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211. The overburden strata movement is a complicated time and space process. 212. In the Palaeogene, the strata, sedimentary and structural evolution in North Shandong can be comparable with those in Southwest Shandong. 213. Combining mining geologic condition with production practice, create physical model, predict hodograph , and compute strata velocity distribution. 214. Structural characteristics of inversion structure, fold association style, thrust fault zone upright strata developed belt shown in great profiles were also discussed. 215. It is an important basis for reconstructing the strata denudation thickness in basin quantitative study. 216. The method of evaluating gas resources of coal measure strata introduced here ca... 217. In this paper, the straticulate dolostone and spatulate dolostone in Lower Ordovician strata of Well Tazhong 1 were studied using petrologic and geochemical methods. 218. Then Adopt injection reinforce strata, reinforced timbering , stiffen resist support for resist let conjoint compound support, roger good effect. 219. Eodiagenesis is characterized by the assemblage of carbonate - analcime - anhydrite, while authigenic kaolinite is found in some strata. 220. The Cambrian and Ordovician are important exploration target strata in Leshan - Longnvsi paleo - uplift area. 221. Datong kaolin resource depot in C-P period coal series strata which is chief coal gripping gangue and beds roof and floor kaolin. 222. The high resolution gravity and magnetic survey is one of the effective means in early stage exploration to look for coal series strata under nappe. 223. There used to be igneous intrusions into coal measures and overlying strata in the Hanxing coalfield. 224. These superminiature textures and fossils are of great importance to discovering further the mystery of rocks and strata, prospecting petroleum and other minerals, and discussing the l... 225. Maoxing block saliferous strata are mainly in 4 th Member, Funing Formation , Eocene Series. 226. In the past 50 years, Systemic Functional Linguistics developed the hierarchies of two strata: realization and instantiation. 227. Gradational strata or a true unconformity exist between the two sequences. 228. It is a problem that cuts across all strata of society.Sentence dictionary 229. Every truth has geological strata, and you cannot have an orthodoxy without a heresy. 230. The seismic reflection signatures of gas hydrate-bearing strata are defined and the lithologic parameter closely related with gas hydrate, i. e. acoustic velocity, is identified. 231. Areas of a building, land or amenities within a strata title property that are shared by all owners, e. g. a driveway. 232. With the further exploration and development in Daqing, coal measure strata and coal formed oil are found in Songliao Basin, Hailaer Basin, Jixi Basin and Tangyuan Rift. 233. The above-mentioned two processes interact and interweave with each other. This is exactly a logic relationship between the two strata in the development of Chinese film in the 20th century. 234. Based on the features of geomorphology and strata in the crossing area, the Nubia sandstone is selected to be the surrounding rock. 235. Based on the study and testing analysis on the texture characteristics of rock mass, the genesis of a kind of cone rock—root textite—developed in the coal bearing strata is discussed. 236. The physical mechanics property of the slurry of coal dust is tested, and the actual volume of it in the separated strata space is calculated in condition that it has been compressed. 237. The coal classification distribution of coal bearing strata in the Up Permian Series of Guizhou has an X type feature in plan. 238. Coal formation strata is one of the basic geological condition for occurrence and form of Mingshui spring group. 239. The porosity and permeability of coal-bearing strata have important influence to the exhaust and mining of coal bed gas , but the production of coal bed gas is precondition of its richen. 240. A weathering - denuding surface separates the lacustrine strata and layer of the loess in the Tuoketuo mesa.