

  unit 9 how was your weekend?
  i. 重点短语集结号:写出动词过去时态
  1. 你周末如何? how was your weekend?
  how do you like your w eekend ? what do you think of your weekend ?
  2. 打扫我的房间 clean( ) my room
  3. 去海滩 go( )to the beach
  4. 去看电影/去爬山go to the movies/mountains
  5. 在星期六的早上 on saturday morning
  6. 看望我的姑妈 visit( )my aunt
  7. 做运动 do( )some sports
  8. 准备科学考试 study( )for the science test
  9. 呆在家 stay( )at home
  10. 举行一个聚会 have( )a party
  11. 读书 do some reading
  12. 练习英语 practice( )english
  13. 学地理 study( )geography
  14. 对于大多数孩子来说 for most kids
  15. 为我做晚饭 cook( )dinner for me
  16.读一本关于历史的书 read( )a book about history
  17. 看一个有趣谈话类节目 see( )an interesting talk show
  18. 写一首新歌 write( )a new song
  19. 练习我的吉他 practice( )my guitar
  20. 上个月/周末/周 last month/weekend/week
  21. 去散步 go( )for a walk
  22. 坐下 sit( )down
  23. 看他和一只有好的黑猫玩 watch( )him play with a friendly black cat
  24. 该回家了 it is( )time to go home
  25. 寻找他的狗 look( )for his dog
  26. 打排球 play( )volleyball
  27. 有点儿难 a little difficult
  ii. 重点点拨:
  visit 喜欢______ 某人或______ 某地
  他经常访友。he often _____ ______ ______.
  i ______ ______ grandfather ______ sunday.
  他们正在游览长城。they ______ ______ the great wall.
  (3)游客,访问者:______ ______
  many ______ ______ my hometown every year.
  2.do some +v.-ing词组知多少
  读书__________ 购物__________
  做演讲__________ 洗衣服__________
  做饭__________ 写点东西__________
  would you like ______ ______ ______ ______?
  (1)他经常在星期天洗衣服。he often ______ ______ ______ on sundays.
  (1)我们正在操场上打扫卫生。 we ______ ______ ______ ______ on the playground now.
  (1)tom喜欢读书。tom enjoys ______ ______ ______.
  3. 怎样练习
  (1) practice+n.他现在正在练习弹钢琴。
  he ______ ______ the piano now.
  (2)practice doing 上句等于
  he ______ _______ ______ the piano now.
  he ______ 2 hours ______ _______ english.
  (3) 作名词 你应该做大量的练习。
  you should do ______ ______ ______ ______.
  4. no 爱说不
  (1)she has no sister.=she ______ ______ ______ sister.
  # he has no brothers.=he ______ ______ ______ brothers.
  # 他去年什么都不知道。he ______ ______ ______ last year.= he ______ ______ last year.
  # 他什么都没写。he ______ _______ anything.=he ______ ______.
  (2) and no=or
  he has no dog and no family.=he has no dog ______ family.=he ______ have a dog ______ a family.
  5. 如何花费
  (1)spend (time/money) on sth
  the children spend two hours ______ chinese every day.
  a on b at c to d in
  i ______ ten yuan ______ the book.
  (2)spend (time/money) (in) doing sth
  他花了两天时间写了份关于学生假期的报告。he ______ two days ______ a report ______ ______ vacation.
  (3)辨析pay for, spend, cost, take
  pay for:sb+pay+money+for+sth
  spend:sb+spend+time/money+on sth/(in)doing
  take: it takes+sb+time +to do sth
  我花了10元钱 买这本书。
  6. watch sb do sth不等于watch sb doing sth
  i often ______ ______ ______ basketball on tv.
  他父亲看到他 正步行回家。
  his father ______ _____ _ ______ back ______.
  类似 用法的感官动词还有:_____________-
  7.find pk look for
  (1)look for意为:
  (2)find意为 :
  she ______ a ______ on the playground.
  she ______ ______ her backpack.
  李明正在寻找他的自行车,但他没有找到它。li ming ______ ______ ______ his bike, but he can’t ______ it.
  8. 守时的it’s time to do…
  it’s time to do…=
  (2)it was time to do housework.=it was ______ ______ ______.
  (3)我们该上学了。it’s time ______ ______ ______ go to school.
  i always ______ ______ school last term.
  i. 看音标写单词
  1. she _______ /rəut/a letter to her father.
  2. i spent two hours __________ ["præktisiŋ]speaking english.
  3. shall we go to the ______["mauntinz]?
  4. how did kids ______[spend] their weekend?
