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61. Other strata of the peasantry besides the tenant were also affected. 62. And Darcy flow production equation with gas-bearing volume may reflect the characteristics of methane migration in coal measure strata more really. 63. The Permo Carboniferous is the main coal bearing strata in Henan Province. 64. Field surveys and seismic exploration show that the lowest regional angular unconformity older than the Carboniferous developed between the Cretaceous and the pre-Cretaceous strata. 65. According to i ts origin, sapphire sand strata are divided into sand wash stratum, pluvial stratum and relict drifted sand stratum, while sapphire concentrated well in drifted sand stratum. 66. So that all four strata of the Pentateuch are present. 67. By use of stochastic simulation theory, sampling methods of the spatial location and micromechanical parameters of core-shaped and core-unshaped concretion in the mass covering strata are deduced. 68. Because some strata carbonaceous shale, the result of geophysical work was infected. 69. Mostly applying the STRATA velocity inversion section predicts the distributed field of reefs depth. 70. Its working texts are the applying research of run-through DTH under complex strata condition and research the drilling technology and drilling implements from several aspects as follows. 71. The basic shortcomings of traditional education don't lie on the lack of communicational strata and its aftermath, educational one sidedness, but on its obligatory structure. 72. The research results indicate that the top inclined fault and the loose rock strata and the unreasonable construction project are the main causes to induce these defects. 73. The Characteristics of Carboniferous strata and milleral resources in Guangxi were briefly in troducted. 74. Erosion of gently dipping strata commonly results in the formation of asymmetrical ridges known as cuestas. 75. The metallocene is summarized as strata, lithology, structure, and especially brittle - ductile shear zone. 76. The faults within the strike-slip thrust belts occur as structure in sectional view, thus direct correlation of strata between the hanging wall and footwall is impossible. 77. A lot of radiolarian cherty is found in the T3-J1 strata in Eastern Heilongjiang Province during recent geological survey, although previous exploration was not targeted at these strata for oi. 78. Many studies indicate that the lifting and erosion of strata has a positive relationship with the underpressure in the strata. 79. The climatical wedges are V-shape sedimentary bodies formed by climatical cause,[www.] which are remained in strata. 80. He tried to guess how the strata behaved at the time the contortions formed. 81. According to the distribution of velocity field, it is inferred that the gas hydrate is mainly distributed in the overlying sedimentary strata near BSR in the study area. 82. Volcanic rock from two eruptive sources, Taoyuan - Hongxing and southern Dapingfang weaves and superimposes reciprocally in strata. 83. This paper has discussed geochemical characteristics of different genetic types of ferruginous strata on the basis of achievements made in regional geochemical rock survey. 84. By and large economists at that time agreed in the statement that the improvement of the material well-being of all strata of the population depends on the accumulation of capital. 85. Conformity is a surface that separates younger strata from older rocks. 86. The paper discusses the strata significance of the Cretaceous Ostracoda fossil distribution and the relationship between the flourish and decline of Ostracoda with Magnetostratigraphy. 87. Classificatory research method with different social strata as the object is effective in the research on popular culture. 88. Host rocks are stable and lithology is similar which is typical marine strata deposit. 89. Taking the abstraction of geological strata as a starting point, early models had, describes Kim, "a layered or stratified stone ground plane that stepped down with the sloe of the canal." 90. Evaporite formation altogether with its underlying molasse formation forms a complete metallogenic system for strata - bound deposits.