

  八上unit 11
  1.take out (take it out)拿出;取出 2.do/wash the dishes洗餐具
  3.sweep the floor拖地板(swept,swept) 4.make one’s bed / make the bed 整理床铺
  5 .work on 从事,忙于 6. do chores/housework做家务;处理琐事
  7. take care of 照看,照顾 8. do the laundry =do some/ the washing 洗衣服
  9. feed sb with sth用…喂某人 feed sth to sb把…喂给某人 / feed on 以…为食 (fed, fed)
  10.hate to do sth 讨厌做某事(具体的事) hate doing sth讨厌做某事(习惯)
  11. borrow…from 从……借入 lend…to… 把……借出
  1.could you please fold the clothes? yes, sure./ sorry, i can’t. i have to….
  请你叠衣服好吗?可以,没问题。/ 对不起,我不能。我得……
  2.could i invite my friends to a party? yes, you can ./ no, you can’t.
  3.do you like to sweep the floor? no, i don’t. . 你喜欢扫地吗?不,我不喜欢。
  4.i don’t like making the bed because it’s boring. 我不喜欢整理床铺,因为它无聊。
  5.i hate some chores, but i like other chores.我讨厌一些家务活,但我喜欢另一些家务活。
  6.have fun! see you next week. 祝你玩的开心。下周见。
  7.thanks for taking care of my dog. 谢谢照顾我的狗。
  8. my mom gets really angry when i forget to clean my room.
  1. you"d better take out the trash.(否定)you"d better ______ ______ out the trash.
  2. she was late yesterday because she was ill.
  == she was late yesterday ________ ________ her illness
  3. don"t forget to take an umbrella. == _________ ________ take an umbrella.
  4. you take care of my dog when i was not at home. thank you.
  ==thank you for ________ ________ ______ my dog when i was not at home.
  四.综合测试: a. 基础练习:
  1.jim doesn’t like doing the chores because they are not interesting .
  ______ _______ jim _______ doing the chores?
  2. do you need ________ (have) a rest?
  3. thanks a lot for _______ ( give)us so much good advice.
  4. don’t forget _______ (buy) some drinks and snacks.
  5. my mother hates _______ (watch) football matches and she hates my father ________ (watch) them.
  1. there is no need to thank me.
  .=you _______ _______ ______ thank _______ .
  2. 汤姆放弃了他的工作,现在在从事一部小说的写作工作。
  tom _______ ______ his work, now he"s _______ _______ a new novel .
  i’m ______ ______ ______ _______ a new house .i need some _______ .
  candy: come on , steve. ___ .
  steve: wait a moment. ______ .
  candy: ok.
  steve: by the way, can we give my sister a ride home tonight?
  candy: sure.______ .
  steve: yes .she wants to take some pictures.
  candy :
  steve: yeah. she wants to work for a newspaper someday.
  candy: but i think it might be hard for her to succeed.
  a. well ,she always enjoys sports games, doesn’t she?
  b. i did’t know eva was interested in photography.
  c. there are a lot of photographers out there.
  d. you mean she `s coming to the game, too?
  e. i just have to close up the shop.
  f. it’s time to go
  g. eva’s closing the door.
  初三英语第一轮复习八上unit 12
  1.radio station无线电台 2.talent show才艺表演
  3. do a survey of the reader在读者中做调查
  4. play the most interesting music 播放最有趣的音乐 5. as for movie theaters 至于电影院
  6. the funniest person i know 我所认识的最风趣的人
  7. win the prize for the best performer获得最佳演员奖
  8. play a beautiful piano piece演奏一曲优美的钢琴曲
  9.dance without music没有音乐伴奏跳舞 10.the loudest musical group最响亮的音乐组合
  11.in northern/southern china 在中国北方/南方 12.cut their prices 打折,降价
  13. need some more actors for the talent show才艺表演还需要几位演员
  1.it has the biggest screens 最大的屏幕 friendliest service 最热情的服务
  most comfortable seats 最舒适的座位
  best/worst quality clothe 质量最好/差的衣服
  worst music 最差的音乐
  it is the closest to home. 它离家最近
  2. what’s the best clothing store in town ?没城里最好的服装店是哪家?
