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顾彬Wolfgang Kubin:中国作家大多是骗子

  沃尔夫冈·顾彬(Wolfgang Kubin):汉学家、翻译家、作家、德国翻译家协会及德国作家协会成员。1945年12月17日出生于德国下萨克森州策勒市,1985年起任教于波恩大学东方语言学院中文系,1995年任波恩大学汉学系主任教授。以德文、英文、中文出版专著、译著和编著达50多部,如《中国文学中自然观的演变》、《中国古典诗歌史》等。合编、主编或翻译的作品有《子夜》、《莎菲女士的日记》、《家》及《现代中国小说(1949-1979)》等。































































  附:Deutsche Welle德国之音对顾彬(Wolfgang Kubin)的采访。

  Bonn University Professor of Chinese Studies Wolfgang Kubin is one of the most renowned Sinologists in Germany,

   especially on the presentation and study of contemporary Chinese literature. In this DW interview, he expressed his views on the Chinese Writers Association, the problems in contemporary Chinese literature, the problems of Chinese writers and how they can step onto the world stage, and also about certain specific writers and works.


  DW: In the recent Writers Association meeting in Beijing, Tie Ning【铁凝】 was elected chairperson. This is the third chairperson in the history of the Writers Association after Mao Dun【茅盾】 and Ba Jin【巴金】. I understand that you were in China at the time. What are your views?

  Kubin: I was in China at the time, but I don"t know much about this event. In any case, it can be said that all of the Chinese writers that I know hold the Writers Association in contempt. For us Sinologists, it is a matter of indifference if there is a new chairperson for the Writers Association.

  DW: Can it be said that the new Writers Association president does not need to the most famous and respected person in the manner of Mao Dun and Ba Jin?

  Kubin: This Writers Association serves no purpose whatsoever. You can ask all the writers in mainland China and none of them will voluntarily talk about the Writers Association. Nobody. Not a single person. If one is a genuine Chinese writer, he will not join this Writers Association. If he became a great writer only after joining, then something is wrong with him. Generally speaking, good writers cannot possibly be associated with the Writers Association.

  DW: I understand you wrote a report recently about the problem of existence of Chinese literature in the 21st century. Can you summarize the contents of this report? That is to say, tell us about the problems that exist for Chinese literature over the past few years.

  Kubin: I can only mention certain existing problems that I feel exists in 20th century Chinese literature. If we divide Chinese writers into those before or after 1949, we will find out that writers before 1949 were pretty good with foreign languages -- Eileen Chang【张爱玲】, Lin Yu-tang【林语堂】, Hu Shi【胡适】, they can all write in foreign languages. Some of the authors (such as Lu Xun【鲁迅】) can handle two foreign languages without any problems. After 1949, you basically cannot find a Chinese writer who can speak a foreign language. Therefore, he cannot use another language system to examine his own work. Also, he cannot read the works written in foreign languages. He can only read foreign works translated into English. Therefore, Chinese writers have very poor understanding of foreign literature. Many of the pre-1949 writers believe that when they learn foreign languages, they will enrich their own writing. But if you ask a contemporary Chinese writer why he won"t learn a foreign language, he will say that a foreign language can only ruin his mother tongue. I guess this is why there are no great writers after 1949 and why these writers do not compare to the pre-1949 writers. This is where the problem lies. This is a very important issue.

  DW: Do you think that this is the sole problem, or the main problem?

  Kubin. This is the biggest problem. When Chinese writers go overseas, they have to rely on the Sinologists because they can"t even speak a word of foreign language. They rely on us completely. Their works need us to translate them from Chinese.

  DW: You must have some understanding about certain recent works from China in recent years, such as 【狼图腾】.

  Kubin: is fascism according to us Germans. That book causes China to lose face.

  DW: There are also the works of other authors such as the "pretty girl writers" like Mian Mian【棉棉】 and Wei Hui【卫慧】.

  Kubin: You must be joking. That is not literature. That is trash.

  DW: Do you think that there is any more decent Chinese literature in recent years?

  Kubin: There is some in Chinese poetry. There are some good, even excellent, writers of Chinese poetry, such as Ouyang Jianghe【欧阳江河】, Sichuan【西川】, Zhai Yongming【翟永明】 and others. There are many others. That is for sure.

  DW: China is talking about "Poetry is dead." Why do you think?

