

  9a unit 6 detective stories
  part 1: teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)
  unit goals
  vocabularydetective; murderer; suspect; gun; theft; shopkeeper; salesman; thief; body; doorway; victim; death; shorts; struggle; attacker; record; melding; enemy; crime; boss; neat; several; bright; project; attack; bleed; add; charge; wonder; rob; somewhere; heavily; except; if; whether
  expressions1. why are you dressed like that?
  2. my food has go missing.
  3. the victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result.
  4. the victim obviously put up a good fight.
  5. the victim was guilty of computer crimes in the pase.
  6. he was charged with breaking into several computer systems.
  7. a witness reported that he was running heavily and had blood on his shirt.
  8. the victim’s parents have offered a reward of $ 50,000 for any
  information that leads to the arrest of the murderer.
  9. wang gang has no criminal record.
  structures1. this is much more serious. my food has gone missing.
  2. last saturday night at 8 p.m., a young man was murdered. the murder happened in sun town.
  3. this person is wanted for murder.
  4. they are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to valley town, or killed at the place where he was found.
  5. there was also evidence of a struggle.
  6. so far, the only suspect is a short, thin man who was seen running down upper street at 10 last night.
  7. however, the suspect had evidence to prove that he was at another place at the time of the crime and insisted that he was not guilty.
  8. people are complaining that we are taking so long to find the murderer.
  9. i dare not to go out alone at night now.
  10. detective lu said that he would put up a drawing of the suspect the following day.
  11. sometime between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m., guan fei was kidnapped.
  12. i think it’s highly possible that wang gang is not guilty.
  13. a witness said that she had seen someone running into tom’s building.
  14. tom got along with all of his neighbours except the man who lived next door.
  period 1 comic strip + welcome to the unit
  teaching goals
  • to understand clues about a crime
  • to read notes on four suspects and decide which suspect is most likely to be guilty
  • to draw a picture of the suspect
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  what kind of tv programmes or films do you often watch? …
  why do you like them? …
  (encourage the students to give as many answers as possible.)
  step2. presentation
  do you know something about sherlock holmes? he is a very famous detective created by sir arthur conan doyle. do you like to watch detective films? i like them very much. by the way, do you know what a detective story is? it’s a type of ystery story that featuresa detective who solves of a crime, usually a murder case. the detective films are always full of suspense. i have to use my head to guess who is the murderer according to the plots of the films.
  one day, a man was murdered / killed. there are four people were thought they may probably killed this man, they were the suspects. the police have made notes on all of them. if you are a detective, what questions will your ask these four men? how can you make the notes?
  (list the students’ answers on the board.)
  what’s your name? what are you? where do you live? where were you …?
  if you are a good detective, you should watch these four suspects carefully, you also need to write down their appearance and their feelings on your notes.
  step 3. read & practice
  read the notes made by the police in part aon page 95 carefully, then try to remember what ought to be included in the detective’s report. then read the notes again, after reading, close the books, ask one student to describe one of the suspects, ask the others to guess who he was.
  (encourage the students to think creatively)
  step 4. game
  pide the class into groups of five. ask one student in each group to be the "detective" . the detective must list as many questions as possible on a piece of paper and ask four suspects these questions. then the detective take notes and make up a profile for each suspect.
  step 5. presentation
  (show the pictures to the students)
  what is eddie dresses like? what’s in his hand?
  step 6. listen & answer
  there’s a dialogue between eddie and hobo, listen to it carefully, then try to answer the following questions:
  1. why is eddie dressed like that? 2. is he looking for a murder?
  step 7. read & act
  read the dialogue after the tape, then act it out.
  step 8. consolidation exercise
  1. the murder happened in sunshine town. (改为同义句)
  the murder __________ __________ in sunshine town.
  2. he’s dressed in a red coat today. (对画线部分提问)
  __________ __________ he __________ in today?
  3. the cook is fat and friendly. (对画线部分提问)
  __________ the cook __________?
  4. my father works in a restaurant. (对画线部分提问)
  __________ __________ your father __________?
  1 how does the suspect look like? __________
  2. what was happened to him last night? __________
  3. many people like to read novels because they’re excited. __________
  4. last saturday night at 8 p.m., a young man is murdered. __________
  step 9. homework
  1. revise today’s phrases.
  2. write down the plot of a detective film on the notebook.
  3. read and recite the dialogue.
  period 2 reading (i)
  teaching goals
  • to read a newspaper article about a murder
  •to understand key vocabulary items
  •to identify sentences as true or false based on the article
  • to proofread and correct some notes based on the article
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  1. ask the students to tell some detective stories they are interested in. if there are some problems, they can tell them in chinese.
