快好知 kuaihz

151. The boat is drifting broadside on. 152. He is drifting through life. 153. His feeling was confused and drifting, but deep unfathomable. 154. Cold foggy fishy - smelling air came drifting in. 155. The drifting snow has blocked our door. 156. The storm caused severe drifting. 157. We will begin rubber dinghy drifting from here. 158. And let their soft drifting sorrows drop away. 159. Hence the rainforest’s high level of humidity, visible from the observation tower in diaphanous cloudlets drifting over the canopy. 160. Apart from being the best companion anyone could ever hope for, her no-nonsense proof reading stopped me drifting down many narrative cul - de sacs. 161. The American guided missile frigate, the USS Bainbridge is already at the site about 300 miles off the Somali coast where Captain Richard Phillips is being held hostage on a drifting lifeboat. 162. By comparision with manpower, material and financial resources thrown in mine transport equipment in drifting tunnel, points out the economic benefit of applying micro-belt conveyer. 163. As the emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow, her flags colour, she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before. 164. From the ballroom beneath, muffled and suffocating chords were drifting up on hot waves of air. 165. Existing algorithms can not strike a good balance between robustness to data noise and sensitivity to concept drifting. 166. Place drifting wind and, chinese bookman is not had almost do not follow meretricious drink make merry, write Shi Manai. 167. It has been shown by experimentation that a single Chinese tamarisk or rose willow on the Gobi is like a brave soldier that can block 2,500 cubic meters of drifting sand a year. 168. The ship was found after drifting on the ocean for six months. 169. Some people enjoy that kind of life, drifting from pillar to post. 170. I thought the US system is slowly drifting from a gov't regulated capitalism to wealthy elites regulated government, or a oligarchy, as they call it. 171. Mist was drifting through the pine - clad crags , it would soon be evening. 172. The Medieval Warm Period (MWP) was another warm period after postglacial epoch. The research results indicated that drifting sands were fixed in sandy land during the MWP in eastern China. 173. They lose interest and start drifting away in ones and twos. 174. There is nothing worse than trying to relax and eat a special meal only to find clouds of cigarette smoke drifting over you. 175. Appplied to process or weld large - area production, as PVC water bed, drifting raft, children swimming pool. 176. It is a woman's voice, but it sounds as though it comes drifting toward us across some vast and unbridgeable distance. 177. The jade lotus has yet sat by grant ugg boots in front of drifting the Ping, the path reserves the left arm of peeping out ego ugg boots too peeps out and lilac cloud-built and green cactus. 177. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 178. Taking a working way of scanning line after line and the words drifting from down to top as an example, provided the flow chart and assemble language source program, made the detailed note as well. 179. The bitter fleabane in the wind is a typical drifting plant. 180. At last she saw a big river, and the man who had tried to keep her from being carried off was drifting down it—such are the topsy-turvydoms of faery glamour—in a cockleshell.