

  unit 3 the million pound bank note
  period 7 revision: summing up and learning tip
  this is the last teaching period of this unit, so the emphasis should be placed on going over and summarizing what has been learned in this unit. it includes the following parts: summing up, learning tip, assessment and consolidation exercises.
  summing up summarizes the whole contents of this unit from the aspects of topics, vocabulary and grammar. the teacher can first use this part to let students to sum up what they have learned and then explain what students couldn’t understand very well in this unit. an experienced teacher should design some additional exercises for students to do in order that they can learn to use and grasp all the contents.
  learning tip encourages students to try writing a play so they can practice their oral english. get together with their friends and classmates and write dialogues for a short play. it can be about anything of interest to all of them. everyone should have a part or a role to speak. they can use one of the reading passages from their textbook to make a short story. and acting out the play will help improve their pronunciation and intonation. this is a good way to learn english.
  in this period, the teacher can also provide more practices to consolidate what students have learned in this unit.
  finally, ask students to finish checking yourself on page 61 in the workbook. this part aims at encouraging students to make a self-assessment after they finish learning this unit. it is very important to improve their learning. of course, a testing assessment is also needed.
  1. get students to review and consolidate what they have learned in this unit.
  2. develop students’ ability to solve problems.
  get students to turn what they have learned into their ability.
  1. get students to go over the useful new words and expressions in this unit.
  2. have students review the new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative.
  1. develop students’ ability to use the important language points in this unit.
  2. enable students to learn to use noun clauses as the object and the predicative correctly.
  1. encourage students to learn more about dramas and learn how to act out a play.
  2. stimulate students’ love of literature and art.
  3. strengthen students’ sense of group cooperation.
  step 1 revision
  1. check the homework exercises.
  2. dictate some useful new words and expressions in this unit.
  step 2 lead-in
  tell students: up to now, we have finished unit 3 the million pound bank note. have you learned and grasped all in this unit? turn to page 24. you can check yourself by filling in the blanks in the part summing up.
  step 3 summing up
  five minutes for students to summarize what they have learned in this unit by themselves. then check and explain something where necessary.
  suggested answers:
  write down what you have learned about "the million pound bank note".
  (students’ answer may vary. )we have learned about this play is adapted from mark twain’s short story by the same title. like most of mark twain’s stories, it is meant to be humorous. we can also learn about the fact from the play that money is everything in the capital society.
  from this unit you have also learned
  useful verbs: wander, permit, stare, spot, account, seek, scream, bow
  phrasal verbs: bring up, go ahead, stare at, account for, take a chance
  useful nouns: birthplace, novel, adventure, phrase, author, scene, pavement, businessman, permit, bay, fault, spot, passage, account, embassy, patience, contrary, envelope, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, manner, scream, rag, bow, barber
  useful adjectives and adverbs: contrary, unbelievable, rude, genuine, ahead, indeed
  other useful expressions: by accident, on the contrary, in rags, as for
  new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative
  step 4 practice
  show the exercises on the screen or give out exercise papers. first let students do the exercises. then the answers are given. the teacher can give them explanations where necessary.
  ⅰ. word spelling
  1. dickens wrote many n   .
  2. all the children listened to his a    with eager attention.
  3. this play is pided into three acts, and each act has three s   .
  4. the children w    in the woods.
  5. do you p    your children to smoke?
  6. traveling on my own, i can decide which s    can be skipped over to save energy or time for another s   .
  7. the a    show we have spent more than we received.
  8. we shall all remember mr. page for his p    and understanding.
  9. we s    an answer to the question, but couldn’t find one.
  10. we thought mary would pass and john would fail, but c    to expectation it was the other way round.
  11. it would be u    that such an honest fellow should have betrayed his friends!
  12. in an invoice the a    of money should be written both in words and in figures.
  13. stop s   , for we can hear you.
  14. all g    knowledge originates in direct experience.
  15. —did you hear the explosion last night?
  —i______________ i did.
  ⅱ. complete the following sentences, using the proper expressions learned in this unit.
  1. ______________ (事实上), he was spotted to be late for school ______________ (偶然).
  2. ______________ (说实话), we shouldn’t have sympathy on those people who are ______________ (衣着褴褛)to pretend to be poor.
  3. it is not polite to ______________ (盯着看)other people.
  4. his laziness could ______________ (解释为; 导致)his failure.
  5. i just don’t want to ______________ (让你因帮我而陷入困境中)。
  6. the problem is what we shall ______________ (处理)the rubbish.
  7. i ______________ (挣船费)by working as ______________ (义务工).
  8. she’s always speaking to others ______________ (粗鲁的方式).
  9. she won’t ______________ (允许她的狗进入这个院子)。
  10. the topic doesn’t seem boring to me; ______________ (与此相反; 正相反), i think it’s very interesting.
  11. we decided to ______________ (碰运气)on the weather and have the party outdoors.
  12. ______________ (至于你的书), i promise i’ll give it back to you next week.
  ⅲ. choose the best answer.
