快好知 kuaihz

241. Last month, an Indian government investigation said a co-pilot sent an Air India jet into a steep dive when he panicked after accidentally hitting the controls. 242. Lu later accidentally got the keys fly homeand soon began a bizarre " cohabitation. " 243. For Ashley, it was like this: She was sitting with a big group in the school lunchroom when she accidentally knocked her drink onto her lap. 244. She accidentally broke our coffee pot, she really is like a bull in a china shop. 245. Besides natural condition produces a little dioxin, most of dioxin is from accidentally production activity of humankind, all of them steel industry is a major release source. 246. But during a trip to Murph's recycling plant, the toy soldier she needs to get into the theater accidentally becomes a plastic pellet! 247. I suggest he buy a first-aid kit. It can be of great help to him when he gets hurt accidentally. 248. Doing this we run the risk of printing the wrong pages, accidentally forgetting the coffee filter and saying the wrong thing. 249. Panting and wild-eyed, he paused to catch his breath, then smiled and handed me the half-empty plastic bottle of water I'd accidentally left in his store (where I 'd bought nothing). 250. But he says he doesn't know where Sen. Obama stands on the issues he is raising and that his foray into antibailout rabble-rousing came about accidentally. 251. Accidentally, he broke the house by backing up his car. 252. Accidentally, I saw on TV the fowl run of chicken, various colors, red, ivory and lovely. 253. One night Bufflehead, while on duty, accidentally interrupted a hold up of a grocery store. 254. I accidentally learned to write round hand instead of ladies - hand. 255. Doc: You think your wife's a nutcase because on your honeymoon in a tropical paradise she's singing a lot wanting to have sex around the clock and accidentally she got a little too much sun? 256. Methods RHD group composed of 18 aortic valves from children suffered from RHD. Controls were 8 children who were died accidentally without cardiovascular system diseases. 257. Mother holding the baby sitting in her arms, take out refers to a butterfly or accidentally paper butterfly to baby look. 258. The owner accidentally set off the fire bell, and two fire engines arrived.