  2. yesterday, we knew a young man was murdered at 8.00 p.m. last saturday. we had some information about four suspects. do you remember? tell me their names, their address, their appearance, the place they were at that time one by one.
  step 2. presentation
  if you are a good detective, first you should watch the place where the murder happened carefully, try to check the footprinter and other things to get some evidence. then you should ques tion the suspects, find clues and works out who the murderer is. typically, yours investigation is based on motive, opportunity and means.
  step 3. read and answer
  last night, a 22-year-old computer programmer was murdered. read the passage, then try to answer the following question:
  1. what was the vicitm? 2. when was he last seen leaving his office?
  3. when did the murder take place in police’s opinion?
  4. were the police sure where the victim was killed?
  5. why did detective lu say that the victim was attacked with a knife?
  6. did the victim try to fight off his attacker(s)?
  7. what does the only suspect look like?
  8. do the police have evidence to prove that the suspect is the guilty?
  step 4. listen and read
  listen to the tape, then read the passage after the tape. finish the exercise in part b1 on page 98.
  answers: b a c b
  then listen ,read again, try to tell the following sentences in part b2 on page 98 true or false.
  answers: 1. t 2. f (the victim was a computer programmer.) 3. t 4. t 5. f (although reading passage suggests the victim might have made some enemies, the police do not know this for sure. therefore, this sentence is false.) 6. t 7. f (the suspect is a short, thin man.) 8. f (the police do not yet know who the murderer is.) 9. t
  step 4. read and retell
  read the passage together, inpidually, then try to retell the story according to the key words and phrases.
  1. something about the victim 2. the time and the place the murder took place
  3. detctive lu’s opinion (attack…with…, bleed to death, put up a good fight, friends and
  enemies) 4. something about the suspect (breath heavily, have blood on the shirt, not guilty)
  step 5. consolidation
  1. he often receives letters from me. (改为同义句)
  he often __________ __________ __________.
  2. last night, the murder took place in valley town. (改为同义句)
  last night, __________ __________ a murder in valley town.
  3. the news is very amazing. (改为感叹句)
  __________ __________ __________ it is!
  4. she’s a girl of 8. (改为同义句)
  she’s __________ __________ girl.
  1. police has confirmed that the victim was a computer programmer. __________
  2. he has many good friends and an interesting, well-paid work. __________
  3. that old man has died for more than two years. __________
  4. he said he is going to visit me the next day. __________
  step6. homework
  1. read the text and try to recite it.
  2. do more consolidation exercises
  (1). 刚才我的食物不见了。
  my food ____________________ just now.
  (2). 我们已经对他们作了笔录。
  we __________ already ____________________ them.
  (3). 五分钟前,电话里有人找你。
  you __________ on the phone ____________________.
  (4). 他们不得不查出杀人犯是谁。
  they have to ____________________ who ____________________.
  (5). 到目前为止,他学英语大约有五年了。
  __________, he ____________________ for about five years
  (6). 在过去,他们因侵入一些电脑系统而被控告。
  they ____________________ several computer systems __________.
  (7). 他是在发现的地方被杀的。
  he __________ at the place where he __________.
  (8). 警方在勘察现场是为了获取指纹和其它线索。
  the police ____________________ for ____________________.
  period 3 reading (ii)
  teaching goals
  • to practise the main language points of the context
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  have a dictation
  1. the body of a 22-year-old man 2. victim 3. somewhere else 4. attack sb. with sth.
  5. bleed to death (bled, bled) 6. evidence of a struggle 7. more than one attacker
  8. bright (clever, smart) 9. add 10. friends and enemies
  11. guilty of a computer programmer 12. charge sb. with sth. 13. break into
  14. several computer systems 15. breath heavily 16. something unusual
  17. as a result 18. put up a good fight 19. a well-paid job 20. so far
  step 2. read & practice
  read the passage again, then practise the important language points.
  for stronger classes, ask the students to retell the reading passage on their own. for weaker classes, give them the following sentences, then ask them to put them in a correct order.
  a. the victim died.
  b. the victim’s parents offered a reward for imformation.
  c. the victim struggled with the attackers.
  d. the victim left his office in new town.
  e. the police checked th scene for clues.
  f. the body was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.
  g. the victim was charged with computer crimes.
  (answers: 4-7-3-2-6-5-1)
  step 3. exercise
  read the passage again, then fill in the blanks.
  a young man was m 1 in valley town. the body was f 2 in the doorway of a clothes shop. the v 3 was a computer rogrammer. the murder t 4 place between 9 o’clock yesterday evening and one o’clock this morning. the young man was a 5 with a knife, there was e 6 of a srtuggle. a witness saw a short, thin man r 7 down upper street with
  b 8 on his shirt. but the man insisted he was guilty.
