快好知 kuaihz

91. As I flung myself at it, pounding footsteps were behind me. 92. The hammering and pounding made a terrific noise, as if the old men were tuning dementedly a giant xylophone. 93. Her heart was pounding as if it intended to escape from her chest. 94. By August of 1824 the stamps were pounding away and 50 tons of concentrate were ready for market. 95. Two of the men were in shirts, sweating, pounding out beer after beer. 96. She poured the wine then backed away, her head bowed, her throat suddenly dry, her heart pounding. 97. Perhaps he was still sitting in his cellar pounding away. 98. She wrenched off her coat while Tod trudged on up, and she came pounding after him. 99. He wanted to pretend cool detachment, but his heart was pounding. 100. So kicking the cat, biting a towel or pounding a pillow aren't really much use, except for letting off steam. 101. Heart pounding, Isabel waited until his mouth had almost reached its goal, then jerked her head to the side. 102. I jumped, a small, involuntary hop in place, my heart pounding. 103. The whole place reverberated with noise, feet pounding up and down stairs, children yelling, women shouting, doors banging. 104. When she stayed put, the men began pounding their fists on the tables as well. 105. A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain. 106. And my pounding heart served to give me a feeling of impending doom. 107. In the long silence that stretched between them she could almost hear her heart pounding like a sledge-hammer in her chest. 108. He ran like a man who had answered any last questions about how much pounding he can handle. 109. Then, with her heart still pounding madly, she looked back over her shoulder. 110. To make butter easier to work with when fresh from the fridge, Noury suggests pounding it with a rolling pin. 111. She could feel her pulse pounding in her ankles, wrists, and throat. 112. The boarding happened so quickly that I was in a state of shock, my breath short, my heart pounding. 113. Cardiff residents have complained that the nearby bluffs are too fragile to withstand the pounding of more trains running close by. 114. It is the method I have used every time I have heard the shrieks and pounding feet indicating discovery. 115. He was pounding away, and. 1 was wondering if he would ever finish. 116. He might have been pounding on the door of a tomb. 117. She spotted his car and raced down the steps in her knee-high suede boots; his heart was pounding. 118. A sweeping attack peaked when Greenwood played a one-two with Healey before pounding in for his hat-trick. 119. The older kids get, the more your home takes a pounding. 120. Good old Simon, pounding away and probably thinking about his golf handicap to keep himself going.