  3. it has really bad service. 它服务质量实在太差
  4.this cinema has better/worse service than that one.
  5.who do you think is the most creative performer?你认为谁是最具创意 的演员?
  6.the prize for the funniest act went to steve tian. 最有趣奖由steve tian所获得。
  7.last week’s talent show was a great success. 上周的才艺表演取得了巨大成功。
  strong ________ _________
  close _________ _________
  friendly__________ ___________
  hot __________ ___________
  boring ____________ __________
  popular __________ ___________
  bad/badly/ill __________ __________
  good/well __________ ___________
  little _________ __________
  far _________ __________
  many/much __________ __________
  2. i think math is the_________(important) of all the subjects.
  3. in my family, my mother is___________(busy).
  4. he thinks the computer is the
  second____________(useful) invention.
  5. i think jack runs fastest in his class.
  == nobody else can run _______ _______ he in his class.
  6. beijing , the capital of china, is one of ___cities in the world.
  a. the biggest b. bigger
  c. much bigger d. big
  7. 至于这个旅馆,它很舒适而且距离海只有数英里远。
  ______ ______ the hotel, it is very _________ and only miles ________ _______ the sea.
  1. we did a survey of some readers. (否定句)
  we ______ ______ a survey of ______ readers.
  2. this is _____ gift i have ever received. i love it very much.
  a. the best b. better c. worse d. the worst
  3. don’t worry. he is _____ to take care of little betty.
  a. carefully enough b. enough careful c. careful enough
  4.jason’s 的服装质量比 trendy teens差
  jason’s has _______ ______ clothes than trendy teens.
  he left _______ _______ goodbye.
  初三复习八下 units 1-2
  i 词组
  1)fall in love with 爱上(某人和某物
  2)the same as与…同样
  3)keep out不让… 进入
  4)和某人相处得好get on well with
  5)argue with sb. about sth. 就某事于某人谈论
  6)come true实现
  7)out of style不时髦的,过时的
  8)call sb. up打电话给(某人)
  9)pay for付…帐
  10)compare with/to对比。比较
  11)on the one hand;on the other hand(在 )一方面…在另一方面
  12)fit … into找到时间(做某事)
  13)as … as possible尽可能
  ii 句型1 will there be fewer trees in the future ? no, there won’t .
  2 what’s wrong?=what’s the matter ? 怎么了?
  3 what should i do ? you could write him a letter .
  我该做什么? 你可以给他写信
  基础知识 i 用所给词的适当形式填空
  1.mothers’ day is coming. i _________(buy) a gift for my mother.
  2.everyone else _______(be) at the party last sunday except______(i)
  3.shall we invite the alien _______(see) harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban?
  4.mr. wang told us ________(work) hard for a brighter future..
  5.i was at the ________(doctor) from 9:00-9:30 on saturday morning.
  ( ) 1we can see ______ stars at night if there sre no clouds in the sky. a thousand of b thousands of c a thousand
  ( ) 2she doesn’t want to talk ______it ______the phone.
  a. over, about b. with, on c. about, on d. to, over
  ( )3 the students found ____ ____ difficult to work out the maths problems .
  a that b it c one d this
  ( ) 4 tell your friend _______buy the same clothes as you do.
  a. don’t b. not c. not to d. don’t to
  ( )5 there will be even_______ pressure in 10 years.
  a. little b. few c. more d. fewer
  ( )6 there will be _______ healthy food in the future because of
  all kinds of pollution .
  a fewer b less c much d more
  ( ) 7there _______a personal computer in his or her home .
  a is going to have b will have
  c is going to be d are going to be
  ( )8 _____ do you think jane will be in 2020? ---- she will be a famous nurse. a who b what c how d when
  ( )9---with the machine , we can do the work with ______ money and _______ people .----that sounds wonderful
  a less, fewer b fewer,less c fewer, fewer d les, less
  ( )10 my father got really _______me because i ________my physics test.
  a. angrily with, passed b. angry with, failed
  c. angrily at , passed d. angrily at, failed.
  1 there will be fewer cars twenty years from now.(一般疑问句并做否定回答)
  ______ there _____ fewer cars twenty years from now.? no,_________ _______
  2he seemed to know the whole thing同意句改写)
  ______ ______ that he knew the whole thing
  3 there won’t be as much pollution in the future as now .(同意句改写)
  there will _______ _______ ____________ in the future than now
  4 the teacher is so kind that all the students like her . 同意句改写)
  she is _____ a kind teacher ______ all the students like her .