  (answers: 1. murdered 2. found 3. victim 4. took 5. attacked 6. evidence 7. running
  8. blood)
  step 4. presentation & practice
  1. it’s lunchtime, millie is talking with her classmates about the murder. please read the dialogue between millie and sandy, then fill in the blanks in part c1 on page 99. after that, ask the students to work in pairs and act it out.
  answers: 1. knife 2. bled 3. unusual 4. witnesses 5. charged 6. suspect 7. evidence
  8. guilty
  2. millie wants to solve the crime. she made some notes in her diary, but she made a lot of mistakes because she was sleepy. help her correct it. finish the exercise c2 on page 99.
  step 5. consolidation
  1. they offer hot water to us on the train. (改为同义句)
  they hot water on the train.
  2. his lovely dog left three days ago. (改为同义句)
  his lovely dog for three days.
  3. i have asked them to contact us. (对画线部分提问)
  them ?
  4. he has broken into several computer systems in the past two months.
  ________ ________ computer ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in the past two months?
  1. they aren’t sure if they have decided to hold a meeting or not. ____________
  2. the victim’s parents have offered a prize of ¥ 50,000 for useful information.
  3. anyone has information should contact the police on 5550 1212. ____________
  4. if something is confirmed, it is prove to be true. ____________
  step 6. homework
  1. revise the phrases and recite the text
  2. do some more consolidation exercises
  (1). 他因流血而死。
  he ____________________________________.
  (2). 去年他犯了抢劫罪。
  he ________________________ last year.
  (3). 此刻他呼吸急促。
  he ________________________ at the moment.
  (4). 受害者显然进行了殊死搏斗。
  the victim ____________________________________.
  period 4 vocabulary
  teaching goals:
  •to understand vocabulary relating to crimes and criminals
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. revision
  translation the following sentences orally
  2. 我不确定他是否会来。
  3. 我听说那个年轻人曾因绑架罪被逮捕过。
  4. 无论如何,你都应该试试。
  5. 刚才我的食物不见了。
  6. 我们已经对他们作了笔录。
  .7 五分钟前,电话里有人找你。
  8. 他们不得不查出杀人犯是谁。
  step 2. presentation
  show the students a video named detective kenan, then ask the following question:
  1. what is kenan? 2. what does a detective do?
  3. can you tell the difference between a detective and a policeman?
  how many kinds of crimes do you know? i’ll show you some pictures, tell me what they are.
  (part a on page 100)
  1. theft --- the stealing of something from a person or a place
  2. shoplifting
  3. kidnapping (it can be used for adults as well as children.)
  4. murder
  step 3. practice
  what punishment for these crimes do you think shoud be? discuss together, then present your
  e.g. 1000 yuan fine 20 hours of voluntary work 6 month in prison life in prison
  death penalty
  you can vote for the penalty for each crime.
  step 4. presentation
  a person who robs is called a robber. what do we call the person who steals others’ things? a
  thief. (pay attentions to its pluray form is thieves)
  the person who involves the kidnapping/murder is called a kidnapper/murdere.
  show the picture in part b on page 100, write the correct words in the blanks.
  step 5. practice
  please tell the following criminals according to what i say.
  1. a person who takes things from a shop. (a shoplifter)
  2. a person who takes another person’s things secrestly. (a thief)
  3. a person who something away by force in order to get money. (a robber)
  4. a person who kills others awfully. (a murderer)
  5. a person who takes someone away by force. (a kidnapper)
  step 5. extension activity
  encourage students to think of more names for crimes and crinimals not listed here.
  battery (殴打) --- attacker burglary (入室盗窃) --- burglar
  drug dealing (贩卖毒品) --- drug dealer mugging (抢劫) --- mugger
  forgery (伪造文件) ---forger money laundering (洗黑钱) --- money launderer
  then ask the students what they think the punishment for these crimes should be.
  step 6. consolidation exercise
  1. i was at another place when the crime took place. (改为同义句)
  i was at another place __________ __________ __________ __________ the crime.
  2. he was charged with the robbery last week. (对画线部分提问)
  __________ __________ he __________ __________ last week?
  3. they boy was kidnapped by that woman. (改为主动句)
  that woman __________ the boy.
  4. he showed great interest in science in the past. (改为同义句)
  he __________ very __________ __________ science in the past.
  1. he has been arrested for kill that old woman. __________
  2. the victim was killed by a gun. __________
  3. someone who is guilty have done something wrong. __________
  4. the police needs to know more about the murder. __________
  step 7. homework
  1.revise the phrases we learned today.
  2.do some more consolidation exercises.
  (1). 这个犯罪嫌疑人已经找到证据来证明他是无罪的.
  the suspect has found _______________ that ______________________.