  1. when you answer questions in a job interview, please remember the golden rule: give the monkey exactly ______________ he wants.
  a. what     b. which     c. when      d. that
  2. ______________ she couldn’t understand was ______________ fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons.
  a. what; why
  b. that; what
  c. what; because
  d. why; that
  3. these shoes look very good. i wonder ______________.
  a. how much cost they are
  b. how much do they cost
  c. how much they cost
  d. how much are they cost
  4. doris’ success lies in the fact ______________ she is co-operative and eager to learn from others.
  a. which
  b. that
  c. when
  d. why
  5. the beatles, ______________ many of you are old enough to remember, came from liverpool.
  a. what
  b. that
  c. how
  d. as
  6. ______________ and happy, tony stood up and accepted the prize.
  a. surprising
  b. surprised
  c. being surprised
  d. to be surprising
  7. —could you do me a favor?
  —it depends on ______________ it is.
  a. which
  b. whichever
  c. what
  d. whatever
  8. then i have learned there are a lot of troubles in our lives, but the problem is ______________ they control you or you control them.
  a. why
  b. what
  c. that
  d. whether
  9. the poor young man is ready to accept ______________ help he can get.
  a. whichever
  b. however
  c. whatever
  d. whenever
  10. the shopkeeper didn’t want to sell for ______________ he thought was not enough.
  a. where
  b. how
  c. what
  d. which
  keys for reference:
  ⅰ. 1. novels 2. adventures 3. scenes 4. wandered 5. permit 6. spot; spot 7. accounts 8. patience 9. sought 10. contrary 11. unbelievable 12. amount 13. screaming 14. genuine 15. indeed
  ⅱ. 1. as a matter of fact; by accident  2. to be honest; in rags  3. stare at 4. account for 5. put you into trouble of helping me  6. do with 7. earn my passage; an unpaid hand 8. in a rude manner  9. permit her dog to enter the yard  10. on the contrary 11. take a chance 12. as to your book
  ⅲ. 1 5 aacbd 6 10 bcdcc
  step 5 learning tip
  ask the students to turn to page 24. read through the passage and make sure they understand it. encourage them to do as the passage tells them to because if they are doing so they will be teaching themselves a useful way of learning english and form a good habit.
  step 6 assessment
  1. checking yourself (on page 61 in the workbook)
  first get the students to think about these questions inpidually. then they can discuss in groups sharing their experience. the teacher can join in and give them advice and suggestions where necessary.
  2. fill in the form.
  after learning this unit, i’m able to do the following things. . .very wellwellonly with the help of othersi need to work harder.
  1. giving a brief introduction to the story the million pound bank note in my own words.
  2. giving a brief introduction to the american writer, mark twain, in my own words.
  3. acting out a few scenes of the play with my group members.
  4. writing out a short scene of the play, using the stage directions appropriately.
  5. using the new words and expressions of this unit in speaking and writing.
  6. using the expressions of making requests and ordering food in speaking.
  7. using the noun clauses as the object and the predicative correctly in speaking and writing.
  step 7 homework
  1. finish off the workbook exercises.
  2. review and summarize what you have learned in unit 3.
  unit 3 the million pound bank note
  unit revision
  summing up
  (students’ answer may vary. )we have learned about this play is adapted from mark twain’s short story by the same title. like most of mark twain’s stories, it is meant to be humorous. we can also learn about the fact from the play that money is everything in the capital society.
  from this unit you have also learned
  useful verbs: wander, permit, stare, spot, account, seek, scream, bow
  phrasal verbs: bring up, go ahead, stare at, account for, take a chance
  useful nouns: birthplace, novel, adventure, phrase, author, scene, pavement, businessman, permit, bay, fault, spot, passage, account, embassy, patience, contrary, envelope, steak, pineapple, dessert, amount, manner, scream, rag, bow, barber
  useful adjectives and adverbs: contrary, unbelievable, rude, genuine, ahead, indeed
  other useful expressions: by accident, on the contrary, in rags, as for
  new grammar item: noun clauses as the object and the predicative
  as we know, mark twain was a great humorist. many famous jokes was about him. go to the library or surf the internet to find some and share them with your classmates.
  mark twain and the barber
  in the course of one of his lecture trips, mark twain arrived at a small town before dinner. he went to a barber’s shop to be shaved.
  "are you a stranger? " asked the barber.
  "yes, " mark twain replied. "this is the first time i’ve been here. "
  "you chose a good time to come, " the barber continued. "mark twain is going to give a lecture tonight. you’ll go, i suppose? "
  "oh, i guess so. "
  "have you bought your ticket? "
  "not yet. "
  "but everything is sold out. you’ll have to stand. "
  "how annoying! " mark twain said with a sigh. "i never saw such luck. i always have to stand when that fellow lectures. "
  mark twain and whistler
  whistler, the famous artist, once invited mark twain to visit his studio to see a new painting he was just finishing. the humorist examined the canvas for some time in silence, then said, "i’d do away with that cloud if i were you, " and extended his hand carelessly toward one corner of the picture as though about to smudge out a cloud effect. whistler cried out nervously, "god, sir, be careful! don’t you see the paint is still wet? "
  "oh, that doesn’t matter, " said mark twain. "i’ve got my gloves on. "