  5 most people w ill never use telephones.(改为被动语态)
  telephones will never _______ ________ ________most people.
  6 it’s bad for your health to play the cds too loud. (同义改写)
  _______ the cds too loud ______ bad for your health.
  1明天的天气将会如何?___will the weather___ __ tomorrow?
  2 我的好朋友的生活方式和我一样。my friend has ______ _______ life style ____ i do.
  3 孩子们直到找到了问题的答案才上床睡觉。the children __ go to bed __ they _____ _____the answer to this problem.
  it’s important for us to _____ _______ _______ ______ others .
  for parents , don’t ______ too much _____ your kids’lives.
  6 你越仔细,犯的错误会越少_____ _______ careful you are , _________ ________ mistakes you will make .
  ( ) 1school ____ allow students at least one hour a day for sports .(07安徽)
  a would b could c should d might
  ( ) 2 our family bought a car so we can travel ______ than before .
  a most easily b less easily c easily d more easily
  ( ) 3 –when _______ the students ______ to national art nuseum of china ? --after they finishtheir classes this afternoon.
  a did, go b will go c do, go
  ( )4 – where _____ the XX world expo (世博会 ) _______?--- in shnaghai .
  a does; hold b is , held c will, be held d will, hold
  ( )5can you imagine that _____ little ants can carry ______ many big worms ?
  a so, so b such, such c such, so d so, such
  ( )6 –i hear that li zhongtian will come to wuhanand give a talk.
  -really? do you know _________?(08安徽芜湖)
  a what will he talk about b what will he give a talk
  c how will he come d when he will come
  7_______ _____ _______ like this radio advice program.(同义改写)
  it seems that everyone likes this radio advice pr ogram..
  8 他过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。
  he _______ _____ much time in _______ computer games that he wasn’t interested in his lessons
  .9 下周我要去香港度假, 我想我一定会很快爱上这个城市。
  next wewk i’ll ______ _______ hong kong _____ _______and i think i ______ _____ ______ _______ ______ it soon .
  10 50年后世界会是什么样子?_____ _____ the world ______ ______ ________ 50 years ?
  11 你同意这儿有更多地污染的说法吗?do you ______ there ______ ______ ______ ____________ here ?
  12 下周你能穿得更随意些吗?
  will you ____ _____ ______ ________ ________ ________?
  i 词组
  get out 出去       take off  起飞      as….as 像… 一样
  run away 逃跑      come in  进来      hear about 听说
  take place 发生 first of all 首先,起初 pass on 传递
  be supposed to被期望或被要求 do well in / be good at 在某方面做得好
  be /keep in good health 身体健康 be / get mad at /with sb.生某人的气
  get over克服;恢复;原谅 open up the students’ eyes开阔学生的视野
  care for wild animals in danger 照顾处于危险中的野生动物
  ii 句型
  1.while the boy was walking down the street ,the ufo landed .
  2. the girl was shopping when the alien got out
  3.what were you doing when the world trade centre in new york was destroyed by terrorists ?
  4. ben told lana that marcia was going to have a surprise party for her
  5. she said ,"i am not mad at marcia." she said that she wasn’t mad at marcia .
  6.you were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it
  7.she asked me, "can i copy your homework.?" 同义句:
  8.i said i didn’t think it was a good idea for her to copy my homework.
  一变人称(一看主, 二看宾, 三不变),二 改宾从(加连词-改陈述句-时态一致)
  1 陈述句的间接引语he said, " i am not mad at ben anymore " he said that _____ _______ ________ at ben anymore .
  2 一般疑问句的间接引语 the doctor said to her , "are you feeling bettter mow ?"
  the doctor ______ her ______ ______ ________ feeeling better then .
  3 特殊疑问的间接引语 " what do you think of the movie ?" she asked me
  she asked me _____ ______ _________ of the movie .
  4 祈使句的间接引语 my mother said , " don’t eat too much unhealthy food ."
  my mother _____ me _____ ______ ________ too much unhealthy food.
