快好知 kuaihz

211. The paper discusses the ABC method pounding at the traditional cost accounting and the borrowing value in our current cost management. 212. —and, with his heart pounding, lowered the box into the terrarium and opened the lid. 213. The prospects are that he will give opponents a thorough pounding. 214. It not only has produced a great and profound impact on various countries and international economic relations among them, but also has been pounding at the old international economic order. 215. When the metal was thin and malleable, Kartar grabbed a smaller hammer and deftly teased out the shape of the long-handled spoon, pounding its surface to a lustrous, dimpled finish. 216. Inside the car, Wu Sun - fu's heart was pounding violently. 217. The blade may cut fast initially but overall life is short because the diamonds are too friable or the blade has been subjected to excessive pounding. 218. Are there physical reactions as a pounding heart or sweaty palms? 219. He has tried pathos and he has tried pounding his lectern. 220. The ringing of her neighbor knocker set her heart pounding. 221. Israeli airstrikes continued in Gaza today, pounding 40 Hamas targets before dawn, including smuggling tunnels and rocket launching sites. 222. Along with Chinas accession to WTO and the further openness of market, the foreign medium groups are quickening them steps to enter, which bring pounding and challenge to Chinese medium business. 223. These cave artisans had stones for pounding and grinding colorful dirt enriched with a kind of iron oxide to a powder, known as ocher. 224. He seemed in a frenzy and was pounding the door. 225. Underground pounding and crusting , which in turn leads to liquid breaking through to the surface of the. 226. Sebulba's Podracer was an imposing giant, an orange-hued bully of a craft whose pounding, thundering engine roar seemed powerful enough to knock down opponents. 227. Determining the critical gap length between adjacent spans to avoid pounding has great significance to pounding risk prediction and designing methods to prevent pounding. 228. Valve Breakage. Any condition that causes the valve to overheat or to be subjected to heavy pounding (as from excessive tappet clearance or from detonation ) may cause valves to Break. 229. It also reduces impact, meaning no jarring or pounding on joints and bones. 230. Ganga Bai started pounding slowly on my legs with her fists. 231. Cycling, water running, cross country skiing and using an elliptical trainer burn decent amounts of calories without the pounding of running. 232. The young general Bonaparte's pounding of the Paris mob to pieces in 1795 called in playful approval by our respectable classes "the whiff of grapeshot ".