

  七年级英语下册unit8 i’d like some noodles学案
  1.topic: oder food
  1).蔬菜:cabbage. potato. onion
  2)肉类:mutton. beef. fish.
  3)饮料:juice. green tea. drink
  4) 食物:noodle. dumpling. porridge. rice. soup
  5)点菜:special. size. menu
  3. oral english:
  1.hi, can i help you?
  2.what kind of noodles would you like?
  3.what size bowl of noodles would you like?
  4.would you like some noodles?
  5.would you like any drinks?
  6.what is your address please?
  7.what’s your telephone number?
  1.i’d like some noodles please.
  2.i’d like some beef and tomato noodles.
  3.i’d like a medium bowl, please.
  4.i’d like some……
  5.my address is…….
  6.my telephone number is…….
  2.what kind of …..what size bowl of……等what引导的特殊疑问句
  3.would like的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句形式及回答,特殊疑问句
  2. would like的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句形式及回答,特殊疑问句
  1 . i’d like some noodles. would like与 want的用法相似
  (!). would like 后直接跟名词,they would like some coffee.
  (2). would like 后跟动词,动词用带to的不定式, they would like to have some coffee.
  (3) would like 用于礼貌的请求的问句时,后面的some 不用换成any, would you like some tea? 请喝些茶好吗? 但如果是询问,则要换成any, would you like any drinks or fruits?
  2. what kind of noodles would you like?
  (1). kind of 后接名词意为"种类",what kind(s) of books do you like?
  (2) kind of 后接动词,形容词或副词意为"一点儿",相当于a little,
  i kind of like noodles. the panda is kind of cute.
  3. .or 连词,或者,还是
  (1)经常连接两者或两者以上的人或事物供选择,构成选择疑问句,不能用yes 或no 来回答,would you like beef noodles of tomato noodles?
  (2). 在肯定句中连接两个或多个并列事物时用and, 在否定句中用or
  i don’t like onions, green tea or porridge.
  4. special
  (1) 可作名词,意为"特色(菜,面……)", we have some specials for you today.
  (2) 也可作形容词,意为"特殊的","特别的", the noodles are very special today.
  5 drink
  (1), 可作动词, 意为"喝", i want to drink some orange.
  (2), 也可作名词,意为"饮料", what kind of drinks do you want?
  第一课时 section a 1a—2c (听说能力达标)
  第二课时 section a 3a—4 ( 语言综合运用及能力提高)
  第三课时 section b 1a---2c (听说能力达标)
  第四课时 section b 3a--4语言综合运用及能力提高
  第五课时 section b 的练习与self check语言综合运用及能力提高
  第六课时 单元知识过关及话题作文
  第一课时:section a (听说达标)
  学习目标:section a 1a- 2c
  1.课前预习 section a 词汇
  2.vocabularies(词汇):would, noodle, beef, mutton, cabbage, potato, special, drink, large,size, bowl.
  3.learn to use "what questions" and "modal verb would" to order food.
  a:what would you like ?
  b:i’d like some noodles .
  a:what kind of noodles would you like ?
  b:i’d like beef and tomato noodles.
  a:what size bowl of noodles would you like ?
  b:i’d like a medium bowl.
  part i:词汇预习达标 (教材page 112词汇表查看section a p.47¬—p.48 词汇)
  countable nouns:____________________________________________________________
  uncountable nouns:_________________________________________________________
  countable and uncountable nouns:______________________________________________
  1.i’d= she’d= he would=
  we would= they’d=
  2.- what _______(尺寸)skirt do you want?
  -a ________(大的)one.
  3.-i have _________________(一些土豆). would you like ________________ (一些土豆吗)?
  -yes, please.but do you have ___________(一些西红柿吗)? i also _______(想要)some ones.
  4._______(羊肉) is _________(一种)meat.it tastes _______ (有点儿)delicious.
  5.does jim like _______ ,________ or_________  ?
  6.-how much are three_______(碗)of_______(面条)?
  -they are 15 yuan.
  7.lucy’s grandma keeps many________(chicken).so they always eat _________(chicken).
  8.it’s too hot.let’s go for a ________(drink).do you like ________(drink) water?
  9.the beef is very _______(特别的).how many _______(special) do you have?
  1.large :adj 大的,宽广的
  large, big and great 的辨析:large "大的",指面积大,其反义词为small;big 意为"大的",多指体积大,其反义词为little / small;great 意为"巨大的,伟大的,重大的"除表示数量,体积之大外,还可指抽象的事物或精神方面的东西.
