快好知 kuaihz

151. The Cambrian - Ordovician strata in Luxi Block are very continuous and well exposed. 152. But to layered strata, the seismic wave path is complicated when reservoir changes, and it is difficult to directly define vertical time difference by pre stack far offset seismic data. 153. Resistivity of logging while drilling reflects strata information by using recording amplitude ratio and phase difference of two different receiving coil . 154. This ostracod fauna has also been reported from the Upper Cretaceous strata in Mongolia. 155. Obviously, information with its technology has already become a new variable and, in its close relation to social strata, is now rebuilding the mechanism of social stratification. 156. The calculation and analysis of jointed strata stability surface is a question worth study and discussion. 157. Thirdly, it formed fracture combination in Permian, Trias, Jurassic and Cretaceous strata effected by the compression-strike-slip structure superposed and rebuilt process. 158. Then it became a peneplain by the exposion and declination in the Jurassic, forming the widespread coal-bearing strata which can be correlated. 159. It is indicated that the deformation failure is significantly influenced by a key position of obtuse angle between roadway sections and incline directions of rock strata. 160. Riverside pumping is an efficient path for supplying water for a long time, for the natural filtration and depuration of strata can change muddy water into nicer groundwater. 161. They indicate that the early charged oils are derived from the pre-Jurassic lacustrine mudstones and the later charged oils are from the Jurassic coal-bearing strata or coals. 162. Early Paleozoic high - over mature strata are important source rock in Chinese petroliferous basins. 163. This paper analyzes the drillability, hole-making and carry of coarse grain concerning the Nubia sandstone, and concludes that it is suitable to be the crossing strata. 164. And it analysis the overlying strata forming mechanism, the develop process and the fullest development time. 165. Jurassic strata are an important bearing sequences in Qaidam basin. 166. During mining, the stress behaviors of workface are very obvious. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidestepped subsidence. 167. Fractal theory was used in this paper, and fractal feature of grain distribution of sandstone in coal-bearing strata in Permo Carboniferous System was studied. 168. The characteristic of Devonian strata and mineral resources in Guangxi are briefly introduced. 169. Compared with gymnospermae pollen, the fern spore has a more closer relationship with soluble organism in the low-rank source rocks from the coal-bearing strata. 170. Two structural strata of the marine basins are developed in Caledonian movement and Hercynian-early Indo-China movement for Chi -na's old land sedimentary and tectonic evolutions. 171. Linyi depression is a compound oil - gas congregation area which has many - oil bearing strata and complicated structure. 172. The research and exploitation of three dimension strata information system establish corresponding data-base and videotex information system for geotechnical engineering. 173. The rebels came overwhelmingly from the poorest strata of rural society. 174. Chinese Colloquial words, those newly-born words or fully-grown ones with their meanings having changed, once prevailed among spoken languages of different social strata in history. 175. Different types of meter-scale cyclic sequences in stratigraphical records are the outcomes of episodic accumulation of strata related to Milankovitch cycles. 176. The boron deposits in eastern Liaoning Province occur in the Paleoproterozoic magnesian volcanic-sedimentary strata. 177. At the latest stage, the lake basin was subjected to the uplift and erosion, which resulted in the unconformable contact with the overlying strata. 178. Finally, admitting the exemplary members of the social strata into the CPC helps to raise the CPC"s systematizer and makes it reach a new boundary and altitude." 179. Retrogradation reflection is a reflected phenomenon that reflects the thinning strata and truncated its top in toward basin center, which is different from that takes place generally in basin margin. 180. The subaerial and subaqueous volcanic rocks have significant differences in lithology, texture and structure, alteration, occurence, contact with underlying strata, pore and fissure development.