快好知 kuaihz

151. And I bought the pill box I had wanted in the first place, heading home with my heart still pounding. 152. The din set up by dry corn leaves nearly paralyzed her with fear and she could hear the pounding of her heart. 153. These are the pounding, clapping and slapping. Give yourself a massage either standing up or sitting down on a towel. 154. They start rocking the cars stopped at the intersection, jumping on fenders and pounding on hoods. 155. Throughout the hotel, doors slammed, and feet could be heard pounding the length of corridors. 156. Water may break up rocks, too, simply by pounding against them, as waves do. 157. So Ellie darted back to her room, and shut herself in, her heart pounding. 158. Is a little sleeplessness and fist pounding so very out of the way? 159. They had their heads down and were pounding across the ground with one aim in mind. 160. But the yacht would be a pounding hell if caught out in a rough sea. 161. The smell was bad enough to turn the strongest stomach, and his heart was pounding away like a road drill. 162. Thorfinn spurred, and the wedge of men behind him and behind Cormac and behind Ferteth broke into a pounding run. 163. Then they set off at a run, Jim and Louise leading the way, Jube pounding along behind them. 164. I lay like a fool, my heart pounding into the floor. 165. But in order to do that you have to take a pounding. 166. Jessica felt her heart pounding but forced herself to remain calm. 167. To keep the sound of pounding rice with a pestle to a minimum, Grandmother put a quilt under the mortar. 168. I awoke to rain and sleet pounding on the roof, and to the sound of rushing wind. 169. She sagged against him, her legs quivering, the blood pounding in her ears, and grabbed his shoulders for support. 170. Basrah also - as in the 1980s - received a severe pounding. 171. He is on the porch already, pounding on the door. 172. The force of the water coming over the day and pounding through the debris is what creates the rapid. 173. He had heard the pounding, too, and thought a storm shutter had torn loose. 174. The electoral framework makes the operation particularly cynical: a pounding of people who in no way deserved it. 175. He was back to pounding nails again, back to square one for the eighth or tenth time. 176. But all was shipshape, and I slept all the sounder despite the pounding. 177. The unexpected shrill blast of sound had sent a jolt of adrenaline through me and my heart was pounding. 178. Four minutes later, he pulled up outside his house, jumped out and ran in, his heart pounding. 179. Top scientists around the country are pounding away at different parts of the puzzle. 180. The lifeguard boat offered to tow his board out through the pounding break.