  (2). 粗心导致他在考试中失败了。
  carelessness _______________ his failure in the exam.
  (3). 警察正在搜查现场指纹和其它线索。
  the police _________________________________ and other clues.
  (4). 他顽强抵抗直到他失血过多而亡。
  he ___________________ until he ________________________________.
  (5). 模特们穿着时髦的衣服。
  models _________________________________________.
  period 5 grammar (i)
  teaching goals:
  • to correctly use the commonly confused verbs "bring" and "take"
  • to correctly use the commonly confused verbs "hear" and "listen"
  • to correctly use the commonly confused verbs "see " and "watch"
  • to correctly use the commonly confused verbs "come" and "go"
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. revision
  1. have a dictation
  2. do the following translations orally
  (1)the body of a 22-year-old man was found in the doorway of a clothes shop.
  (2)he was last seen leaving his office at about 7 p.m.
  (3)we are interested in hearing from anyone who saw anything unusual.
  (4)i heard that the victim was arrested before for computer crimes.
  step 2. presentation
  from the above sentences, we know that some verbs have similar meanings and are often confused. although their meanings are similar, they are not synonyms and we use them in different ways. try to tell the differences of the following words according to the examples.
  step 3. explanation
  they are not sure whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to valley town.
  please take the witness to the room on the left.
  (‘bring’ means to carry something towards the speaker. ‘take’ means to carry something away from the speaker.)
  they can’t hear what detective lu is saying because of the noise.
  the police listened to the witnesses carefully.
  (‘hear’ means to be aware of sounds. ‘listen’ means to pay attention to what you are hearing. ‘listen’ is usually followed by the preposition ‘to’.)
  did you see a man running down upper street?
  detective lu looked at the knife carefully.
  the police is watching every move of the suspect.
  (‘see’ means to be aware of objects by using the eyes. you can see something even when you are not paying attention. it just comes to your eyes. seeing, or sight is one of the five senses. the others are smell, hearing, touch and taste. ‘look’ means to direct your eyes towards something. when you look are something, you concentrate and pay attention to that thing. ‘look’ is usually followed by the preposition ‘at’. ‘watch’ is similar to ‘look’. it means to look at something closely for a time to see what happens. you watch something that is changing, moving or developing. when we want to warn someone of something, we can say ‘watch out!’ or ‘look out!’)
  she came and sat down beside me.
  the witness went to the police station to give detective lu new information about the case.
  (‘come’ means to move towards the speaker. ‘go’means to move away from the speaker.
  step 4. practice
  the murder is still on the run. detective lu is talking to his assistant. please complete the conversation on page 102 with the correct form of one of the words in brackets.
  step 5. consolidation
  complete the sentences using the correct forms of ‘bring’, ‘take’, ‘hear’ and ‘listen’.
  1. can you __________ the telephone ringing?
  2. please _________ me that book on the table.
  3. __________ to that noise. it sounds like someone is moving furniture.
  4. _________ this present to your grandmother’s house.
  5. don’t forget to __________ some cds when you come to visit us on saturday.
  6. please be quiet. unce joe wants to __________ to the radio.
  7. her new camera did not work so she __________ it back to the shop.
  8. it was so noisy that i couldn’t __________ the announcement
  (answers: 1. hear 2. bring 3. listen 4. take 5. bring 6. listen 7. took 8. hear)
  fill in the blanks with ‘see’, ‘look’, ‘watch’, ‘come’ or ‘go’.
  1. ___________ at that dog! it’s so fat.
  2. i can’t __________ the dog. where is it?
  3. if you __________ the programme tonight, you’ll see your favourite singer.
  4. do you want to __________ to my house? we can watch tv together.
  5. sorry, i can’t. i have to __________ to see my uncle in hospital.
  (answers: 1. look 2. see 3. watch 4. come 5. go)
  step 5. homework
  1.revise the defferences of the confused words
  2. do more consolidation exercises
  (1). 我听不清老师在说什么。
  i ____________________ what the teacher ____________________.
  (2). 警察正观察着那个嫌疑犯的一举一动。
  the policeman ______________________________ that suspect.
  (3). 老师让我们明天将作文带到学校来。
  our teacher asked us _____________________________________________.
  (4). 你们花了多长时间发现绑架者的?
  __________________ it ________ you _______________________________?
  period 6 grammar (ii)
  teaching goals:
  •to use reported speech to talk about what someone else said
  •to use reported speech to report questions
  teaching procedures:
  step 1. revision
  when the body of a 22-year-old computer programmer was found in the doorway of a clothes
  shop. what did detective lu say?
  (1) he said, " we are asking anyone who saw anything unusual last night to contact us."
  (2) he said, " we are particularly interested in hearing from anyone who saw anything unusual near upper street."