  1. she was playing computer games at this time yesterday.(划线提问)
  ______ ______she _____at this time yesterday?
  2. she was playing computer games at this time yesterday.(划线提问)
  _______ ________she _______at this time yesterday?
  3. tom watched tv yesterday afternoon.(用at three yesterday 改写句子)
  tom ________ ________tv at three yesterday
  4. "can i copy your homework?" he asked me. (变为间接引语)
  he asked me ______ ______ ______ copy ______ homework.
  1. 当我看到来自学校的信封时,我总是感到紧张。
  i always _______ _______when i see the ________from school
  2. 我们应当尽力克服各种各样的困难。
  we should try to_______ _______ all kinds of difficulties.
  3. 上学期我物理和数学学得都很吃力。
  i had a really_________ __________ __________my physics and math last __________.
  4. 在甘肃省的贫困山区教高中在你看来可能不会有趣。
  _______high school in a _______ _______ _______in gansu ________may not sound like fun to you.
  5. 听说他看见过外星人,我很吃惊。
  i was _________ __________hear that he had seen aliens.
  6. 该计划是在1999年由中国少先队发起的。
  the program _______ _________ _________ the chinese young _________in 1999.
  the world trade center in new york ________ ________ by _________ on september11, XX
  ________the alien was ________a__________, the girl _______ _______ _______.
  1.while the woman was shopping, she saw the ufo _______.
  a. taking off b. takes off
  c. took off d. take off
  2. when he _______home, his mother was cooking.
  a. arrive in b. got c. got to d. reaching
  3.there are ______ students in this school .
  a thousand of b thousands of
  c thousand s for
  4. i was very surprised____ that my worst report was from my science.
  a. to find b. to find out
  c. finding d. finding out
  6 the teacher told us the moon____ around the earth.
  a. wentb. goes c. goingd. move
  7 i said it would ____ a bad habit, and that she should do____ work.
  a. get, own her b. start, her own
  c. become, own her d. keep, her own of
  1i saw lisa in the street yesterday, but she didn’t see me. she ____ the other way.(XX徐州)
  a. was looking b. is looking
  c. looked d. has looked
  2. we do hope the people in sichuan will soon ____ their troubles.(XX宁波)
  a. get over b. turn over c. go over d. look over
  3.--- dick gave me a note while i ____ in the library.(XX 黄冈)
  ---- i guess he made it to say "sorry" to you.
  a. am reading b. was reading c. reads d. will read
  4. "how do you look after your pet cat?" my teacher asked me.(XX 济南)
  my teacher asked me ______ _____ ______ after my pet cat.
  5."don’ t run in the hallway." miss zhao said to us. (XX 山西)
  miss zhao _____ us ______ _____ run in the hallway.
  6. the girl was shopping when she saw the accident.(XX南京)
  ______ _____ the girl ______ when she saw the accident?
  i 词组
  take away 拿走 make a living谋生 all over the world 全世界
  all the time 一直 let … in 允许某人进入 have a difficult time doing sth.做某事有困难
  in order to improve my english 为了提高英语 get an educatioe 接受教育
  make money 赚钱 give money to向…捐款 raise money for charity为慈善机构募捐
  run out of/ use up用完 by the way顺便一提 be interested in 对…感兴趣
  far away远离
  ii. 句型
  1 if you go to the party, you will have a good time.
  2 what will happen if they have the party today? half the class won’t come.
  3.and if you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are .
  4 how long have you been collecting shells?
  i have been collecting shells for two years. 同意句:?
  5. the more i learn about chinese history, the more i enjoyed living in china.
  1.if it ______( rain) tomorrow ,i’ll stay at home .
  2.if it _____( be ) fine , we ___________( go) swimming together .
  3.he asked me if i ______( be ) free this sunday.
  4.i don’t know if he ________( come ) tomorrow. if he _________( come) , i’ll call you .
  5.we ‘re_________( leave) for france in a week .
  6.---how long _____________ your father______________ (work) in the factory?
  ---since he ____________ (leave) college
  7 how long _________ you __________ (listen) to music last night?
  8. some of the old buildings are in ________(russia) style.
  9. he is always the first one _________(arrive) at school and the last one______ (leave) school.
  10. we __________(be) friends for the whole ten years.
