快好知 kuaihz

1. Manchester United took a real pounding. 2. For eons,the pounding waves ate away at the shoreline. 3. There was a pounding in his head. 4. I hear someone is pounding at the door. 5. We were awoken by a pounding at the door. 6. Her heart was pounding in her chest. 7. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest . 8. My head is pounding. 9. The speaker gesticulated by raising his arms, pounding the desk, and stamping his foot. 10. My heart was pounding the whole time. It was the most erotic moment of my life. Up until then, at least. 11. The team took a pounding . 12. I'm sweating, my heart is pounding. I can't breathe. 13. She ran, her heart pounding in her chest . 14. The boat took a pounding in the gale. 15. Somebody began pounding on the front door. 16. The ship had taken a pounding on the rocks. 17. He began pounding the keyboard of his computer. 18. I could hear him pounding up the stairs. 19. The horses came pounding along the track. 20. Who is pounding the piano? 21. Her heart was pounding with excitement. 22. Rock music was pounding out from the jukebox. 23. The pounding of the machines deafened them. 24. Who is that pounding the piano? 25. Robin's heart was pounding with excitement. 26. The blood was pounding in his ears. 27. Someone was pounding at the door. 28. The movie took quite a pounding from the critics. 29. The waves were pounding on the shore. 30. He awoke with a pounding heart, sweating with fear.