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The world becomes multi-polar

Anbound’s chief researcher Chen Gong believes that the current international situation has shifted from the unipolar world to a multi-polar one. First, the European Union is now sufficient to counter the power of the United States. Second, with the rise of protectionism in the United States, Donald Trump becomes the President of the United States, and the United States is less of the "world police" now. Finally, China’s role has undergone significant changes and the country shows the ambition to participate in institutionalized global governance. In the unipolar world, China’s priority is to deal with the relationship with the United States; as long as the Sino-US relations are stable, the entire situation would be become secure. However, in the multipolar world, other than its relationship with the United States, China needs to deal with the EU as well, and this is the new situation that China needs to face.

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