快好知 kuaihz

211. During a capture operation, Zhang Yao, the leader of the Haidao vice squad, accidentally captured a suspected man Gao Fei, who used a fake ID. 212. Willie accidentally let off his father's shotgun and made a hole in the wall. 213. The "Outline Haulage" was accidentally proposed after its first plan defeated when Yuan Shizhen was on the way to Yangzhou in September of the 45th year of Wanli after contacts with salt merchant. 214. I accidentally ran across a book entitled'sea Gull " . 215. Sarah Shourd and the other Americans maintain they accidentally crossed into Iran while hiking in Iraqi Kurdistan. 216. It seems a farm boy accidentally overturned his wagon load of corn. The farmer who lived nearby heard the noise. 217. Moffett answers many questions about ants in his conversation with Fresh Air, including why ants attack, how they live communally and what they do when a bystander accidentally steps on their nest. 218. Riparian forest is partially drowned and downfallen and from the bird's eye view it looks like there are thousand of matches accidentally dropped by some medieval giant. 219. Colombian man accidentally shot his nephew to death while trying to cure his hiccups by pointing a revolver at him to scare him, police in the Caribbean port city of Barranquilla said. 220. Or how about a tattoo parlor?What would happen if the artist were painstakingly etching the name Vinny into the fleshy arm of a crotchety client when the resident dog accidentally bumped his arm? 221. Obviously, if any file has any identity data in it, secure it with user read-write only mode (mode 600) or user read-only mode (mode 400) to prevent you from accidentally overwriting or removing it. 222. Suddenly one day, a street shoot-off in the hands of the lens accidentally captured me, the crowd around me and become a hero of the background plate. 223. Proper care of your hunting knife will extend its life and reduce your risk of accidentally cutting yourself. A sharp blade that's securely set in the handle is the safest blade to use. 224. When Peter accidentally knocks over several jars of paint, the eggs are splashed with all the colors of the rainbow. 225. In soaps, people are always stumbling upon one another, accidentally overhearing or deliberately eavesdropping on private conversations. 226. His sister accidentally broke the teapot, she really is like a bull in a china shop. 227. I'm sorry I accidentally spilled you drink, but there's no need to fly off the handle. 228. The Foreign Secretary slipped on a banana skin when he accidentally referred to foreigners as wogs. 229. When Wanda's little brother accidentally shrinks Ms. Frizzle and the kids, they end up trapped in a bathroom with no way out! 230. Until you see the mountain of the sea, in his pocket accidentally open only dumbfounding to find happiness in me. 231. In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms. 232. Uncle Wang, who lives next door, accidentally saved a nautilus. 233. This reduces the effort to write and maintain the schema, as well as ensures that no complex type is accidentally left inextensible. 234. Fortunately, fatalities are fairly rare; the spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense, such as when someone accidentally sits on them. 235. He leaned over and reached into the glove compartment, his forearm accidentally brushing across her thigh. 236. You can even undelete partition, if it was accidentally deleted. 237. You might accidentally say something fatherly and make her come home. 238. Linked bump and reflection channels now automatically unlink whenever you make a color or texture change, to prevent accidentally contaminating your SU scene. 239. The danger of accidentally overheating the infant thus is present. 240. People can accidentally take acetaminophen if they take serval medicine several medicines that all contain it.