  11 _____(collect) old coins is my father’s hobby.
  1. if you don"t hurry up, you"ll miss the early train.(同义句)
  _______ ______, ____you"ll miss the early train.
  2. he plays sports for a living.(同义句)
  he____ ______ _____by _____ ______.
  3. they had a great time in the park. ( 同义句)
  they ________ __________in the park.
  4. why don’t you take your id card? (同义句)
  _______ ________ ________your id card?
  5. they have been talking for three hours.(一般疑问句)
  _________ they _________ _________ for three hours?
  6. she’s been painting for two years (对划线部分提问)
  ______ ______ _____she __________painting?
  7. he’s been learning chinese history for three years.(同义句)
  he’s been learning chinese history _____ _____ ______ _______
  _______they have the party today, _______the class won’t come.
  if you ________ a __________soccer player, you’ll _______ go to __________.
  if you are rich, you’ll have ________ ________ time _________who your real friends are.
  4.如果你一曲成名, 人们就会一直关注你, 并到处追随你
  if you ______ _______ _______ a song , people will ______ you _______ _______ _______ and ________
  5. 谢谢你送给我的邮票。
  thank you ______ _______ me the _____.
  ________every bottle of nongfu mineral water we ________, ________of us _______one fen for _________.
  _______ ________i know chinese culture, ________ _______i enjoy living in china.
  1.these are your books. please ________.
  a. take them away b. take it away
  c. take away them d. take away it
  2. if you ______hard, you _______a good grade.
  a. won’t work, don’t getb. don’t work, won’t get
  c. work, get d. will work, get
  3 .do you know if _______back next week? if he ________back, please let me know.
  a. he comes, will come b. will he come, comes
  c. he will come, comes d. will he come, will come
  4. if we _______free next week, we ________to the farm to visit you.
  a. will be, will go b. am, will go
  c. will be, go d. be, go
  5. i’ll __________help people if i am a lawyer.
  a. can b. be able to c. could d. able to
  6. why are you against __________the lions?
  a. join b. to join c. joining d. joins
  7.he is interested in _______ english songs.
  a. to collect b. collect c. collecting d. collected
  8.he has been listening to music for_________.
  a. one and a half hour b. one half hour
  c. one and a half hours d. half one hour
  1.i’m waiting for my friend. ________ , i’ll go shopping alone.(2 008重庆)
  a. if she comes b. if she will come
  c. if she doesn’t come d. if she didn’t come
  2. the more you read, ______ you will get.(XX青岛)
  a. the less b. the most
  c. the more d. much more
  3. after wenchun earthquake, ______ people got together on tian’anmen square, calling out "come on, china!" (XX衡阳)
  a. four thousand of b. thousands of
  c. several thousands
  4. we have been good friends _____ we joined the same ping-pong team.(XX陕西)
  a. after b. for c.since d. until
  八下units 7-8-
  i 词组
  1.mind doing sth介意做某事
  2. not at all 一点也不
  3.right away立刻in a minute
  4.turn up/ down the music把音乐音量调低/ 高 turn it on /off 打开/ 关上…
  5.wait in line排队等候 cut in line插队 cutting
  6.break/ obey the rules of etiquette违反/遵守礼仪规则
  7.pick it/ them up把它捡起来
  8.hear of 听说
  9.make friends with 与…交朋友
  10.take an interest in对…感兴趣 be/ become interested in
  11.encourage to do sth鼓励…做…
  ii 句型
  1.would you mind (not) doing sth?
  could you please (not) do sth?
  please do sth.提出建议,请求
  你介意挪一下椅子让我过去吗? 翻译:
  2.why don’t you get her a scarf?
