快好知 kuaihz

91. This nearly always results in drifting further back without much gain of height and ending up in a worse situation than before. 92. And then, at last, I crossed a high mountain pass to discover smoke drifting across my route. 93. The risk is that we carry on drifting downwards because there is no real impact on those expectations. 94. We traveled from church to church, drifting toward the tip of the peninsula until we reached the port of Pusan. 95. Wallace Ellwood was out to sea, drifting like a rudderless boat. 96. By the end of our conversation the other players were drifting down to dinner. 97. Perhaps we should think about it, instead of drifting on from day to day. 98. Drifting nearby, however, was a sort of transparent inflatable dinghy, low in the water, resembling a cocoon. 99. The ocean floor was the tape slowly and symmetrically drifting away from either side of the ridge. 100. Behind her the enchanted dancers spun on; the focus of the circle was now drifting along a violet-lit corridor. 101. They were those creatures on television, the ones drifting across the stage, women so beautiful nothing could hurt them. 102. Eliot led a strangely unsettled life, drifting from place to place and job to job. 103. Today, two empty boats are drifting home across the hollow fields of fished-out sea. 104. Amelia was still engaged to Sam Chapman, but in fact she had been drifting apart from him for some time. 105. A few thin snow flakes began to fall, drifting silently down out the leaden sky. 106. More and more men were transformed by the mutating power of the great clouds of Chaos magic drifting from the poles. 107. By night, faery lights flicker in the darkness, drifting behind the Everqueen's courtiers and illuminating the revels and feasting. 108. You can always tell when a short story is drifting towards a novel, and that's when it doesn't work. 109. The problem results when acid rainclouds drifting across moorland come into contact with the branches of conifers. 110. People come drifting into the room to see what's up. 111. Couples were drifting down the side streets and back on to the main street toward the cars. 112. There may be some high clouds drifting by during the afternoon. 113. But Ernest said it was Marty who was drifting away. 114. Instead of drifting along the ceiling of the corridor, the smoke moves along as a solid plug. 115. Either of these ways is easy; because your victim is carelessly drifting through another evening of everyday, life. 116. The sudden breeze introduced through the open door disturbed the orbit of the drone and sent the Doctor drifting slowly backwards. 117. It looked as if the caracara would polish off the duck; but our boat drifting nearer made it nervous.http:///drifting.html 118. She wanted to keep moving and soon she was out of the easy swarm of Portobello and drifting through streets of stately serenity. 119. But the great mass of students were drifting through, as Che or Simeon had done. 120. The party seems to be becoming less radical, and drifting more towards the centre.