快好知 kuaihz

241. The conditions of geology and geography are complex, snowslide and drifting snow occur frequently, so this place becomes one of the most serious snow disaster area in Xinjiang. 242. This is a powerful spinning rod designed for drifting bait or bait imitators as well as casting spoons and spinners in rivers for Chinook salmon. 243. For the hints of unknown perfumes are drifting mockingly across your face, disclosing something of the secret gardens and delights. 244. Its unstable knowledge being drifting away or even getting lost implies a legitimate basis and the discourse right for seeking its point of return again. 245. A migrant worker was drifting town from town, in search of work. 246. The following day, STO gapped down and spent the next five weeks drifting lower. 247. Then population drifting, change of Land - relationship and tenancy forms are following. 248. Burgess can display old photographs of the desert that show in a relatively short time -- over a few decades -- patches of Saguaro drifting over the Tucson basin. 249. The hibernatorial ambitions of Soapy were not of the highest. In them were no considerations of Mediterranean cruises, of soporific Southern skies or drifting in the Vesuvian Bay. 250. A long guitar solo came drifting over from the tape player at the next table. 251. Sometimes it might be frightening, like when the big snake thing attacked and started petrifying all the muggles, or if there were dementors drifting round while you were sleeping. 252. Limited information is a always better than aimless drifting or operating completely in the dark. 253. Figures of the same order of magnitude were obtained for yellowfin , with proportions respectively reaching 49% caught on drifting FADs and 7% from free schools.