  2.would like 表示想要、希望的意思,其意思相等于"want" ,但语气比want 要委婉些.其中 would 是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,在陈述句中常缩为 " d "形式.would like 常见四种用法:
  a.would like sth would you like sth ?你想要某物吗?(客气请求)句中用some 而不用 any .肯定答语:yes, please.否定答语:no, thanks.
  b.would like to do sth 想做某事.
  c.would you like to do sth ?你愿意做某事吗?肯定答语:yes.i’d love / like to.否定答语:i’d love to, but i have to ...
  d.would like sb to do sth 想要某人做某事.
  noodles, beef, mutton, chicken, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes
  ii.听录音,完成 1b 并回答问题.
  1.what would he like? he’d like ________ .
  2.what kind of noodles would he like? he’d like ________________________ noodles.
  (听section a 2a,2b )
  1.what kind of noodles would the boy like? he’d like noodles with _____ , _______ and ________.
  2.what size bowl of noodles would he like ? he’d like a ________ bowl.
  3.what kind of noodles would the girl like ? she’d like ______ and _______ noodles.
  4.what size bowl of noodles would she like ?she’d like a______ bowl.
  waiter::_____________________________ ?
  boy and girl::we’d like some ______ .
  waiter:what _____ bowl of noodles would you _______ ?
  boy: i’d like a ______ bowl of noodles .
  waiter::and what ______ of ______ would you like ?
  boy: i’d like ______, _______ and ______ noodles, please.
  waiter: and ______ _______ you ?
  girl: i’d like a medium ________.
  waiter::what kind would you like?
  girl: i’d like ______ and ______ noodles, please ?
  waiter::here are your noodles.
  boy and girl : __________________________ ?
  waiter::they are seven yuan.
  boy: _______________ .
  waiter::thank you.
  boy and girl: _____________.
  1.do you want to play soccer with me ?(改为同义句)
  _____ you _____ to play soccer with me ?
  2.he’d like a large bowl of noodles.(对划线部分提问)
  ______ ______ bowl of noodles would he like ?
  3.she’d like cabbage noodles.
  a:同义句:she’d like noodles ______ _______ .
  b:对划线部分提问:______ ______ ______ _______ would she like ?
  1.- would he like ______ (some ) vegetables ?
  - sure. but he doesn’t want ______ (some )meat.
  2.do you like ______ (eat ) mutton ?
  3.would you like ______ (eat ) mutton ?
  4.my mother would like me _________ (drink ) ______ (potato ) soup.
  _____ ______ a medium bowl of ______ _______ _______ noodles.
  2.-你想要喝橙汁吗 ?
  -_____ you _____ to ______ orange ?
  - sure._____ ______ ______ .thanks.
  3.jim 想要几碗米饭 ?
  ______ ______ ______ of rice would jim like ?
  today our ______ is ______ ________ .
  ______ _______ a ______ sweater.
  第二课时 ( 语言综合运用及能力提高)
  学习目标:section a 3a—4
  1.课前复习section a 词汇
  2. vocabularies: onion
  3. section a语言能力提升
  4. section a 知识宗和运用
  1.完成section a 3a ,对话背诵和表演训练
  2.自主整理section a 所学内容并能初步运用
  一. 根据汉语提示完成句子.
  1. i _____ _____ (想要) some noodles. do you _____ (想要) noodles?
  2. ____ ____ _____ (哪种) noodles _____ you _____ (喜欢)?
  3. we have some delicious _____ _____ _____ (牛肉番茄) noodles.
  4. what _____ (尺寸)do you have ?
  5. we’d like ____ ____ _____ _____ (两个大碗的)mutton noodles, please.
  6. i like ______ , but i don’t like ______ noodles.(番茄)
  7. this is my house of dumplings. we have some great _____ (特色面)for you today. special 1 is ____ (只卖) 5 yuan a bowl.
  二 句型转换
  1. i would like some noodles.
  1). i ____ some noodles, (同义句)
  2)i would like ____ ____ some noodles. (同义句)
  3)_____ you ____ _____ noodles? yes, _____ ____ . (一般疑问句及肯定回答)
  2. would you like some chicken porridge? (同义句)
  would you like some porridge ______ _______ ?
  3. i’d like some beef and carrot noodles. (对划线部分提问)
  _____ _____ _____ noodles would you like?
  4. lucy would like a medium bowl of egg noodles. (对划线部分提问)
  _____ _____ _____ of noodles would lucy like?
  三. 找出错误并改正 . (每句至少有一处错误)
  1. i’d like some tomato noodles. would you like any noodles?
  2. what size do you have?
  3. we want two small bowl noodles , please.
  4. our mutton and potatoes noodles are very nice.
  5. --what kind of dumplings would you like? – i like onion dumplings very much.
