快好知 kuaihz

91. The true thickness of strata is conventionally calculated by using the scalar quantity in field survey. 92. Now we have recovered invertebrate fossils, such as bivalves, conchostracans, gastropods and ostracodes, in the dinosaurian egg-bearing strata. 93. Cluster sampling on various stages and strata method was adopted.38474 persons were interviewed. 94. A special mining subsidence case was introduced here. That is, total collapse of overlying rock for hard coal, hard roof and overlying strata in Datong Mining Area. 95. The top strata of Late Pleistocene on the northern Jiangsu plain of the Yangtze delta generally consist of dark-green or yellowish-brown hard clay. 96. The gliding tectonics is always formed in rather soft strata. 97. The study indicates that the arsenic rich rocks around the basin and coal series strata are the original arsenic sources. 98. Georges Cuvier had looked at fossils in rock strata and observed how the ones that lay deeper looked less like familiar animals. 99. The tunnel adverse geological faults include faultage, low strength, geological formation and development of loose, non-rock clay, high stress formation and water-rich strata. 100. The paper introduced the basic features of the water solubility gas and the relationship between the coal series strata and the water solubility gas. 101. The Carboniferous-Permian coal measure strata in Dongpu sag is a fair source rock unit of Wenliu gas pool due to its stable distribution and high organic content. 102. There are well source - reservoir - cap rock assemblages and suitable petroleum pool - forming conditions in Carboniferous strata. 103. The slope mudflow around the seat of Ningshaan County on a slope of Middle Devonian strata. 104. According to conodont , coral and foraminifera fossils discovered, the geological age of this sequence of sedimentary strata is Early Carboniferous. 105. Thin rock strata of roof fall by full thick, procreant cranny reach the earth's surface and have clearly sidesteppedsubsidence. 106. Since it has many advantages such as good effects, convenient and rapid construction, the STRATA stress absorption system should have priority to be used in surface coating of high-order road. 107. The Longdongwan polymetallic ore deposit geostructure is in middle the Kunlun Mountains Qinling folded region Qinling system of fold Li xian-Zashui Haixi geosyncline belt of folded strata. 108. The research can be used to interpret similar inharmonious thickness variation in isochronic strata correlation. 109. This work establishes a new constitutive relation on the azimuthally anisotropic linear viscoelastic media with an arbitrary azimuthal angle for the fractured strata. 110. Considered the characteristics of coal measure strata. The author select BQ classification as a basis for the samples of classification of surrounding rock. 111. The major factors that affect the stability of the structure are rotational angle of the voussoir beam, ratio of length and height, rock type and height of carrying rock strata. 112. Upper Jurassic red bed, covering directly on coal-measure strata of Permian and Carboniferous System in Tengxiom-Yanzhou coal bearing Basin, was regarded as a aquifuge in exploration stage. 113. Coal - bearing strata in the Wangguanzhuang exploration area belongs to Permo - Carboniferous North China type coal - bearing formation. 114. The youngest strata intruded by the Kizil Tag intrusion are the Lower Carboniferous Gandun Formation. 115. S he remote sensing explanation with the data of multi time phase and multi strata sequence is the basis work, and ground work can improve the survey accuracy. 116. Regional comprehensive evaluation should be carried out by the principle of high resolution sequence strata stratigraphical study to circle the distribution of Jurassic reservoir. 117. While this example is pretty lowbrow, psychobabble permeates all intellectual strata. 118. Dinosaurian egg is a kind of peculiar and precious fossil in the Late Cretaceous strata, which are well-developed and widely distributed in nearly 30 basins of varied sizes and shapes in Jiangxi. 119. The main work is as follows:Firstly, given the difference of temperature distribution in strata and reservoir water, heat resource method is proposed to investigate the leakage of dam. 120. Finally the existence of key layer of overlying strata is proved with practical example.