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211. For the skipjack amounts taken under drifting FADs reached even as high as 72% of all catches. 212. The Canadian, named locally as Jupi Nakoolak, was discovered drifting in the Arctic sea after he had embarked on a hunting expedition with his 67-year-old uncle. 213. The Pheonix bird is idealized by glaring colours in a vortical drifting world. 214. Snowflakes in the air curtain formed snow, drifting slowly, the whiteMontreal. 215. The drifting baselines in chromatography affect the veracity of analysis gready. 216. CONCLUSION The magnetic pro-drug prepared by chemical method showed high stability and good redispersion and also owned high drifting coefficient and loading capability. 217. He was drifting and it was a period in his life vulnerable to recruitment. 218. The Associated Press said the drifting ice island from the Petermann glacier could threaten oil platforms and shipping. 219. " I don't know, " returned Carrie, still illogically drifting and finding nothing at which to catch. 220. An Atlantic walrus calf finds safety on its mother's back while drifting on an ice floe near Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada. 221. In five minutes we were the, and drifting with the most startling rapidity round the headland. 222. It was an omnivorous grazer , sweeping up drifting fish , jellyfish and dead carrion as well as plants . 223. A tentative analysis of the mechanism of mantle circulation flow, continent drifting and earthquake origin is first clearly made, giving a simple mechanics-based explanation of the nature. 224. And as manufacturing jobs and semiskilled office positions disappear, much of this vast, nonprofessional middle class is drifting downward. 225. The little steam ferryboat was about a mile below the village, drifting with the current. 226. The notes, written on yellow foolscap, contain an assortment of limericks and anecdotes, drifting into seeming nonsense. 227. Looking outside, the snowflakes are drifting in the air frigidly, I felt my heart starts aching again. 228. In meditation practice, you might experience a muddy, semiconscious, drifting state, like having a hood over your head: a dreamy dullness. 229. This team is in search of elusive bearded seals, an affectionate and playful seal species that spends nearly all its life either in the water or drifting on Artic ice floes . 230. Possibilites of the capture of high speed motion target realized by step-by-step method and multi-targets recognition tracking achieved by drifting off its tracking zero point were proposed. 231. It is half past six. The morning glory falls onto the waves of this grand river, drifting and shattered. How many dreamers are rising at this moment, as flowers blooming through every second! 232. And they found planet - like objects drifting alone in the darkness of interstellar space. 233. I also aspire to the same catkin , as filled the snow drifting in the wind's no one I have never been to a place. 234. This beautiful, now deserted castle, is slowly drifting into dilapidation in Sicily . 235. It was bitter winter weather, but I had been too full of passion to feel cold, and I walked through the quiet streets, with the snow drifting in my face, and a desperate hopefulness in my heart. 236. Please tied the air jacket well and fastened the motorcycle safety helmet before drifting, and don't loosen or unship them in the way. 237. The atomic cloud was still drifting across the skies of the planet. 238. I seem to be hearing its sounds of dancing, seeing its movingly eyes while snowflakes were lightly drifting in the air. 239. It indicates that, the computing result with decaying model is same as that of present schuler formula, and its mean error is smaller than that of drifting model in most normal conditions. 240. His hair was drifting about his shoulders like dirty snow.