

  unit14 freedom fighters
  teaching goals
  1. talk about civil rights and freedom fighters.
  2. express logical relations.
  3. review the passive voice.
  4. practice argumentative writing.
  the first period
  teaching aims:
  1. learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
  2. talk about civil rights and freedom fighters to improve the students’ speaking ability.
  3. do some listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.
  4. learn about some freedom fighters.
  teaching important points:
  1. talk about a favorite topic to improve the students’ speaking ability.
  2. enable the students to grasp the main points in a listening material.
  teaching difficult points:
  1. help the students to improve their listening ability.
  2. help the students to express their own opinions and ideas.
  teaching methods:
  1. talking method to improve the students’ speaking ability.
  2. pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
  teaching aids:
  1. the multimedia
  2. the blackboard
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 greetings
  greet the whole class as usual.
  step 2 lead-in and warming up
  ask students to look at two pictures, and then have a discussion in groups of four. try to explain why the two people are great men and in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of these men.
  (show the following pictures on the screen.)
  martin luther king, jr.
  born in 1929
  graduation in 1955
  worked in a church
  organized his first actions in 1955
  formed an organization for black leaders to work together in 1957
  gave speech "i have a dream" in 1963
  received the nobel prize in 1964
  murdered in 1968
  nelson mandela
  born in 1918
  first actions while still at university in 1940
  graduation in 1942
  helped to found the anc youth league in 1944
  led many peaceful actions during the 1950s
  put in prison from 1962 to 1989
  received the nobel prize in 1993
  became the first black president of south africa from 1994 to 1999
  give the students a few minutes to discuss the questions. then ask some of them to say their answers.
  step 3 listening
  first, make a brief introduction about the listening material, then allow the students a couple of minutes to prepare. play the tape for students to listen and finish the exercises. at last, check the answers together with the whole class.)
  (t: please listen to the tape carefully when i play it for the first time. the second time i play it, you should write down the answers quickly. after that, check your answers when the tape is played a third time. finally you may have a short discussion in pairs. )
  step 4 speaking
  turn to page 26 and read the notes about john brown and harriet tubman . work in groups of three. discuss the lives of them and talk about the reason why certain things happened and how they changed history.
  (write the following on the blackboard and allow the students enough time to practise their dialogues. finally ask a pair to act out their dialogue.)
  useful expressions:
  what happened first was that…
  …happened as a result of…
  you could expect…because…
  that led to…
  one of the reasons why…is…
  …is often followed by…
  step 5 homework
  review the text.
  the second period
  teaching aims:
  1. learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
  2. read the text and grasp the main idea of it.
  3. learn the fine qualities of martin luther king, jr.
  teaching important points:
  1. master the usage of some useful words and expressions.
  2. improve the students’ reading ability.
  teaching difficult points:
  1. how to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage.
  2. how to use some words and expressions freely.
  teaching methods:
  1. fast reading and careful reading to improve the students’ reading ability.
  2. pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
  3. discussion to help the students grasp the detailed information.
  teaching aids:
  the blackboard
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 greetings and revision
  step 2 pre-reading
  ask students to look at the pictures on page 27 and then make them have a short discussion in pairs and describe what they see to each other.
  (students practice for a moment and then teacher asks some of them to describe the pictures.)
  step 3 reading
  show the following sentences on the blackboard and give the students several minutes to finish the task.
  decide which of the following sentences are true.
  1. martin luther king, jr. was born in 1865.
  2. black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.
  3. black girls could not marry white boys.
  4. king spent some time in prison.
  5. martin luther king, jr. died of cancer in washington.
  after reading, ask students to discuss the following questions:
  1. what was the situation for the blacks in the southern states at that time?
  2. explain in your own words what the first paragraph is about.
  3. martin luther king, jr. fought for the civil rights of black people in america. which civil rights did he want black people to get?
  4. king believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions, not through violence. give examples of such peaceful actions.
  (students practise for a few minutes and the teacher may join in their discussion and help them. finally ask some students to answer the questions one by one.)
  suggested answers:
  1. blacks were not treated equally. the south had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites. mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law. there were separate sections for blacks in public places. blacks were not allowed to get into hotels, schools or libraries. black children were educated in separate schools. black people had no right to vote.
  2. it tells us that thousands of black people marched on washington d.c., the capital of the usa in the summer of 1963,when martin luther king, jr. spoke to them at a meeting. his speech—"i have a dream"—spoke out the minds of the black people. inspired by his speech, people continued to struggle and succeeded in the end. soon he and his speech became known to the people all over the world.
  3. he wanted black people to be treated equally as the whites. black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people. they should have the right to vote.
  4. in december 1955, king organized a boycott of the bus company and succeeded after 381 days. later he led a new revolution to improve the housing condition for blacks in birmingham. in 1963, he led the march on washington d.c. as a result of that in the following year a new civil rights act was passed and in 1965 a new voting right bill became law.
  step 4 language points:
  1. forbid
  e.g. i forbid you to stay out after midnight.
  he forbids smoking during office hours.
  2. set an example to
  e.g. tom worked hard and set a good example to his classmates.
  3. demand
  e.g. he demanded to be told everything.
  they demanded that the right to vote (should) be given to every adult man.
  4. achieve
  e.g. achieve some victories, success, one’s aims/purpose/goal;
  achieve a lot, little, nothing, a great deal, etc.
  step 5 homework
  do exercise 6.
  the third period
  teaching aims:
  1. compare and master some useful words.
  2. review the passive voice.
  3. further understand the whole text.
  teaching important points:
  1. master how to use the different forms of some useful words.
  2. review and learn the different forms of the passive voice.
  teaching difficult point:
  how do we choose proper forms of some useful words.
  teaching methods:
  1. practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt.
  2. comparison to get the students to understand what they’ve learnt.
  3. discussion to make every student work in class.
  teaching aids:
  1. the multimedia
  2. the blackboard
  teaching procedures:
  step 1 greetings
  step 2 word study
  write the following sentences on the blackboard to learn the following words: slavery forbidden, section, demand and boycotts. and allow the students enough time to finish them.
  1. s______ is the system by which some people are owned by others as slaves.
  2. fifty years ago, mixed-race marriages were f_____.
  3. there were separate s_____ for blacks on buses and trains.
  4. civil rights fighters d_____ that blacks will be treated equally.
  5. during the second world war, from 1937 to 1945, there were many organized b_____ of japanese goods all over china.
  suggested answers:
  1. slavery 2.forbidden 3.sections 4.demand 5.boycotts
  ask students to do exercises 2 and discuss the sentences with their partners to see which words should be chosen, and then translate them into chinese.
  (allow the students a few minutes to prepare and then check the answers with the whole class.)
  suggested answers:
  1. separate; separate; separation
  2. politics; political
  3. achieve; achievement
  4. law; lawyer
  5. employed; employment
  step 3 grammar
  review the passive voice. ask the students to do the exe.1 on page 30.and allow the students a moment to finish the task and then check the answers with the whole class.)
  suggested answers:
  1. they are not treated as equal citizens in the southern states in the 1950s.
  2. they were separated from white people in shops, restaurants, hospitals, buses, trains, etc.
  3. they were educated in separated schools.
  4. they were given no right to vote.
  5. a new civil rights act was passed in 1964, enabling black people to vote.
  step 4 summary and homework
  t: in this class, we’ve reviewed the usage of some useful words and we’ve also done some exercises to review the passive voice. you should pay attention to the verb forms in the passive voice and learn them by heart. after class, you need to practise as much as possible to use them freely.
  homework: find as many useful words and expressions as you can in the text and make sentences with them.
