快好知 kuaihz

31. He accidentally knocked the vase off the table. 32. He accidentally knocked on . 33. She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf. 34. My arm accidentally struck against the table. 35. I accidentally knocked a glass over. 36. The damage couldn't have been caused accidentally. 37. The traffic accident was born almost accidentally. 38. He accidentally shot himself in the foot. 39. I accidentally bashed into a woman pushing a pram. 40. I accidentally knocked the vase off the table. 41. Two players accidentally smacked into each other. 42. She gave the answer away accidentally. 43. He accidentally sliced through his finger. 44. Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. 45. He accidentally drilled into a water pipe. 45.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 46. We'd just finished our meal when John realized he'd accidentally left his checkbook at home. 47. His gun went off accidentally as he was climbing over a fence. 48. The factory had accidentally released a quantity of toxic waste into the sea. 49. She accidentally dropped her ring down a drain in the road. 50. He accidentally nudged the gatepost with the front of the car. 51. Admittedly, Venice wasn't a very big place, but there was little chance of meeting her again accidentally. 52. While cleaning his shotgun he had accidentally blown his own brains out. 53. He accidentally touched a live wire attached to overhead power cables. 54. He was accidentally killed by going too close to Vesuvius. 55. The pistol discharged accidentally. 56. A policeman accidentally killed his two best friends with a single bullet. 57. I'm in a bit of a predicament because I've accidentally accepted two invitations to dinner on the same night. 58. Train doors have handles on the inside. They are stiff so that they cannot be opened accidentally. 59. I've never liked these glasses of Peter's. I might drop them one day - accidentally on purpose. 60. As I turned around, I accidentally hit him in the face.