  6. i would like have some porridge with vegetables. i wouldn’t like noodles and rice.
  —hello. ___________________?
  --- yes, please. i’d like some dumplings. ______________________________?
  --- we have beef, chicken, mutton ……… _______________________________?
  __ beef noodles , please.
  __ what size bowl do you want?
  __ ___________________________?
  __ we have large and small bowls.
  __ then a large bowl, please.
  __ ok. here are your noodles.
  —thank you.
  第三课时:section b 1a-2c(听力达标)
  学习目标:section b 1a-2c
  1、课前预习 section b 词汇
  2、vocabularies(词汇):juice,dumpling,porridge,tea,green tea,rice,soup,onion,fish
  part i:词汇预习达标。(教材page 112页词汇表查看section b
  p50 词汇
  1、—can i help you?
  —oh, i’m thirsty. i want to drink some .(juice) or (green tea).
  2、—do you like (dumpling).
  —yes, i do. and i like dumpling. (onion)
  3、my grandfather likes (porridge)
  4、look! here’s a cup of . (tea)
  5、i have (rice) and (fish) for breakfast.
  6、mary likes drinking (soup) after meals.
  1、mary likes drinking orange .( juice)
  2、tom doesn’t like . but he likes dumplings (onion).
  3、we caught three in the river. and we ate yesterday. (fish)
  4、he has for breakfast. he is a little round of a man. (dumpling)
  5 i’m thirsty. i’d like a bowl of (soup)
  6、my grandfather likes (rice) very much, but i like (布丁).
  (听力 section b 2a—2b)
  orange, juice, dumplings, porridge, green tea, rice, soup, onions, fish.
  1、i want to order some chicken, fish and cabbage. ( )
  2、i’d like six dumplings. ( )
  3、i’d like fish and carrot dumplings. ( )
  4、i don’t like soup at all. ( )
  5、my telephone number is 389-2895. ( )
  a: how much are they?
  b: what would you like in them?
  c: what size bowl would you like?
  d: can i help you?
  e: anything else?
  f: welcome to house of dumplings?
  a: hello! 1 can i help you?
  b: i’d like some dumplings .
  a: 2 .
  b: i’d like a large bowl and a small one.
  a: 3 .
  b: i’d like some chicken dumplings.
  a: 4 .
  b: yes. two glasses of milk . 5 .
  a: they are just $25.
  b: thanks.
  第4课时:section b3a---4(语言综合运用及提高)
  1.section b3a--4语言能力提升
  2.section b 知识综合运用
  1.课前复习section b词汇
  2.vocabularies:drink,special,dessert, also, have,order,get
  一. 词汇: (根据句意和首字母提示完成单词)
  1. if you want to o_______ a pizza, you can go to the house of pizza
  2. there are many k_________ of noodles in this shop.
  3. he likes elephants and pandas. mike a_______ likes them.
  4. chinese like d________ very much. they’re our traditional(传统的) food.
  5. apple juice is a kind of d________.
  6. on children’s day, there are some t____ for children in the supermarket. the big nice toy monkey is just rmb 4 yuan.
  二.用适当的介词填空: x kb 1.co m
  1. he’d like two bowls ________ dumplings.
  2. what would thomas like ______ lunch?
  3. i’d like some rice _____ chicken and eggs.
  4. there are some special foods _____the house of noodles.
  5. special 1 has beef and carrots. it’s only rmb 10 yuan ___18.
  三. 用所给词的适当形式填空:
  1. please give me some _________(fruit).
  2. how many ______(piece) of bread do you have?
  3. he _____(would) like to sit here.
  45. they are in the ______(teacher) office.
  5. there are some ______(fish) in the bottle.
  6. she sometimes ______(drink) coffee at home.
  1. she doesn’t like japanese or french. (改为肯定句)
  she ______ ______ ______ ______.
  2. what kind of balls does sonia want?(同义句)
  what kind of balls ______ sonia __________?
  3. i like onion and egg dumplings. (同义句)
  i like dumplings _____ _____ and eggs.
  4. we have some bananas.(用oranges改为选择疑问句)
  ______ you ______any bananas ____ oranges?
  5. he’d like some mutton and potatoes for breakfast. (划线提问)
  ________ _______ he like for breakfast?
  第五课时 section b (语言综合运用及提高含section b)
  作者:吴家中学 吴斌
  1、section b 语言能力提升
  2、section b 只是综合运用
  1、课前预习self check 词汇
  2、词汇:monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday reason menu
  1、a:what kind of balls does sonia want?
  b:what kind of balls sonia ?
  2、a:i like onion and egg dumplings.
  b:i like dumplings and eggs.
