快好知 kuaihz

121. The clasts of the Jurassic strata, particularly the stromatolite-bearing, cherty limestone and purple quartzite, can be correlated with those in the footwall of the fault. 122. Scientists point out that the it is very difficult for these duck-billed dinosaur fossil bones to move to more younger strata as of the fracture formation. 123. The strata in Devonian period of Shuangwang area was divided in detail, going by new mapping theory and method of the regional geological survey. 124. The coal bearing strata in Huainan area is situated in the south-east portion of the North China platform, a synclinorium with northwest by west. 125. The metallogenic material is from strata and deep-seated magma, it has undergone many metallizing stages. 126. The main oil-bearing strata of the Taiping oil field is the lower Guantao Formation in Neocene, and its characteristic is a typical meshwork-carpet oil and gas accumulation system. 127. The endogenetic gold deposits, controlled strata and fold system sometimes have not very long gap on formation epoch, as they belong to the same geotectonic stages. 128. Miocene formations ( better: strata ) are well - exposed in this area. 129. Through shooting fast neutron and measuring spectral gamma-ray produced by neutron activation reaction, oil-bearing saturability of strata outside boring casing can be determined. 130. According to 215 papers of palaeontology and stratigraphic geology from Jiangshan, Zhejiang, the history of palaeontology and strata from Jiangshan, Zhejiang is briefly introduced. 131. We also concisely described the characteristics of the conodont fauna through the boundary strata. 132. The paper reported these fossil strata for research of quaternary system at the region. 133. Some strata caused by folds and uprush may tilt, TI media will turn to so-called tilted transversely isotropic media (TTI media), for the symmetry axis of TI media is no longer horizontal or vertical. 134. Much attention is paid to petrologic recognition marks and distribution regulation of volcanic event strata in coal bearing sequences of Taiyuan formation in the middle of North China. 135. The footwall consists of the Jurassic Bijiashan domal composite granite complex and Sinian low-grade metamorphosed strata in its exocontact zone. 136. In parallel or concordant bedding the strata overlay each other like pages of a book. 137. There are high quality coal resources in Jurassic strata of Ordos Basin. 138. This micropipette injects yellow dye that rapidly spreads through all the dendrites of a single ganglion cell, showing us the strata they reach. 139. The power of social assistance from various social strata, all walks of life. 140. The ore controlling condition is mainly composed of strata, magma, and structure. 141. The DDS technique is mainly described, and the basic principle and the composition of the signal simulator are introduced with a complex structure strata echo signal. 142. The Early - Middle Jurassic strata were probably deposited in an extensional basin above the Lapeiquan fault. 143. Since the discover of fullerene in meteorites and meteorite impact structure, the existences of fullerenes in event strata and its origins have come to the front of scientists. 144. While the karst cavernous reservoirs in Tahe are characterized by superimposition of multiple series of strata and continuous distribution in a large area. 145. Ordos Basin is a large Mesozoic basin, which has rich energy resources and keeps completely Mesozoic strata in China. Yanchang Formation is one of important oil-bearing Formation. 146. The iron bearing formations mainly occur in the Middle and, especially, Upper Devonian strata. 147. Simple disconformities between adjacent sedimentary strata ( 4 ) record time breaks in the succession. 148. We can follow the history of life through the strata. 149. Migrants, both male and female, seem to come from all socioeconomic strata. 150. The major pay bed is low permeable ultra dense sandstone. Its permeability and pore throat texture are very sensitive to the net pressure of overlying strata.