快好知 kuaihz

Looking For Job (to E.C. Normal University)

I am interested in the English language and have studied the ‘Element of Style’, the popular style manual.

From the reading of Siencenet, I know many people have lot of confusions in general about the English style, which reflected from its title translation, ‘The principle of Conciseness’ from one author. This is surely a mistake, but with so many exporters especially from English departments of Foreign Language Universities, no one notice this big misinterpretation, the sad truth, that can affect generations of language learners. 

Well, I am actually looking for consultant job in language learning if possible, you know for language to work, it must be first clear, then concise, and possibly elegance. Style have much more to say; style and conciseness are completely different.

搜索建议:E.C.  E.C.词条  University  University词条  Looking  Looking词条  Normal  Normal词条  For  For词条  


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