快好知 kuaihz

91. Astronomers had accidentally caught a comet in the act of turning into an asteroid. 92. One theory says he was accidentally poisoned by doctors who were treating a fever. 93. Whoever controlled her handkerchief controlled her, and Demetros accidentally latched on to it as he tried to grab her. 94. Beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades. 95. In the process, she accidentally pitched her friend over the cliff. 96. As well as keeping the pipes clear, the gangs are learning to avoid accidentally connecting sewers to water pipes. 97. He accidentally tipped over a candle, and the tablecloth caught fire. 98. Jamal creeps into Forrester's apartment for a dare, but accidentally leaves his notebook behind. 99. Some of these arrived accidentally, but many were released deliberately for the benefit of seafarers and settlers. 100. Saldivar claimed she fired her gun accidentally, but she was convicted of murder and is serving a life sentence. 101. The inquest jury was only able to say John Newton died accidentally by falling through a carriage door. 102. After accidentally swallowing a certain brand of flake, you find you are irresistible to females. 103. There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.Sarah Dessen 104. We heard of a case in which an unfortunate man accidentally swallowed one. 105. It never occurred to me that they might scratch me or hurt me, even accidentally, and they never did. 106. Lizards remain sacred to these tribesmen, and death is said to result from accidentally killing one. 107. He accidentally dented the garage door, trying to reverse in. 108. If you accidentally reformat characters wrongly, undo the reformatting straight away. 109. The lady who got accidentally dosed while she was making waffles. 110. When the last green bottle accidentally falls, there are no green bottles hanging on the wall. 111. One crew member accidentally jettisoned half of the plane's fuel. 112. He had obviously told the servants that he had accidentally set fire to his room by knocking over a lighted candle. 113. Eventually, Lennie's strength becomes too much for him, and he breaks a woman's neck accidentally. 114. The biggest excitement of the day was when Joe accidentally set off the fire alarm. 115. Nothing remarkable bout that, except that Orphans was nearly destroyed, when Film Four accidentally burnt most of it. 116. He said it was accidentally gassed when he left his car engine running. 117. He retained the ignition key though he accidentally left the registration document locked in the glove compartment. 118. After accidentally bringing about the death of his wife and child, he sets up his own suicide. 119. He'd done no more than accidentally bump against some sailors aimlessly wandering from the passage next to the warehouse. 120. Note over-large handle A plastic shroud protects the user from accidentally touching the hot metal nozzle.