快好知 kuaihz



I wish I had your pair of wings

Had them last night in my dreams

I was chasing butterflies

Till the sunrise broke my eyes

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes

Cause what they see"s an angel hive

I"ve got to touch that magic star

And greet the angels in their hive

Sometimes I wish I were an angel

Sometimes I wish I were an angel

Sometimes I wish I were you

Tonight the sky has glued my eyes

Cause what they see"s an angel hive

I"ve got to touch that magic star

And greet the angels in their hive

Sometimes I wish I were an angel

Sometimes I wish I were you

搜索建议:迷幻散景:近距离的美丽  近距  近距词条  迷幻  迷幻词条  美丽  美丽词条  


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