  5. i found a small boy ______ [sitiŋ]in the corner.
  ii. 选择
  ( ) 1. when _____ your brother _____ back ? about half an hour ago.
  a. did, come b. had, come c. do , come d. have, come
  ( ) 2. tomorrow is sunday. what about ______?
  a go shopping b going shopping c going shoping d go shop
  ( ) 3. uncle mike ______ here two hours ago.
  a came to b goes c got d comes
  ( ) 4. the kids spends two hours ______ chinese every day.
  a on b at c to d in
  ( ) 5. there______ some interesting news in yesterday’s newspaper.
  a is b was c are d play
  ( )6. there are all kinds of maps in our ______ book.
  a geography b biology c science d english
  ( )7. tony read a book and ______ at home last sunday.
  a stays b stayed c is staying d stay
  ( )8 she ______ anything last weekend.
  a d idn’t b did c didn’t do d do
  ( )9. was your weekend great?
  no,it was ______ and ______.
  a exciting; boring b boring; terrible
  c exciting; tiring d interesting; boring
  ( )10. last sunday, my aunt cooked pizza ______ me.
  a to b on c for d at
  iii. 词形填空
  1.my brother ______ (study) for the math test last night.
  2.his mother often does some ______ (read) in the evening.
  3.i ______ (not do)my homework last monday.
  4.tom wants______ (be) an english teacher.
  5.look! they ______ (clean) their classroom.
  iv. 改写句子
  1. mary played volleyball yesterday afternoon.(否定)
  mary ______ ______ volleyball yesterday afternoon.
  2. john has no brother and no sister.=
  john ______ have a brother ______ a sister.
  3. tina did very well in her english exam. (一般)
  ______ tina ______ very well in her english exam?
  4. tom visited his grandmother on saturday morning.
  ______ ______ tom ______ on saturday morning?
  5. mike read a story about edison for us. (否定)
  mike _______ ______ a story about edison for us.
  v. 完成句子
  1. 该吃晚饭了。it’s time ______ _______ ______ .
  2. 昨天我看一个很有趣的脱口秀度过了一整晚。
  yesterday i _______ the whole night ________ an in teresting ______ ______ .
  she ______ ______ ______ the math test.
  ______ did you ______ your weekend?
  i like reading books ______ ______, but it is ______ ______ ______.
  test time
  i. 选择
  ( )1. when he ______ young, there ______ not so much food for him.
  a is is b was was c is was d was is
  ( )2. is that ______ interesting book?
  yes, but it is ______ difficult.
  a an a little b a a bit c a little d an a few
  ( )3. there ______ a book on the desk yesterday.
  a is b was c are d were
  ( )4 i often hear him ______ in the next room.
  a sing b singing c to sing d sang
  ( )5. who cleaned the room today? i ______.
  a did b does c was d is
  ( )6. ______? i walked there?
  a how did you go to the park
  b what did you do there
  c how was your weekend
  d why did you walk there
  ( )7.please don’t ______ your pencil in class.
  a play b played c played w ith d play with
  ( )8. she often ______ to school early, but this morning she ______ to school late.
  a go went b goes goes c goes went d went go
  ( )9.lily likes to play ______ guitar, but tony likes to play ______ football.
  a a the b the / c the a d the the
  ( )10.i asked my friend ______ last night.
  a what he does b what did he do c what he did d what does he do
  ii. 看音标写单词
  1. sh e dislikes singing chinese _______ / sכηz/ .
  2. yestday we ______/sכ:/ the talk show on tv.
  3. i’m in dianliu no. 1 ______ ["midl]school.
  4. he ______[sæt] ______ [daun]and ______ [wɔtʃt]him play with a cat.
  5. i often ______ ["vizitid]my uncle last year.
  iii. 词形填空
  1. _____ the girls _____ (give) you a warm welcome ? yes. they did.
  2. henry watched his dog _______ (play) with a cat at that time.
  3. we often practice ______ (speak) english.
  4.what ______ you _____ (do) last night? i ______(watch) tv. and then ______ (read) a book.
  5. what about _______(stay) at home and _______ (study) ?
  iv. 改写句子
  1. they played the guitar in the park.
  ______ ______ they ______ in the park?
  2. jim was at school yesterday.
  jim ______ ______ at school yesterday.
  3. kim did her homework at home after school . (一般) ______ kim ______ her homework at home after school?
  4. mary likes reading books.=mary likes ______ ______ ______.
  v. 完成句子
  1. 你每天练习说英语吗?
  do you ______ _______ english every day?
  my sister ______ ______ ______ ______ with her dog yesterday evening.
  what _____ you ______ in the room just now?
  i ______ ______ music.
  4. 去打篮球怎么样?
  ______ ______ ______ basketball?
  ______ saturday morning, i ______ my homework and ______ my room.
  vi. 任务型阅读
  (1)how was your weekend? i had a bu sy weekend. i did some cleaning on saturday morning.(2)午餐之后,我的朋友叫我和他们一起去踢足球. then i watched a comedy on tv that evening.
  on sunday morning i got up at seven, and did some exercise in the garden. after breakfast i did some homework and read an interesting magazine. i went to see my grandpa at two in the afternoon. (3) he was happy to see me and gave me some fruit. i had dinner with him. i ate some hamburgers with chicken and pepper onion in them and drank some soda. and then i said goodbye (4)______ him. then i went to a movie. i went to bed at eight because i had to get up early on monday morning. (5) i think i spent a nice weekend.
  6 回答问题:whom did the writer have dinner with on sunday evening?