  Kubin: How can poetry be dead? Even if China is dead, then poetry will be dead in China but it will continue to "live on" in Germany. If a Chinese poet comes to Germany and we organize a reading, there will be at least 50 people, 100 people in attendance. We will certain publish their collected poems. Contemporary Chinese writers have published many poetry books in German. Chinese literature will not die in Germany.

  DW: How does contemporary Chinese poetry compare to the 1980"s with people like Bei Dao【北岛】 and Yang Lian【杨炼】?

  Kubin: That is hard to compare. But I think that the poets from both the 1980"s and 1990"s are excellent. They have their own visions, they have their own language, etc. Personally, I obviously like Bei Dao【北岛】 and that group of people. But I am older and I should consider the younger readers.

   Those younger readers are likely to prefer the 1990"s poets such as Wang Jiaxin【王家新】, Ouyang Jianghe【欧阳江河】, Zhai Yongming【翟永明】 and so on.

  DW: The Chinese Writers Association has a project now to select 100 Chinese works and translate them into foreign languages so that Chinese literature can go out into the world. What do you think about this plan? Is it meaningful?

  Kubin: This may mean something in the United States, but it is meaningless in Germany. Basically, we have already translated the Chinese literary works into German. All Chinese writers of any era already has German editions of their works. We do not need that help. But it is a problem in the United States where the need exists because they have done fewer translations.

  DW: China has been developing economically very rapidly. Some people say that China will surpass the United States economically in the next 30 or 40 years. The United States got prosperous in the last century. But we know that they prospered not only economically, but also in literature, cinema, popular music and so on. They had a tremendous impact on the world. Do you believe that China will also develop rapidly in literature to match its economic standing?

  Kubin: That depends on the Chinese people themselves. The people who despise Chinese culture and Chinese literature are not us foreigners, but the Chinese people themselves. The problem is with China itself. The Chinese people do not assign any important position to their own culture and literature.

  DW: How are we supposed to understand this? Why do you say that the Chinese people do not assign any importance to their literature?

  Kubin: Let me give you a very simple example. Last year, I published in Germany a history of 20th century Chinese literature. When the Chinese intellectuals who are all my friends (including the writers) heard that I was writing such a history, they said, "Don"t write it. There is nothing good. It is all trash."

  DW: That is to say, they despise themselves. Or perhaps one should say that they despise each other.

  Kubin: Yes, you are very correct. They despise each other.

  DW: When Gao Xingjian【高行健】 won the Nobel Prize, the reaction from China was more negative than positive. Is that what happened? Do you feel that China will get another Nobel Prize in Literature?

  Kubin: The Nobel Prize in Literature is secondary. You have to write poorly in order to win. If you write well, you will never win it. Therefore the Nobel Prize in Literature is also trash.【关于顾彬对诺贝尔奖的观点与上文映照】

  DW: If you have to say a few words to Chinese writers, what will you say?

  Kubin: They should learn to master their mother tongue well. Most Chinese writers have poor mastery of Chinese. Also, they should learn first on how to write. The problem there is tremendous for Chinese writers. But their basic problem is that their awareness is poor and their vistas are limited. It seems as if they live in a small room and they are afraid to open their eyes to look at the world. Therefore, China does not have its own voice, at least in terms of literature. There are writers everywhere in Germany, they represent Germany and they speak for the German people. Therefore we have a voice for Germany. But where is the voice for China? None. It does not exist. The Chinese writers are gutless. Basically, they have no guts.

  DW: That is to say, there is no such person like Lu Xun.

  Kubin: Yes, you are very correct. Lu Xun was representative. But can show me such a Chinese writer today? There isn"t any.

  DW: Does this have anything to do with the environment inside China? That is to say, the ideological control.

  Kubin: Possibly. But you cannot keep saying that the conditions do not allow you. I feel that a Chinese writer should not keep saying that historical conditions do not allow him to do this or that. I consider that to be a joke. In order for a writer to become a genuine writer, he should not consider what difficulties he might encounter. He should speak out just like Lin Yu-tang and Lu Xun did back then.

  DW: From the 20th century to the 21st century, which Chinese writers would you consider to be great?

  Kubin: This is premature to say. You have to wait at least 50 years later and then you look back to see which (if any) are great. Lu Xun is definitely great. There are others before 1949. There are definitely none from 1949 to now.

  DW: Bei Dao and Gao Xingjian are not?

  Kubin: Gao Xingjian? Don"t joke about this. Bei Dao could be considered great, because he is courageous. But you should not forget that he is only 50 years old.








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