

  unit3 back to the past单元学案第一部分:重点归纳i. 重点单词1. 文明 2. 讲座 3. 爆发 4.不幸地5. 埋葬 6. 主管,负责人 7. 毁坏,摧毁 8. 富有的9. 商业的 10. 渐渐地 11. 文化的 12. 机构,研究所13.材料,物质 14. 文献,文件 15. 木制的 16.解决办法17.担心的,关心的 18. 市民的 19.爆炸 20. 总统21.共和国 22. 混乱 23.影响  24.推翻 25.形成 26. 重新统一 27.下沉 28.忠实地,忠诚地ii. 重点词组1. 赢得这次旅行的一个名额感到很幸运2. 作为……很出名 3. 被活埋4 被任命为总指挥 5. 每逢雨天6. 想像做某事 7. 埋在沙子下面的建筑物遗址8. 阻止某人做某事 9. 被选为加拿大代表10. 第一个做某事的人 11. 参与做某事12. 经过保护的一个妇女尸体 13. 使某事取得极大的成功14. 使某人发狂 15. 本(不)该做某事16. 影响…….发展 17. 成立时以长安作为其首都18. 在使用中 19. 设法做成某事20. 作为……的回报 21. 在接下来的一年中22. 经过困难的时期/光 23. 接管24. 处于良好的状况 25. 在(上)船上(机、车上)26. 纪念 27. 对……关心/担心28.到……为止iii. 重点原句(注意划线部分)1. i feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.2. next week we are flying to china, and going to loulan, which is known as china’s pompeii.3. unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city.4. the city was forgotten for many years until the 18th century.5. fiorelli was made director of the pompeii dig.6. so you didn’t have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days!7. it is believed by many people to have been gradually covered over by sandstorms from ad200…8. sven found the remains of buildings buried under the sand.9. even that didn’t prevent the city from being buried by sand---what a pity!10. i was so excited to be picked to represent canada.11. in 1980 i was involved in discovering the preserved body of a woman.12. his work has made the discovery of loulan a huge success.13. not only was rome a city and a republic, but it was also to become the capital of one of the largest empires in history.14. the han dynasty was founded with chang’an as its capital city.15. what is interesting is that the other largest city was rome.16. chinese people managed to travel further, introducing silk, china, etc.17. in return for silk, china received wine, spices, wool and other goods.18. in the following hundred years both rome and china had a difficult time.第二部分:练习i. 单项选择1. we didn’t expect that sara was made _____ of the students’ union. a. chairman b. a chairman c. the chairman d. chairmen2. the noise of the planes taking off and landing time and time again nearly_____ the people around the airport mad. a. left b. kept c. drove d. caused3. the visiting guests sent us some of the pictures drawn by the students of theirs schools, and we sent them some of our calligraphy_____. a. in return b. in turn  c. by turn d. for return4. the general manager has to retire due to his illness. who do you think will_____ the business? a. take in b. take up c. take on d. take over5. mike woke up to find himself _____ by flowers, which he later found out came from the ______ villages. a. surrounding; surrounded  b. surrounded; surroundingc. surrounded; surrounded  d. surrounding; surrounding6. we should never forget the days_____ china was invaded and many people were buried_____. a. when; live  b. which; alive c. when; alive  d. which; living7. the government has taken some measures to prevent more trees from_____. a. cutting down  b. cut down.  c. being cut down  d. been cut down8.yesterday evening i tried to call you, but i couldn’t get through as the telephone was always in _____. a. need b. use c. case d. addition9. now ______ as a hero for the journey into outer space, yang liwei has earned much respect from people all over the world. a. knowing  b. being known c. known  d. having known10.the government is considering the environment-friendly plan which some scientists would like to see______ soon. a. to be carried out  b. be carried out  c. carrying out  d. carried out11.a cook will be immediately fired if he is found _____ in the kitchen. a. smoke b. smoking c. to smoke d. smoked12.the murder was brought in, with his hands _____ behind his back. a. being tied b. having tied c. to be tied d. tied13.either you or the headmaster_____ the prize to these gifted students at the meeting. a. is handing out  b. are to hand out c. are handing out  d. is to hand out14.one-third of the area _____ covered with green trees. about seventy percent of the trees ______ been planted. a. are; have b. is; has c. is; have d. are; has15.having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____ whether they will enjoy it.a. to see b. to be seen c. seeing d. seenii. 单词拼写1. many famous buildings such as the great wall and the summer place can represent the ancient c___________ of china.2. the garden that was once so beautiful was d___________ in the flood.3. since the law of wildlife protection came into effect, the number of the milu deer has grown g_____________ year by year.4. manhattan is well known as the c____________ centre of america.5. he grew up in a w___________ family, so he knows nothing about the life of the poor.6. many american p____________ served in congress before they have the highest political position.7. the __________(残留物) of lunch were still on the table.8. he committed the crime under the __________(影响) of a strong passion.9. the party is in complete ____________(混乱) after its election defeat.10. there are some _____________(相似处) between the two poets.11. america ___________( 宣布) war on japan in 1941.12.­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________(不幸地), karen got seriously injured in a car accident on her way home.iii. 翻译句子1.i consider myself______________________________________(很幸运有机会参观印度)2. __________________________________________(他烟酒不沾), but is still in bad health.3. 我从公共汽车上下来时,发现钱包被偷了。when i got off the bus i _________________________.4.我们能做什么来防止这种疾病的蔓延?what can we do _______________________?5.这家图书馆是为了纪念那位科学家而建的。the library was built _____________________ the scientist6. peter 很友好, 作为回报我们给他送了一份漂亮的礼物。we gave peter a nice present__________________ his kindness.第三部分:练习答案i. 单项选择1~5 acadb 6~10 ccbcd 11~15 bddcbii. 单词拼写1 civilization 2 destroyed 3gradually 4 commercial 5 wealthy6 presidents 7 remains 8 influence 9 confusion 10 similarities11 declared 12 unfortunately/unluckilyiii. 翻译句子1.lucky to have the chance to visit india 2. he neither smokes nor drinks 3. i found my wallet stolen 4. to prevent the disease from spreading?/the spread of the disease 5. in memory/ honour of the scientist 6. in return for his kindness