  (3) he said: " the victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result."
  (4) he said: " the victim obviously put up a good fight." …
  ask the students to say as many sentences as possible.
  step 2. presentation
  now, you are the assistant of dtective lu, you want to tell other people what detective lu said. you can use reported speech or indirect speech. we don’t use quotation marks with reported speech. we should pay attention to the following rules.
  1. we change the pronouns when using reported speech.
  " i’m scared." said the witness. ---- the witness said (that) he was scared.
  (using ‘that’ in the middle of the sentence is optional. in spoken english , ‘that’ is generally left out. in written english, ‘that’ is often kept, as this more formal.)
  2. we change tenses when using reported speech like this:
  " i’m scared." said the witness. ---- the witness said (that) he was scared.
  (simple present – simple past )
  " the thief is running away." said mr. ma. ---- mr. ma said the thief was ruuning away.
  (present continous – past continous )
  "i have finished my reported." said detective lu. ---- detective lu said he had finished his
  (present perfect – past perfect )
  " i watched the game." said mr. wu. ---- mr. wu said that he had watched the game.
  (simple past – past perfect)
  "we’ll look for more clues." said detective lu. ---- detective lu said that they would look for
  more clues.
  (simple future – would…)
  tip: we don’t change simple present tense to the simple past tense when the speaker is talking about something that is always true.
  e.g. "the sun rises in the east." said mr. wu. ---- mr wu said that the sun rises in the east.
  3. we change theadverbials of time using reported speech like this.
  now – then today – that day tonight – that night
  this morning/week – that morning/week tomorrow – the following day/the next day yesterday – the day before last month – the month before
  step 3. practice
  there is an interview on tv. it’s about the murder in valley town. millie is taking aome notes
  for the school writing competition. help millie finish her notes on page 104 with reported speech.
  step 4. presentation
  we can also use reported speech to report questions. apart fro changing the tenses, adverbials of time and pronouns, we also need to change some other things when reporting questions.
  1. change the question mark into a full stop, change the word order.
  "where is the body?" asked the policeman. ---- th policeman asked where the body was.
  2. for ‘yes/no’ questions, use ‘if/whether’.
  "does he know the victim?" i asked. ----- i asked if/whether he knew the victim.
  step 5. practice
  there was an interview with detective lu on tv. millie ia telling amy about it. help millie report the interview’s questions using reported speech. finish the exercise on page 105.
  step 6. extension activity
  tell students that the class is going to creat its own table showing the differences between direct speech and reported speech. write te questions below on the left-hand side of the board. make sure the questions are easy to respond to.
  1. what did you have for breakfast?
  2. have you ever been to hong kong?
  3. what will you do on sunday?
  4. what was your favorite subject at primary school?
  choose a few students to respond to the questions in full sentences.
  tell other students to listen carefully to the responses. they must then tell you how to write the answers in reported speech. as a sentence is said correctly in reported speech, write it on the board next to its corresponding question.
  1. what did you have for breakfast? millie said that he had porridge for breakfast.
  2. have you ever been to hong kong? suzie said she had ever been to hong kong.
  3. what will you do on sunday? tom said that he would play tennis on sunday.
  4. what was your favorite subject at primary school?
  winnie said that her favourite subject at primary school was chinese.
  step 5. consolidation
  1. "i’m angry," said miss ding.
  2. "the suspect is running away," said mr yan.
  3. "will you come back tomorrow?" i asked mandy.
  4. "where did you park the car yesterday?" dad asked his son.
  step 6. homework
  1.revise the reported speech we have learned.
  2.do some more consolidation exercises.
  (1). 侦探问凶案什么时候发生的。
  the detective asked _______________________________.
  (2). 怀特夫人告诉我她看见一个手上拿着枪的人。
  mrs white told me _______________________________________________.
  (3). 她渐渐失去了耐心。
  her patience ____________________________________________.
  (4). 你明白我所说的话吗?
  do you understand ____________________________________?
  (5). 颐和园里有更多展出的艺术作品。
  there are _________________________ works of art on show in the summer palace.
  period 7 integrated skills
  teaching goals:
  • to identify the context of a police interview
  • to identify main ideas about two suspects
  • to use information tocomplete notes and a report
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  how many crimes do you know? what are they? …
  what do you call these criminals? …
  one day, a man was murdered, there were two suspects. if you are a detective, what do you need
  to write in your report? …
  step 2. presentation
  one day, a child was kidnapped. detective lu made some notes. read the notes in part a1 on page 106 and help his assistant complete the suspects’ profiles with as much information as possible. (only the answers to no 5 and no 11 can be found in the notes above. although the names of the suspects are given in the notes above, students will have to listen to the recording to determine who’s the first suspect and whi is the second.
  step 3. listen and answer
  listen to detective lu’s interviews with the two suspects, then help his assistant complete their profiles in part a1.
  answers: 1. wang gang 2. postman 3. about seven years 4. no 5. no 6. yes
  7. at his sister’s wedding 8. xie yiming 9. almost two years 10. yes 11. yes
  12. yes 13. leaving mr guan’s house
  step 4. extension activity
  ask students who they think kidnapped guan fei, and why. encourage students to respond orally in full sentences. ask:
  1. who do you think kidnapped guan fei?
