快好知 kuaihz

61. Her head was swimming and her heart was pounding. 62. Pounding is done with a large wooden spoon. 63. From above he heard the pounding of planks. 64. Her heart was pounding, and she felt sick. 65. Shiona stopped breathing, her heart pounding inside her. 66. I could hear my blood pounding. 67. Someone was pounding on the door. 68. I rise and move quietly away. Heart pounding. 69. Our football team took a real pounding. 70. I discovered now how my heart was pounding. 71. A cultural gaffe would invite a pounding. 72. Lungs pounding out torrents of frozen breath, we speed down narrow forest corridors, then burst into dazzling clearings. 73. It is here that the road pulls you back to the pounding sea and a shoreline littered with huge driftwood logs. 74. The Clintons have taken a terrible pounding for their ethics, their business deals, their often-unfortunate choice of allies. 75. But he did not turn, he did not even falter, because his head was up and his feet were pounding. 76. She had woken then, jerking bolt upright, her heart pounding against her ribs. 77. The keyboarder5 particularly hate him, pounding out anger with every stroke. 78. They used a power strategy of persistence, pounding away until they won on every point. 79. The pounding rain continues for about four hours, then subsides to a patter. 80. She shifted restlessly beneath him, her heart pounding out of control as she registered the powerful interplay of muscle and sinew. 81. When he awoke again, it was with a pounding headache. 82. The first was a thump thump thump, reminiscent of the women pounding millet back in Mbarara. 83. Before this defeat, their lowest point was a 25-10 pounding from San Diego on Oct. 5. 84. Bobby groaned, pounding angrily at his own flesh as though he might subdue it with his fist. 85. Here we were subjected to a process of pounding and separating, carding and spinning. 86. As the pounding got louder and louder, suddenly Christine snapped. 87. Caroline, heart still pounding with anger and confusion, did the same. 88. Frankie hesitated, his heart pounding against his ribs and his mouth suddenly dry. 89. We finally rescued our wounded, and, with the artillery still pounding, we called in for an air strike. 90. He looked back and listened to the pounding on the door, until the lock-up was out of sight.