF CARING THINGS-关怀型物联网,联网的物品将在2014年以用户为中心。 7. GLOBAL BRAIN-全球智囊 点击阅读中文简版全文。

3、Dave Chaffey-22 Digital Marketing techniques that demand attention in 2014


Content Marketing

Mobile Marketing

Big Data


4、Forbes-Top 5 Digital Trends For 2014

Identity Based Eco-System – Digital to become about brand identity

Content Curation and Aggregation – The Pinterestification of digital

Video = Device Agnostic – Video will be the hero of 2014, and it will be everywhere

The 4 Screen Revolution – Screens with everything

Social Literacy Skills Required – Identity management for everyone


The Top 7 Content Marketing Trends That Will Dominate 2014

5、Guardian-Experts outline key brand marketing trends in 2014

Quality is King: Less landfill, less volume – a focus on quality (James Hilton AKQA)

Truth Marketing: Less artifice, more meaning (Nir Wegrzyn BrandOpus)

Location-based real-time marketing – 2014 is the year the promise becomes reality (Tim Grimes, Defected Records)

Youth Marketing: Making digital work for the youth wallet (Emily Cramp, ThinkHouse)

Brands as Personalities: Brands will develop digital brand personalities (Ben Romberg, Tug)

6、Memeburn-7 top digital marketing trends to watch in 2014

Digital agencies will need to prioritise innovation

Rise of Short Video

B2B will find more success through education rather than conversation

Content marketing becomes more targeted

Social media data collection will come under scrutiny

Social marketing will combine real world and online world

Smartphone apps will mature

7、Marketing Magazine (UK)-Content predictions for 2014: the views of Coca-Cola, Facebook and others

The move to real-time content marketing

Mobile-first strategies

Investment in quality content

Shift to video

Transmedia marketing


8、luxuryinstitute-Luxury Market Trends in 2014

这是一份由The Lux­ury Insti­tute发布的关于奢侈品行业市场的7个趋势的白皮书,点击阅读。建议同时阅读此文,是对该白皮书的一个解读。

9、Search engine watch-2014 Social Media Tricks, Tools & Trends

-The Social Newsroom -Brands as Publishers More Social Media Tools and Platforms for 2014 from the Experts 点击阅读全文。

Marketing Magazine (AU)-5 things that will matter for brands in 2014

Relevant retail – using digital to build relevant retail experiences around what consumers actually want.

The rise of the CXO – in an experience economy, we need a Chief Experience Officer

User experience – it’s about the product, not the screen

Owned media strategies for content marketing – becoming interesting and useful again

Big data gets small – The value of data is in informing the details of customer experience



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