  2. why do you think he / she kidnapped guan fei?
  3. how much money do you think he / she wants?
  4. why does he / she need the money?
  5. do you think guan fei is scared?
  tell the students that there are no right or wrong answers. they should simply be encouraged to develop their own opinions and express them in english.
  step 5. practice
  detective lu’s assistant is writing a report on the kidnapping case. please help him complete the report clearly according to part a1 on page 106.
  step 6. presention
  there’s a conversation between detective lu and policeman fu. they are talking about the first suspect of the kidnapping case.
  step 7. listen & answer
  listen to the conversation, then answer the following questions:
  1. did policeman fu think the first suspect was guilty?
  2. was he at the house on 28th december? where was he?
  3. does he have a criminal record?
  step 8. read and act
  make the similar dialogue, the underlined parts can be replaced. work in pairs, then act it out.
  step 9. consoidation
  1.what did you think of the novel? (改为同义句)
  _________ _________ the novel?
  2.he seemed to know the answer. (改为同义句)
  _________ __________ __________ he __________ the answer.
  3.it isn’t going to rain. i think so. (合并成一句)
  i _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________ _________.
  4.the suspect is 1.68 meters tall. (对画线部分提问)
  __________ __________ __________ the suspect?
  step 10. homework
  1.revise the words and the phrases
  2. do more consolidation exercises
  (1). 我认为他明天不会来,是吗?
  i _______ he _______________ tomorrow, ___________?
  (2). 为了学好英语,我们应该尽可能多地说英语。
  to learn english __________, we should speak english ___________________________.
  (3). tom的助手似乎不明白他说的话。
  tom’s ____________________________________.
  (4). 你完成盗窃案的犯罪记录了吗?
  ________ you ___________________________ yet?
  (5) . 他很可能已经去伦敦了。
  _____________ that he ________________________ london.
  period 8 pronunciation
  teaching goals
  •to understand the importance of stress when speaking english
  •to identify where stress falls in a word
  •to place stress on the correct part of a word
  •to recognize the difference in stress when pronouncing the verb or the noun form of a word
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  how did you remember new words, especially the longer ones?
  such as: detective, evidence, obviously, particularly
  first, we should know how many syllables these words have, then pide these syllables.
  de•tec•tive e•vi•dence ob•vious•ly par•ti•cu•lar•ly
  when we read a word which has two or more than two syllables, we neeo to pay attention to its stress.
  step 2. presentation
  in english, when you pronounce words of more than one syllable, you often need to stress /
  emphasis one of the syllables. in or der to stress a syllable, you need to say the syllable louder, and
  often longer than the unstressed syllable. sometimes, changing the stress can change the meaning
  of the word.
  such as: " ‘ob•ject’" is a noun. it means ‘a thing’.
  " ‘ob•ject’" is a verb. it means ‘to say that you disagree with something’.
  step 3. listen & conclude
  there are six pairs of words, listen to the tape, which syllable do you put the stress on?
  listen to part b on page 108.
  these are the noun form of the words we put the stress on the first syllable so that you
  pronounce the words as nouns.
  listen to part c on page 108.
  these are the verb forms of the words we put the stress on the second syllable so that you
  pronounce the words as verbs.
  step 4. practice
  1. listen to part c on page 108 carefully. try make notes of where the stress is. write a v if the word is pronounced as a verb, write a n if it is pronounced as a noun. then finish the exercise part d on page 108.
  2. listen to part a on page 108, pay attention to the different stresses, practise pronouncing these parts of words correctly, then try to make sentences with other pairs of words.
  step 5. consolidation
  1."i have been to the great wall already." tom said. (改为间接引语)
  2.the boy who was kidnapped ran away successfully in the end. (对画线部分提问)
  ________ ________ ________ ________ successfully in the end?
  3.they were checking the machine at 9 a.m. yesterday. (对画线部分提问)
  _________ _________ they _________ at 9 a.m. yesterday?
  4.let’s go and look at the new car. (改为同义句)
  let’s go and _________ _________ _________ _________ the new car.
  5.more than 20 students have been to hainan. (改为同义句)
  _______________ 20 students have been to hainan.
  step 6. homework
  1. 你录下证人所说的话了吗?