  3、a:why don’t you do some housework at home?
  b: do some housework at home?
  4、a:what do you think of your new teacher?
  b: do you your new teacher?
  5、a: my friend wants some green tea.
  b: my friend some green tea.
  6. a: she doesn’t want to play tennis.
  b: she play tennis.
  7. a: do you want to read some books?
  b: you books?
  1.she doesn’t like japanese or french. (改为肯定句)
  she japanese french.
  2 、we have some bananas. (用oranges改为选择疑问句)
  you any bananas oranges?
  3、he’d like some mutton and potatoes for breakfast.(对划线部分提问)
  he like for breakfast?
  4、they’d like a large hamburger. (对划线部分提问)
  they like?
  5、she likes juice, apples and tomatoes. (改为否定句)
  she juice, apples tomatoes.
  1. "what k of noodles would you like?" "i’d like beef noodles."
  2. may i know your p number? 13986551487.
  3. can i help you? i’d like a bottle of j .
  4. what s bowl of porridge do you want? a small bowl of porridge.
  5. he’d like green tea w milk in it.
  6. food is very important. everyone needs w if he or she wants to have a strong body. our minds also need a kind of food.
  this kind of food is k . we begin to get knowledge even when we are very young. small children are i in everything around them. they learn t while they are watching and listening. when they are getting older, they begin to r storybooks, science books and anything they like. when they find something new, they like to ask questions and try to f out the answers.
  what is the best w to get knowledge? if we learn b ourselves, we will get the most knowledge. if we are a getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. when we study in the right way, we will learn m and understand better.
  1. there are a lot of (potato)in the supermarket.
  2. many americans like (china)food.
  3. john would like two (bowl)of noodles.
  4. would you like something (eat)?
  5. i’d like (have)a cup of tea.
  6. my father wants (order)a large bowl of noodles now.
  7. what kind of food her friend (like)?
  8. mr green enjoys (work)in china.
  9. our classroom is on the (five)floor.
  10. please tell (they)what it looks like.
  1. three woman teachers are in the room. ( )
  a b c d
  2. she is a women doctor. ( )
  a b c d
  3. i want some carrots noodles. ( )
  a b c d
  4. three men nurse are on duty today. ( )
  a b c d
  5.how many bag of rice can you see ? ( )
  a b c d
  a:hello, house of dumplings.
  b: hello! i want to , please.
  a: sure.
  b: i’d like chicken, fish and cabbage, please. and sixteen dumplings.
  a: ?
  b: mutton and carrot dumplings, please. oh, i’d like some soup, too.
  a: what kind of soup ?
  b: tomato soup.
  a: anything ?
  b: one large green tea and one small orange juice.
  a: ok. what’s , please?
  b: 15 peace road.
  a: and ?
  b: 0816-2891254.
  第6课时 单元知识过关及话题作文
  一 短语翻译
  1. 宁愿做某事___ 2. 两碗面___ 3. 绿茶___
  4. 预定午餐___ 5.牛肉番茄面条___ 6. 面馆___
  7. 甜食店___
  1.her sister___(have)lunch at home on sundays.
  2.there are many___(potato)in the basket.
  3.i’m thirsty, i’d like something___(drink).
  4.let me___(tell)you what the giraffe is like.
  5.help___(oneself)to some apples, boys.
  6.i have two___(knife).
  7.i do not have___(some)friends here.
  8.- would he like ______ (some ) vegetables ?
  - sure. but he doesn’t want ______ (some )meat.
  9.do you like ______ (eat ) mutton ?
  10.would you like ______ (eat ) mutton ?
  11.my mother would like me _________ (drink ) ______ (potato ) soup.
  1. 你想买什么?
  2. 我们想要两大碗白菜肉饺。
  4. 我不喜欢饺子,果汁和汤。
  5. 你喜欢什么样的甜食?
  6. 两美元的特色菜有牛肉和西红柿。
  healthy eating!
  do you want to be healthy?
  starting the day by drinking a glass of water or orange juice…but no coffee or tea and milk, please.
  for lunch, do not eat fried foods. perhaps some green vegetables are really good for you !
  don’t eat too much desserts which contain(包含)cream, butter or chocolate!
  for dinner, have some soup and bread.(but remember no butter)it is simple ,but delicious!
  drink water! it hasn’t got any calories(卡),so you can drink as much as you can.
  1. is drinking milk bad for your health?
  2.eating ___ ___ at lunch is good for you.
  3.please don’t eat any__ in the evening.
  4. why can we drink water as much as we can ?
  5.having soup and bread for dinner is___and___.
  noodle house
  hello, my dear customers! let me introduce my special noodles.
