

  the sixth period
  this is the sixth period of the unit.as usual,the teacher will do some revision.for part 2 on page 57,the teacher can ask inpidual student to come to the blackboard and write one sentence each.then ask several other ss to correct the mistakes,if there are any,and ask them to give reasons.through these activities,ss are given not only translation exercises,but also proofreading exercises,in which the mistakes are the typical ones made by ss themselves.by checking the exercise,the teacher can find out what ss are still not quite familiar with and needs to be improved and make some necessary change of his/her teaching plans.
  in this period still ss will be given some listening tasks—part 4 of journal down the mekong and part 5 on page 58.
  ss will also do some extensive reading,which will help them get a general idea about the three countries in the mekong delta—laos,cambodia and vietnam.
  after that,the teacher will talk about a few phrases and an important structure in this passage.
  (1)learn to translate sentences with reference words and structures.
  (2)understand the listening and reading passages.
  grasp basic listening and reading skills.
  get ss to know about the three countries in the mekong delta region,thus stimulate ss’ love for nature.
  (1)listen and understand the key words and understand the speakers’ intention and attitude.
  (2)read and get to know about the three countries in the mekong delta region.
  expressing ways of multiple.
  multi-media classroom and other normal teaching tools.
  step 1 greetings
  step 2 revision
  t:first i’ll ask ten students to come to the blackboard and write one sentence each.
  who will be the volunteers?
  ten students come to the blackboard and write down the ten sentences.
  t:we will see if these sentences are ok.let’s talk about them sentence by sentence.
  if there are any mistakes,please stand up and point them out and tell us why.
  step 3 listening
  t:now please look at part 4 on page 55.we will do some listening.
  (1)first listening
  t:before we start,you’d better go through these words to see if you can pronounce them very well.our first task is to tick the words you hear on the tape.
  t:now,who will read the words you hear?
  t:what are your words,tom?
  t:here are the words i hear:...
  (2)second listening
  t:this time.you’d write down the answers to the five questions.boys and girls,how can we write the answers fast and correctly?
  s:we should go through the questions first and keep them in mind.when we are listening,we just need to pay attention to the sentences related to the answers.
  s:we needn’t write down each word of the answers.we just write down some key words.later we can write down the complete answers with the help of these key words.
  t:you are clever.now please get ready.two minutes later,the teacher plays the tape.then give ss time to organize their sentences.
  (3)check the answers
  step 4 listening
  1.first listening
  t:now they arrived at laos.please listen to the tape and pick out the correct answers in exercise 1 on page 58.
  2.second listening
  t:please look at the chart.while listening to the tape for the second time,try to catch the related information to fill in the chart.
  the river
  method of land transport
  life in the villages
  3.third listening
  t:listen to the tape for the third time and find out the differences and similarities between china and laos in weather,animals,plants,and land.
  step 5 reading
  t:this passage is the end of their journey.it talks about another two countries in the mekong delta region.by the way,if you want to tell others about a country,what will you most probably talk about?
  (brainstorm the topics)
  t:please read the passage,quickly tick the topics mentioned.
  t:please go through the passage and find information to fill in the form.
  t:what impression do the countries give us?
  step 6 language points
  t:words and structures in the workbook are also very important.now look at page 59,paragraph 2,can you find the phrase " be tired from"?
  "be tired from" means "become tired because of" while "be tired of" means "be uninterested in".look at the two sentences:
  (1)after he got home,he fell down onto the sofa,for he was tired ____________ a day’s hard work.
  (2)he was tired ____________ disco music,for it was noisy.
  who can complete the sentences?
  s:i think we use "from" in sentence 1 and use "of" in sentence 2.
  t:you are right.now another important sentence in paragraph one "it has twice the population".now i’ll teach you how to express the multiple of something.
  we have three different ways.
  (1)a is...times as ... as b.
  (2)a is...times + comparative degree than b.
  (3)a is ...times the+n. of b.
  let’s take "这个房间是那个房间的三倍"for example.what can we say?
  s1:we can say "this room is three times as big as that one."
  s2:we can also say "this room is three times bigger than that one."
  t:do you agree with him,class?
  t:tell us the reason.
  s:we should say "this room is twice bigger than that one."
  t:that’s right.who will say the sentence in another way?
  s:this room is three times the size of that one.
  t:good.now,how can we say "我们市人口比他们多五倍"?
  s:the population of our city is five times as large as theirs.
  s:our city has five times the population of theirs.
  s:the population of our city is four times larger than theirs.
  t:then look at the last sentence on page 59.pay attention to:
  one’s dream has come true.梦想成真。we can also say " one’s dream has been realized."
  step 7 homework
  1.prepare "reading and writing" on page 23 and " summing up" on page 4.
  2.prepare "speaking task and writing task" on page 60.
  3.prepare "project" on page 61.
  unit 3 travel journal
  the seventh period
  1.population capital animal building education
  2.language points:
  (1)be tired of/from
  (2)a is... times as as b.
  a is... times + comparative degree than b.
  a is... times the +n. of b.
  (3)one’s dream has come true.
  this task is designed to ask ss to go over what they have learned in the six periods.each group counts the words or phrases their member listed and makes a record in their files.
  write down what you know about traveling:
  write down useful nouns or noun phrases about traveling:
  write down useful verbs or verb phrases about traveling:
  when the nguyen lords took control of the mekong delta,a series of canals were built and a system of transportation was implemented in the maze of water ways in the area.
  the southwest region of vietnam is known for the vast rice fields and the huge plantations that make up the core of this region’s economy.the region is also known for the many miles of waterways criss-crossing the land making this area both fertile and unique.
  the people in this region are made up of vietnamese and some people of khmer,chinese and cham origin.this accounts for the variety of religions that add to the cultural persity of this area.among the religions practiced here are:buddhism,catholicism,cao dai,hoa hao and islam.
  the orchards are pided by a myriad of small irrigation canals with delicate bamboo bridges called "cau khi" or monkey bridges crossing them.
  can tho is a busy port capable of accommodating large ships from neighboring countries.hau giang or hau river is the main channel that passes through can tho.the land mass surrounding the river was developed very early so the population in this area is probably the largest in all of the delta region.the land here is said to be the most fertile because of the deposits from the various branches of the river.