  __________ you ______________________________________________?
  2. 请注意你的书写。
  please ____________________________ your handwriting.
  3. 看到犯罪率下降是件好事。
  it’s good to see a _______________________________________________.
  4. 你为何不同意我的意见?
  why __________ you ___________________________________________?
  period 9 main task
  teaching goals
  •to arrange pictures in chronological order
  •to complete a story by filing in blanks
  •to match sentences with pictures
  •to write a detective story
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  1. do the following tranaltions orally.
  (1). 他说他根本是无罪的。
  (2). 住在隔壁的人对你友善吗?
  (3). 昨晚,父亲直到10点才下班回家。
  (4). 使我吃惊的是,我的一个老同学因盗窃罪被捕了。
  (5). 这里太黑太吵,以致于我既看不见,也听不见。
  2. ask the students to tell the murder happened to a 22-year-old computer programmer with
  their own words.
  step 2. presentation
  millie is entering the writing competition. she has drawn some pictures to help her plan the
  story. let’s look at her pictures. first, ask ans answer in pairs to talk about the pictures. then as
  the students to you use one sentence to describe each picture.
  1. one day, tom found a diamond necklace outside his door.
  2. tom planned to take the necklace to the police station the next day.
  3. a witness said that she had seen someone running into tom’s building.
  4. tom was charged with robbery. ( police officers will first arrest a suspect. if they think he / she is innocent, he / she will be set free. if they think he / she is guilty, he / she will be charged. then the suspect will be tried in court, where he / she will be found either innocent or guilty.)
  step 3. practice
  millie has written the first part of the story, can you help her fill in the missing words in part a2 on page 109. then read it.
  step 4. presentation
  there is another detective story here. first, look at these six pictures, can you describe them one by one? then match the sentences with the pictures in part b1 on page 110.
  step 5. extension activity
  ask students to think about what happened in part b1 on page 110. encourage students to respond orally in full sentences. ask:
  1. who do you think was murderer, a man or a woman?
  2. how do you think he / she was killed?
  3. is there any blood?
  4. who do you think is guilty?
  5. why do you think he / she is guilty?
  step 6. writing
  now, write your own detective story using the pictures in prat b1on page 110, or write an ending to millie’s story in part a2 on page 109.
  step 7. explanation
  remember to include these elements in your story.
  1. a description of the crime.
  2. any objects or clues found at the scene of the crime.
  3. a description of the suspect.
  4. how the detective knows he / she has found the rigt person.
  step 8. consolidation
  1. we’d better call the police. (改为同义句)
  it’s _________ _________ _________ _________ call the police.
  2. mary could skate well at 10. (改为同义句)
  mary _______ _______ _______ skate well _______ _______ _______ _______ 10.
  3. the necklace belongs to miss white. (改为同义句)
  miss white is _________ _________ _________ the necklace.
  4. the victim wanted to report him to the police. (对画线部分提问)
  _________ _________ the victim _________ _________ _________?
  1. everyone has gone to plant trees except jack and i. ____________
  2. the man who lives next door of me is a detective. ____________
  3. the strange man never speaks to someone. ____________
  4. he planned to take the necklace to the police station next day. ____________
  step 9. homework
  write a complete passage according to your own drafts.
  period 10 checkout
  teaching goals
  •to practise using reported speech to repeat statements and questions
  •to review vocabulary related to the crime and criminals
  •to allow students to check their progress and ask any questions they may still have
  teaching procedures
  step 1. revision
  1. ( show picture in part b on page 111) let’s revise the words in this unit.
  struggle clue witness detective suspect thief
  ( revise vocabulary.)
  2. tell us a detective story you have ever read. (revise reading.)
  3. if you are a detective, a murder happened, you need to write a report, how to make notes?
  (revise welcome to the unit & integrated skills)
  step 2. presentation
  millie watched detective lu on tv. the interviewer asked him some questions, work in pairs according to part a on page 111.
  millie’s father has just come home from work and she wants to tell him about it.
  step 3. practice
  millie told her father about the interview with detective lu. she should use the reported speech. (revise grammar b)
  fill in the blanks in part a on page 111, then ask the students to read out one sentence each to check their answers.
  step 4. consolidation
  1. 我看到汤姆正跑去赶公交车。
  i saw tom ____________________________________.
  2. 那个衬衫上有血的男子被卷入那起抢劫案了吗?
  ________ the man ________ blood ________ his shirt ____________ the robbery?
  3. 在案件发生时,他们在搞一个聚会。
  they ____________ when the crime ________________________.
  4. 任何盗窃案件均应想警察局报告。
  any case of stealing ________________________ the police.
  step 5. homework
  1.revise the vocabulary and grammar in this unit.