  提醒:如果别人向你提建议,肯定回答可用good idea./ ok!/certainly./ of course./ all right. / with pleasure./ i’d love to.等。
  否定回答可用:no, thanks./ i’m afraid not./ no, i don’t think so./ sorry, we can’t.等。
  3. 花费:sth cost sb money -----
  the book cost me 10 yuan.这本书花了我10元.
  it takes /took sb …to do sth. ------
  it took me 10 days to read the book.读这本书花了我十天时间。
  sb spend money/ time doing sth /on sth -----
  i spent 10 yuan buying/ on the book. 我花了10元钱买这本书。
  sb pay money for sth. ----
  i paid 10 yuan for the book.我花10元钱买了这本书。
  pay sb money付钱给某人
  提醒:过去式:pay-paid cost- cost spend-spent take-took
  4. smoking on the bus is not allowed.车上不准吸烟.
  talking loudly in a library is not polite/impolite.在图书馆里大声讲话是不礼貌的.
  the summary of reading on page p66阅读简写.
  why don’t you learn to sing english songs?
  because china will be the host for the XX olympics, many chinese people are trying _________( improve) their english in different ways. __________(sing) english songs is one way. singers from across china _________(enter) a contest by singing english songs. some of them were able to sing english songs just as ________(good)as native speakers. a winner said singing english songs ________(help) her win the prize and made her more ___________(interest) in learning english. so this kind of contest encourages people in china _______ (spea k) english. and it is a good idea to have fun with english. besides _________(sing) english songs, there are many other fun ways to learn english, like _______(watch) english movies , reading english books, joining an english club and making friends with native speakers. do you have any other good ways ________(learn) english better?
  1. would you please do this? (否定句)
  would you ______ ______ ______ this?
  2. i must leave now in a munite. (同义句)
  i _____ _____ leave now ______ ______.
  3. we were too tired to go anymore.( 同义)
  we were ___ _____ ____ we ____go anymore.
  4.i got my camera on my tenth birthday.(对划线部分提问)
  ______ ______ ______ get your camera?
  5. it’s be tter to keep your voice down in public.(同义)
  you _____ _____ keep your voice down in public.
  i _____ a _____ but the waitress got me a hot dog.
  we should try _____ ______be _____.
  this pen doesn’t ______. _____ you _____ showing me _____ one?
  this _____ to me_____ in the school library.
  6.我洗完盘子你能帮我做作业吗?could you____me____my homework____i ____doing the dishes?
  7. 学习英语最好的方式是与英语国家的人们交朋友。
  the _____ _____ _____ english is making friends _____ people in english-speaking countries.
  9. 在他六岁生日的时候,他收到一份特别的礼品。(翻译)
  he _______ a ______ present _____ his ____birthday.
  10. 他并没去广州,反而去了上海。
  he ____ go to guangzhou. _____, he went to shanghai.
  ii 中考链接
  1.[08宁波]-mike, would yo mind not wearing those old jeans? they look terrible. --___________.
  a. ok. i’ll put on another pair.
  b. sure. i’ll do it right away.
  c. sorry, i won’t be long.
  d. alright. i’ll do them in a minute.
  2. [08宾州]- would you mind sweeping the floor?
  a. yes, of course b. ok. you’re right
  c. sorry. i’ll do it right away d. not at all. here you are
  3.[07重庆] remember to _______ the lights when you leave your classroom.
  a. turn on b. turn off c. turn up d. turn down
  4.[07连云港]after eight hours’ hard work, the firemen finally _____ the forest fire.
  a. put away b. put out c. put down d. put in
  5.[07 烟台]根据汉语意思完成单词
  i won’t go there with you. i’ll stay here _______(代替)
  6. [07济宁] 根据汉语意思完成单词
  when we meet with difficulties, our teacher always________(鼓励)us to work them out by ourselves.
  初三复习八下units 9-10
  i 词组
  1) have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy oneself玩得愉快
  2) end up doing 以… 结束 :结果为…: 3) three quarters 四分之三
  4) practice doing练习做某事 5)wake up醒来 6)look through浏览
  7) get along with相处 8) at least至少 9) look like rain看起来要下雨
  10)come along (意外)出现;发生;来到 11) feel like doing 想要做…
  ii 句型
  1 have you ever been to an amusement park ? no, i haven’t
  2 i have been to an aquarium a lot of times. me, too
  我去过水族馆许多次。 我也去过多次。
  拓展:neither …nor/ neither of / either …or
  3 it is a nice day , isn’t it ? what a nice day , isn’t it ?
  多么好的天气呀, 是吗?[来源:学&科&网]
  4 friends like you make it easier to get along in a new place.
  5 i have a hard time finding it until yoou came along
  6it was because i could speak english that i got the job .
  it  is /was + 被强调的地方 + that 句子的其他成分
  it was john that (who) broke the window yesterday.
  it was yesterday that john broke the window .
