快好知 kuaihz

1 The system has the added advantage of recordable DVD drives. 2 Contractor recordable and lost time accident rates were also a fraction of the industry average. 3 They were quickly overtaken by recordable CDs. 4 Even the recordable damage inflicted by the spill has been grave. 5 Out of all the recordable DVD formats, the DVD-RAM has the highest data security as it possesses an engraved sectoring and an elaborate fault management, like hard discs. 6 Other boards are making their own arrangements but in each case the courses will lead to a recordable qualification. 7 It recently dropped the price of MiniDisc players to about $ 200 and recordable discs to about $ 8. 8 Obviously you will have to use some initiative here in deciding what constitutes recordable exercise. 9 Once the music is ripped from the CD, it can be loaded on to a computer hard drive or put on a recordable compact disc. 10 In one embodiment, the expiration engine writes expiration information to the optical media, such as a date stamp at initialization of a recordable optical medium. 11 Therefore, those that are at the forefront of atom smashing will be the first to see this as a recordable event. 12 An optical density curve model for optimizing the dye coating process of recordable disc is introduced. 13 A method of recording disc control information in a recordable optical disc including at least one recording layer is provided.