  2.get ready for the coming test.
  part 2 teaching material
  i. 重点难点详解
  1. miss, lost, gone
  miss表示"失掉","不见",强调"应该有而缺少"。 e.g. he found a lot of his books missing.
  lost表示"遗失", "不易找到"。 e.g. my key is lost.
  gone相当于missing,但只能作表语。 e.g. my watchi is gone.
  2. bleed –bled-bled (vi.) 出血,流血 e.g. if you cut your finger, it will bleed.
  悲痛,伤心 e.g. our hearts bleed for you.
  (vt.) 自…抽血,放血 e.g. doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.
  3. dare (vt.) 敢(于)接不定式 e.g. he dares to speak to me like that.
  (v.aux) 胆敢(后接不带to的不定式,主要用语疑问句,否定句或条件句)
  e.g. how dare you say such a thing?
  4. whether (conj.)
  e.g. whether we’ll have a meeting hasn’t been decided.
  "不管,无论" e.g. whether i success or fail, i’ll try my best.
  if (conj.) 引导名词性从句 "是否"(但不能与or not 连用)
  e.g. they didn’t decide if they would go to hainan or not. (x) if   whether
  引导条件状语从句 "假如,如果"
  e.g. if you are free, please come to see me every week.
  5. bring, take
  bring 意思是"带来,拿来",表示把某物拿到讲话者所处的位置。
  take "带走,拿走",表示把某物从说话者所处的位置拿走。
  e.g. please bring your exercise book here. let me have a look.
  he took his schoolbag away.
  6. hear, listen
  hear表示听的结果, listen表示听的过程。
  e.g. i listened to the teacher carefully, but i couldn’t hear what he said.
  7. look, see, watch, read
  look 表示看的过程  e.g. look! they are playing games.
  see 表示看的结果 e.g. can you see the picture on the wall?
  watch表示靠近地仔细观察  e.g. would you like to watch the football match?
  read侧重于"阅读"  e..g my father read newspapers every day.
  8. rob, steal
  rob –robbed –robbed "抢劫"指公然地用暴力抢劫他人的所有物,
  句型结构为:rob+被盗人或地方 of 被盗物
  e.g. they robbed me yesterday.
  robber 抢劫犯  robbery抢劫案
  steal –stole –stolen "偷"指暗中窃取,句型为:steal 被偷之物 from 被偷人或地方
  e.g. the boy stole her bag from her. / the man robbed her of her bag.
  1. the victims’ ____________ (尸体) were found at the doorway of a clothes shop.
  2. i’m sorry that i didn’t go to your ____________ (婚礼) party.
  3. the money will be used to support those development ____________ (规划).
  4. the old lady was ____________ (抢劫) of her valuable necklace last week.
  5. liuxiang wants to break his ____________ (记录) next year.
  1. the famous writer’s ____________ (die) made us sad.
  2. his room is in a mess. he should not make it ____________ (tidy).
  3. some of the ____________ (thief) have been caught so far.
  4. a number of ____________ (thief) have been reported recently.
  5. the police searched the park carefully. but they didn’t find anything ____________ (usual).
  make friends with sit down go out alone be charged with watch the news
  1. the girl came and ________________________ beside me.
  2. it’s dangerous for a woman ________________________ at night.
  3. we should ________________________ him. don’t make him our enemy.
  4. the children ________________________ when the phone rang.
  5. these two ladies ________________________ murdering their husbands yesterday.
  1. nobody has heard of so a bright man before.  ____________
  2. i’m not sure that if he is listening to me carefully.  ____________
  3. they can’t hear that mr sun is saying because of the noise. ____________
  4. they said they would plan a trip to hainan island next week. ____________
  5. detective lu said that time was runing out.  ____________
  1. an old man was murdered in new town this morning. (改为一般疑问句)
  ____________ an old man ____________ in new town this morning?
  2. the robbery happened five hours ago. (对画线部分提问)
  ____________ ____________ the robbery ____________?
  3. "does he know the boy?" i asked. (连成一句)
  i asked ____________ ____________ ____________ the boy.
  4. "how many crimes have you solved?" the interviewer asked detective zhu. (连成一句)
  the interviewer asked detective zhu how many crimes _________ _________ _________.
  5. i have known him for seven years. (对画线部分提问)
  ____________ ____________ have you ____________ him?
  1. bodies 2. wedding 3. projects 4. robbed 5. record
  1. death 2. untidy 3. thieves 4. thefts 5. unusual
  1. sat down 2. to go out alone 3. make friends with 4. were watching the news
  5. were charged with
  1. so  such 2. that  去掉 3. that  what 4. next week  the next week
  5. runing out  running out
  1. was, murdered 2. when did, happen 3. if / whether he knew 4. he had solved
  5. how long, known