  1.i基础知识 选择填空
  ( ) 1 the blacks _______ many places of interest since they came to china a. will visit b. visited c. visit d. have visited
  ( ) 2 alice has _______ home for 2 weeks .
  a. left b. been away c. been away from d. been from
  ( ) 3 –are you a member of the club three years ago ?
  - yes, i _______ the club three years ago .
  a. join b. joined c. have joined d. was joined
  ( )4 ---i have never been to hainan, but this summer i will have a chance to go there for vacation .
  -________. i hope you can have a good time.
  a. me too b. me neither c. so am i d neither am i
  ( )5 the girl didn’t feel like _______ .she was sick.
  aeat anything b eating anything c.to eat anything d ate anything
  ( ) 6i don’t think that the boy can solve the problem, _________?
  a. can he b. can’t he c. do you d. don’t you
  ( ) 7-your sister doesn’t like watching tv, does she ?
  -______ she prefers reading books to watching tv.
  a. yes, she does b. no, she doesn’t
  c yes, she doesn’t dno, she does
  ( )8 would you like to tell youe trouble to your mother or yourfather ?
  -- ________. i usually keep it deep in my heart.
  a either b neither c both d none
  ( )9 alice has _______ home for 2 weeks .
  a. left b. been away c. been away from d. been from
  ( )10--lovely day, ___? a isn’t it b is it c isn’t that d aren’t they
  句型转换 完成句子
  1he’s already cleaned the classroom (变一般疑问句)
  ______ he ______the classroom_________?
  2 his father can hardly write or read, ______ ______ ?(反意疑问句)
  3 the bag must be yours ,_____ _________?(反意疑问句)
  4my family have been to qingdao a lot of times.
  ______ ______ ______ _______ your family been to qingdao?
  4(07兰州)not only tom but also bob has been to that island.(同义句转换) ______ tom and bob _______ been to that island.
  5 这件外套你买了多长时间了?
  _______ _______ have you ________ the coat ?
  6 这家工厂已经开业两年了。
  the factory _______ _______ ________ for two years
  7 学生们应当学会怎样与他人相处
  students should learn how _______ _______ _______ well ______ others.
  8尽管迪斯尼巡游走的是不同路线,但都在同一个地点结束。  ______ disney cruises _____ different roads, they all ____ _____ _____ the same place.
  come over, at least, look through, get along, look both ways, come along
  1 why not _________ the newspaper for a new job?
  2the meeting was too dull until the actor _________.
  3 he has invited her ________ four times.
  4would you like ________________ if you are free?
  5 how are you __________________ with your parents?
  6 you should be more careful ______________ when you cross the road.
  1.(08滨州)- do you think we’ll need a coffee pot ?
  - i don’t drink coffee , and ______ . it’s not necessary . why not a tea service ?
  a. neither you do b. neither do you c. so you do d. so do you
  2(07贵阳)-when did you buy these cds ?-i ____ them for two days.
  a .had b. have bought c. have had
  3 (07青岛)i overslept this morning .______my father ______ my mother woke me up on time.
  a. either, orb. both, and c. neither, nor d. not only, but also
  4 (07 内蒙古)the population of our city is becoming ________.
  a. larger and larger b. more and more
  c. fewer and fewer d. less and less
  5.(07兰州)jimmy’s parents are teachers. _______ of them teaches chinese , they both teach french..
  a. neither b. either c. all d. both
  6(07青岛) i prefer ______ a small gift that has some thought behind it rather than ______ some money.
  a. to receive, to getting b receiving , getting
  c. to receive, get d. receiving , get
  7if you ___ him tomorrow, ask him if he ___ to our party next week.
  a. see, comes b. will see, comes
  c. will see, will come d. see, will come
  8 he ________ up early. but now he doesn’t get up early.
  a. is used get b. used to get
  c. was used to get d. used getting
  9(07青岛)the old man had to do all the work himself, _______?
  a. did he, b. had he c. didn’t he d. hadn’t he
  10(07济南 )-your sister isn’t a nurse, is she?
  -_______, she teaches english in a middle school.
  a. no, she isn’t b. yes, she is c. yes, she isn’t d. no, she is
